15 Simple Home remedies For White Patches On Baby Face

Src: healthline.com

What is white spots on baby face? Does it a matter of concern? What are the reasons for white patches on face of child? How to get rid of white patches on face of the child? All this question must up be wind up your mind, well don’t be stress out!!

White spots on baby face or anywhere in the body is too common. It can occurs at any course of time or phase of life. White spots can take different forms. The white spots on baby face could be patches of discoloration on the face or small hard bumps.

In this article you will come to know the causes behind white patches on baby face and the various way of home remedies to get rid of white patches on face of the child.

Check Out These Simple Home Remedies For White Patches On Baby Face

What Causes White Patches On Baby Face?

Src: kidsimplified.com

There are “N” number of causes for developing white patches on baby face. It is difficult to find out the exact reasons for white patches on face of child.

White spots occur due to a decline in the melanin-producing cells in the body. Melanin is a natural pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin and hair. If there is a complete loss of melanin, vitiligo (R) can result in white spots on baby face. Some of the causes of white patches on face kids are as follows-

1. Milia:

Src: firstcrycdn.com

Milia are more over look as small round, hard , white bumps on the face that are develop when the keratin which is regards as the protein found in the upper layer of skin get trapped below the skin surface.

This is may be due to triggered by an allergic reaction to the harsh products by the face cream, lotion etc. Milila occurs in case of all ages but it mostly occurs in young babies and this is also called as milk spots.

2. Pityriasis alba:

Src: keytoperfecthealth.com

Research has proven that about 5 percent (R) children develop this condition as an white patches on baby baby faces around age 3 to age 16. Pityriasis alba are more noticeable in children as there may be near about 20 patches in hands or arms etc.

It appears has an pale pink or red, scaly areas on the baby face which is clear to smooth white patches. It is very difficult to find out the real cause for pityriasis alba.

3. Vitiligo:

Src: momjunction.com

This is a form of white patches on face kids that causes due to loss of pigmentation. It cam occurs at any part of the body such as arms, hand, face, legs , feet and even genitals area too.

Vitiligo patches are small in size initially and then it gradually increase to white spot area. This form of white spots is more seen in case of darker skin as compared to others. Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder as your body attacks its melanocytes. The cells that produce melanin are called melanocytes. It is not contagious.

4. Tinea Versicolor:

Src: babycenter.com

This form of skin disorder is caused by overgrowth of yeast. Tinea versicolor (R) is also known as pityriasis versicolor. Mainly it is pink, red, or brown spots, and in some others case it develop as white spots. If there is lighter skin,then the white spots may be unnoticeable until your skin tans.

It is mostly found in adolescence and younger adults. And at about 90 percent of adults have a yeast called Malassezia living on their skin. It doesn’t cause any problem. It mostly appears in the hot and humid whether and get disappear in the cooler months.

5. Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis:

Src: clevelandclinic.org

Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis is known as white sun spots. These spots commonly occurs on thew face, arms,upper back, shins of a baby as well as a adults. This flat white spots can be 1 to 10 millimeters (R) in diameter. This white spots are not harmful or contagions.

Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis appears to occur in relation to prolonged exposure to the sun over time. It is due to long term UV exposure. This condition is more evident in the baby with fair skin.

6. Vitamin Deficiency:

Src: firstcrycdn.com

Lack of vitamin is probably one of the biggest causes behind the white patches on the baby face. A proper and healthy balance diet is very much important for a baby to maintain a healthy and growling skin of the baby.

The vitamin that is responsible for the production of melanin is vitamin B12. The lack of deficiency in this vitamin can lead to white patches on the baby checks. This can appear at any where in the body.

 Home Remedies For White Patches On Baby Face:

There are various naturally ways to get rid of white patches on the face of the child. Hang on and swipe up for details-

1. Turmeric:

Turmeric works wonderful to remove white patches on the face of the child. It is an amazing skin rejuvenating agent as it fights bacteria and fungus. It works as an anti-bacterial for quick healing of infected skin.

You will Need:

  • Turmeric
  • Mustard Oil

How To Do:

  • Mix turmeric power with few drops of mustard oil and make a paste of it.
  • Apply this paste to the affected white patches area, and
  • Allow it to dry
  • Wash it off with luke water after 15-20 mins

How Often:

  • Apply this paste once in morning and once in evening.

2. Honey:

Honey works amazing in all types of rashes and patches. This is one of the easiest way to get rid of white patches on face of the child. Honey has an potent antibacterial properties. It has all the ability to fade scars.

You Will Need:

  • Raw honey

How To Do:

  • Apply raw honey directly on the white patches
  • and let it remain for at least 20-25 minutes.
  • Then wash off with lukewarm water.


  • You can also make a face pack out of sandalwood powder, turmeric and honey and apply to the affected area.

How Often:

  • Do it trice a a day for an effective results.

3. Ginger:

Ginger is an another effective home remedies for white patches on the baby face. It improves the blood circulation and helps the body to fight the infection from within the affected areas. It flushes out all the bacteria from the infection (R) area .

You Will Need:

  • Ginger juice

How To Do:

  • Cut a thin piece of ginger and rub the juice on the white patches.


  • You can extract the ginger juice and mix it with water and lemon juice and drink the solution.

How Often:

  • Do it twice a day to get rid of those pesky spots.

4. Vitamin E Oil:

Src: drugstore.com

Vitamin E oil has incredible skin rejuvenating properties which makes it unique reasons for white patches on the face of child to run away. It is excellent for treating skin infections as it keeps the infected area hydrated, and prevents from the itching and irritation.

All You Need:

  • Vitamin E oil

How To Do:

  • Apply some pure Vitamin E oil on the white patches
  • Let it stay for 30 minutes. and
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water later.

How Often:

  • Apply it twice in a day

5. Copper:

Copper aids in the production of melanin as all we knows. Copper (R) is needed by the enzyme tyrosinase for the synthesis of melanin from tyrosine and this acts as a superb home remedies for white patches on baby face.

All You Need:

  • Water
  • Copper glass or vessel

How To Do:

  • Pour the drinking water in a copper vessel and let it sit overnight at room temperature.
  • Do not place this water in the refrigerator as it will destroy all the copper properties that the water takes on.
  • Drink the water in the morning on an empty stomach.

How Often:

  • Repeat this daily until till you see changes in the skin tone of your baby.

6. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil has an amazing benefits on all skin problems. It is best adivece for an baby skin as it has  re-pigmentation properties that may help reverse white skin spots.

As per 2015 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine reports that virgin coconut oil works as an excellent emollient and natural antibacterial agent, in addition to demonstrating anti-inflammatory activity. (R)

All You Need:

  • Virgin Coconut Oil

How To Do:

  • Massage the coconut oil on the affected areas of the baby.
  • Leave the oil on overnight.

How Often:

  • Do it every day for more effective results.

7. Basil:

Basil has so many amazing effects on to remove white patches on face of the child. It is an excellent anti fungal which kills all the fungus and bacteria in white patches on the baby face.

All You Need:

  • A few basil leaves
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

How To Do:

  • Gently crush the leaves of basil and add the lemon juice to it.
  • Apply this on the affected area of white spots.
  • Rinse it off after about 10 minutes.

How Often:

  • Do it twice a day.

8. Tree Tea Oil:

Src: target.com

The tree tea oils works great for it presence of immune-stimulating and anti-inflammatory properties (R) in it. This is an effective home remedies to et rid of white patches on the face of the child.

All You Need:

  • A few drops of tea tree oil
  • 1 tablespoon carrier oil
  • Cotton ball

How To Do:

  • Mix the tree tea oils with few drop of carrier oil and
  • Apply the mixture on the affected area using the cotton ball.
  • Keep it on for a few 1 hr.

How Often:

  • Do it twice in a day.

9. Aloe-Vera:

Aloe vera has an healing properties and nutrients that will help remove the white spots and keep your skin hydrated. This works wonder with respect to all skin infection and diseases.

You Will Need

  • An aloe leaf or
  • Aloe vera gel

How To Do:

  • Cut open the leaf and extract the gel inside it, in a bowl.
  • Apply this on the affected area and
  • leave it for a few hours.
  • Then wash it off.

How Often

  • Repeat this 2-3 times daily.

10. Papaya:

Papaya works amazing effects on skin that to on white spots. It has an natural pigment and restore the color in the hypopigmemted areas. It also helps to revive melanin.

You Will Need

  • A few papaya pieces

How To Do

  • Rub the papaya pieces directly on the white spots or mash them and apply as a layer on the affected area of white patches.
  • Leave it on for 10-12 minutes and then.
  • Rinse with cool water.

How Often;

  • Repeat this once every day.

11. Radish Seeds:

Src: shopify.com

Radish seeds are very effective in regenerating melanin in human skin due to their healing properties and it works great for babies skin as well. This remedy will even out your skin tone of the baby with respect to the white spots on the baby face.

 You Will Need

  • 50 gm radish seeds50-60 ml white vinegar

How To Do

  • Crush the radish seeds into a fine powder and mix it with the vinegar to make a smooth paste of it.
  • Apply the paste on the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 15 -20 minutes and
  • Then wash it off.

How Often:

  • Do this daily for effective results

12. Yogurt:

Yogurt improves the vitamin B12 levels in the body. This is an important elements that works amazing to remove the white patches on face of the child.

You Will Need

  • Yogurt

How To Do

  • Give a cup of yogurt in between meals or along with a meal to your baby.

How Often;

  • Give this every day for healthy skin and gut of your baby.

13. Neem:

Neem is a very good natural remedy for treating all kinds of skin problems. Neem leaves can help you regain the original color of the skin and dis appear the patches that is caused due to bacteria and fungus.

You Will Need

  • A handful of neem leaves
  • 1 teaspoon honey

How To Do

  • Blend the leaves to get a paste. Add honey to this and mix well the paste.
  • Apply on the white spots and let it dry naturally.
  • Rinse after 10-12 minutes.


  • You can also use neem oil on the white spots.
  • Add a few drops to any carrier oil and
  • massage the affected area with it for a few minutes.

How Often:

  • Repeat this once every day.

14. Cabbage:

Cabbage juice is the one-stop solution for skin ailments. Its has an healing properties that can be attributed to the amino acid methionine found in it. This properties cleared out the white patches on face of a child.

You Will Need

  • Fresh cabbage leaves

How To Do

  • Blend the cabbage leaves well to get the juice.
  • Apply this topically on the white spots .
  • Leave it on for 5-10 minutes
  • Then, wash it off.

How Often:

  • Do this every day at least twice a day

15. Psoralen:

Src: tophealthremedies.com

Psoralen herb is an effective home remedy for vitiligo. The seeds of the herb are used to treat white patches on the skin. It interrupts the pathways that cause a hindrance in the production of melanin

You Will Need

  • 25 gms tamarind
  • 2 teaspoons Psoralen seeds
  • Water

How To Do

  • Soak some tamarind and Psoralen seeds in water for four days.
  • Dry the seed mixture and grind it to a coarse paste using the same water used for soaking.
  • Apply this paste on white patches.
  • Leave it on for 20 -25 minutes and then
  • wash it off.

How Often;

  • Do it twice daily.

Baby skin is very delicate and soft. So we have to be very attentive and alert before you expose them to any cream or any other products. I hope this article has given you a good amount of information on what are probably the causes behind the white spots on the baby face and the best and simple home remedies to get rid of white patches on the face of the child.