Is Child Biting Normal? How To Deal With It?


We all have seen toddlers biting. Yes, they do undergo the biting stage which is common amongst most of the toddlers. They bite their mommies, daddies and other children. But why do children bite?

How many times have we seen the tots playing in a playground and suddenly hear a noise to see one of them having their teeth embedded into other’s arms! The horrifying situation for the parent, as they rush to discipline their child and think they are turning into vampires. Yes, you are not alone. There are a lot of concerned parents out there worrying about why toddlers bite. The happy news is there is a lot that you or the caregivers can do in order to reduce their biting habit or eliminate it thoroughly.


Why is Infant Biting Normal?

It is said that every infant experiments with biting. Right from biting their teething toy to mommy’s breast, or fingers and everything they get hold of. With these experiments, the baby is not doing anything wrong, but just learning and doing what they must learn by. No wonder why preschoolers bite. They do not have the language necessary to express their feelings and so they hit, show tantrums or bite. Usually, a parent’s reaction to the baby bite is an immediate cry of surprise or flinch which gives a hint to the baby that biting hurts. For most of the kids, when they develop vocabulary, biting decreases.

Biting is a normal part of childhood development. Kids bite for many reasons. Young kids from the age 1 to 3 undergo this biting phase and grow out of it eventually. Kids also find it fun to see what reactions their biting provokes. Still, biting is something you must discourage. You definitely should know what is normal and what is not. If they are used to biting and hitting several times in a short span or duration, it is a cause for concern. Here are few ways in which you can have you tiny vampire from digging into everything that they can catch hold of.


Why Infants Bite?

This is a very valid question as to what causes the toddlers to bite? Biting is usually common in children ageing from 12 to 36 months. There are a number of reasons for the child to bite whether intentionally or unintentionally. And these are usually not meant to be malicious.

  • The kid is curious
  • The kid wants attention
  • The kid is trying to show affection
  • The kid is hungry
  • The kid could be anxious or stressed
  • The kid is scared of something
  • The kid is defecting themselves
  • The kid is bored or looking for a reaction
  • The kid is mad or happy suddenly
  • The kid is overstimulated or extremely tired
  • The kid is reacting to the change in their environment
  • The kid is teething

A fun fact in here – did you know that boys bite more than girls? This is because the males typically involve in physical aggression than as compared to female. The frustration of inability to verbally express grows in them and especially in little boys, it has to lash out.

But, how would you say to the baby not to bite? Teaching baby not to bite could be tricky when you do not know what has caused them to bite. Here is a guide to understanding how to get a toddler to stop biting.


How to get a Toddler to Stop Biting

Teaching toddler not to bite is very important.

1. Firstly be Calm and Firm:

The way you address your child makes all the difference. When they bite, address your child with an assertive “no biting!” or by saying “biting hurts!” Try to keep it simple and clear for the tot to understand that biting is wrong. Keep it short until your child is old enough to understand the explanation. Keep your calm as it helps to resolve the situation quicker.

2. Comfort the Victim:

Take a look at the victim who’s been bitten, especially if it is a child. In case of any injury, clean the wound or area with mild soap and water and seek medical attention if bleeding or deep.

3. Comfort the Baby who is Biting:

the child has many reasons we told you as to why they bite. Often, kids do not realize that biting hurts and they think it is OK to do so. Comfort your kid as they might be feeling upset about hurting someone and let them know that it should not be done. Try not to reinforce this behavior in future.


4. Distract the Little One:

If the baby is bored or needs attention, distraction plays wonders. Help them to involve in an activity like playing, dancing or coloring etc.

5. Suggest a way to Handle the Situation Better:

Understand what has triggered the child to bite. If it is an oral simulation, offer the child a safety bite or carrot sticks or a teether.

6. Create a Bite-Free Environment:

Whether you feel like your child has progressed with the no biting policy or if the work is in progress, it is important to create a culture of zero-tolerance at home or daycare.

  1. Reinforce the “no biting” rule all time where ever your baby is.
  2. Try to reward a positive action instead of rewarding a negative one with your attention. This means, if a child is behaving well, you praise them.
  3. Prepare them ahead of the situation such that they know what to expect. For example, if you are going into a more chaotic environment, you might consider preparing your child by telling them what is it going to be like.
  4. Finding alternatives to express until their language skills develop could be another great idea to help your child from biting. Use their words when they are frustrated or angry, help them to express in a better way by teaching them what to do.

7. Know when to Seek Help:

When your child does not stop their excessive biting even after the age of 3 or 4, it simply means you need additional help. If it looks like getting aggressive and other hostile behavior associated, talk to your paediatrician and find out the cause as well as the ways to deal with it.

So, now you know why do children bite and how to deal with it. If you have further ideas, questions or opinions, please share with us in the comments section below. Keep reading with us.