When Is The Right Time To Give Your Kids Cell Phones?


No doubt the cell phones are a great way to keep in touch and have made it easy to have everything in hand. But, is your kid old enough to have one? So, what age should a child get a cell phone?

It is indeed a very tough call for many parents because they assume that the child having a cell phone is great security but there are also potential consequences of phones for kids. Remember the time when we were kids, we do not even know something like mobile or cell phone even existed. Technology has been moved on since then, with the ability to text, click photos not to mention Google and play games and much more. Kids also used cell phones today to study and much more to it than just using it for entertainment sake. But you also need to know what is involved in terms of both the kids using the cell phone and the well-being of your child who is using it.

There are many parents who wrestle with the issue of given cell phones to the kids. One of the most common questions that parents are is to know what the age is with is appropriate for the kids and what are the functions in the phone appropriate to them. Especially with the smartphones that we have today, you have the ability to download an application with the availability of the internet alone.

A Simple Solution For This Could Be To Answer Few Questions that Give You Clarity.


  1. How independent are your kids?
  2. Do your kids “need” to be in touch for safety reasons or socializing?
  3. How responsible is your kid?
  4. Can the limit themselves to what they need the cell phones for?
  5. Do they understand the concept of limit for a minute of calls and application downloaded?
  6. Do you trust that they must not use cell phones while in their classes, or disturb the other kids while they are into the conversation, and not misuse the photo and video functionality in a cell phone or harass/ embarrass other?
  7. Do the kids actually need a cell phone or a smartphone which they could use as a music device, a portable movie or game player with Internet facilities?
  8. Do they need something that gives the location information out to the friends or others who could be strangers?
  9. Are you ready to add an expensive data plan for the kids? Or are you ready to keep cool if they announce that they have lost the cell phone or dropped it in the toilet seat

It is indeed a tough call because it is not just about the age of the kids but more to it.

Benefits of Giving your Kids Cell Phone:


  1. You indeed cannot be the convenience. If your kid has a cell phone you can always text them and find out if they are doing ok or be informed of their plans. Especially in case of emergency, cell phones are a bliss. It makes you feel safer as a parent knowing that your child has what it takes to reach to you or vice versa. This is one of the most important reasons why parents appreciate buying phones for kids.
  2. As compared to 2004, nearly twice as many children have cell phones now. And most of the kids are about 14 until 17 years of age. It becomes lesser among the kids of 8 until 12 years of age. For your child, having a cell phone offers the same kind of security that it does for you. Most often, we prefer to give a cell phone to the teens only because they are the ones who are ready to wander the world by themselves but they are still new into that. However, the younger kids might always have some elderly person to look after them most of the times. Team nowadays also sees that having a cell phone have them to fit into their friend group and circle.

Having said all of these, let us now take a look to understand what is the potential downside of kids cell phone usage.

1. Health Consideration:

We have known that cell phones work by using radio waves. This radiation or not the similar ones that come from the X-ray machine but, do you think that the radiations from a cell phone could affect the health of your child? Especially, if the child starts using a phone at a very young age while the brain is still developing, show that effect? So what you think- should kids have phones?

There have been few International studies where they show that there is no linkage between cell phone usage and a brain tumor in teens or adolescents. However, the researchers surely point out that the people who are involved in the above study did not use their cell phones as much as it is done by everyone today. Most of the people using mobile phones today are pretty much addicted to it. Don’t you think if you offer your child a smartphone, you are indeed leaving them to be addicted to something?

The FDA’s (R) website says “The scientific evidence does not show a danger to any users of cell phones from radio frequency energy exposure, including teenagers and children.” However, it is always possible for a smartphone user to reduce and exposure to the radio frequencies required by the phone by spending lesser time on the phone or by using hands-free device or speaking on a loudspeaker mode when making calls.

2. How do cell Phones affect Sleep?

Especially in the case when your child whole to the cell phone with them at the bedtime, will they actually go to sleep or will they stay up and indulge in texting or playing games? Pediatricians have seen the evidence of increasing cases of kid’s destructed sleep pattern due to the use of the cell phone. It is especially in the case of kids who are allowed to text. There was a recent survey which speaks about 4 of the 5 teens who are phone owners are used to sleep with their phones on the bed beside the pillow. And teens who text, where more likely 42% more towards keeping that device close at night in case they get a text.

We all know how much important is the sleep for growing kids. And, obviously, this would hinder their growth at some point in time sooner or later. To control this, the best way is to have ground rules set for your child especially for the phone curfew to ensure that they have their night’s rest properly.

3. Teen Drivers and Texting:


Texting while driving is a huge risk not only to their life but also to the others driving. The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute shows that there was a study which speaks about the most distracting task which drivers do is texting or using the cell phone.

The other resources that have come to a conclusion that taking phone weather on hands-free or not, affects the ability of driving which is equally as bad as drinking alcohol and driving. 28% of all traffic accidents are majorly caused because of drivers using a phone and distracted by texting or calling someone as per the National Safety Council.

You must not assume that you again would not text or use the phone while driving. Even though they are aware that it is pretty risky, services that more than half of the teens aged between 16 and 17 years old own cell phones and have spoken on the calls while driving. And, one-third of these teams have accepted that they have texted while driving.

Kids usually think that they can multitask and this is the main reason why you must be very careful before you hand over the cell phone to your child. The MD of training in psychology, Lori Evans says, “Multitasking isn’t really multitasking. It is just shifting attention.” He further adds to it by saying “Showcase think they can text and pay attention to the road, but in reality, they cannot. That’s dangerous!”

The best way to go about is to speak to your friend about the various risks and follow up with them over time to make sure they do not indulge in any of these dangerous activities. Clearly talk to them about the pros and cons of a situation where they are driving and using their cell phone for any reason. Above all, as elder and parents, you must as well follow and set an example for your child to learn by not using your phone while you’re driving.

4. Is the cell Phone Being More than Just a Phone?


The boom in social media today puts cell phones as the worst enemy for kids. Videos, game, music, movies, TV shows are pretty much within the reach of kids. You must ask yourself if you already on your child to have such access. Even though social interactions could be positive, it could be a gateway for cyberbullying which is a case of social harassment via instant messaging, that or other social media associated.

There is not a lot of research that has been done around the emotional and mental effects of cell phones on kids. But, the earlier studies prove that frequent texting and emailing will surely disrupt the kid’s concentration. When the kids start being on call 24/7, it could become compulsive to keep up with their friends.

5. When do You Think Then the kids are Ready to Have a Cell Phone?

You must think beyond your kid’s age before taking any decisions for kid’s cell phone. You must ask the maturity and the ability of the child to be responsible for irrespective of the age of the child. When you expect your child to be independent and walking away from home for the school study and play, it becomes a great help to let them have phones. But parents must do their bit of research and talk to their children to make sure they are using their phone safely for the right things. As a child becomes more and more Independent and grows up, they are nearing to the right age to own a cellphone.

Keep a check on the developmental signs of the kids such that they do not lose their belongings easily and are trustworthy. The child must understand what a phone means and does on a broader perspective than just for entertainment or show off.

That could be a very meager difference between want and need. So, you must first look out for whether your child me the cell phone or wants it.

6. Monitor your Child’s Phone Regularly:


It is alright to keep a check on your child and see who they give a call to or what are they posting on social media. Children feel that mobile device is their personal property and do not with their parents to snoop around it. But, we believe that parents are justified in saying that the cell phones can be misused by the children and hence check is a must. If you gift your child a mobile, it is indeed your responsibility to make sure that they do not misuse it and respect it for what you handed it over for. It is a good idea to skip the GPS locator services on the phone until they understand what it means and how it could be of help.

Cell Phone Rules for your Kids:

You must have the ground rules that first for your kids before you even decide to hand over a cell phone to your child.

  • Always buy them a basic phone such that it does not consist of camera or internet access or games and texting. In this way, you can make sure that your child is not misusing the phone. Turn off all the extra features that your child does not need and in case your kid complaints about all these, remind them that a phone is a tool and not as a toy for them. It is for safety and not for social status all games should be your statement for the child.


  • You must remember to limit the cell phone usage time: Most of the cell phone companies today allow you to put a cap on the number of text or the number of messages sent and received in the phone. In case your child goes above the designated amount in the plan, have to pay the extra charges such that they understand and be responsible in the future. You could answer I’ll block the internet access and calls from the unknown numbers in the majority of the phones available in the market today.
  • Designate a time slot when the child is supposed to use their cell phone or a time when they are supposed to keep it off. This way, they have a number and the amount of usage of the phone. Especially during the family meal, or after 10 p.m. when the child is about to go to the bed. Many families do not allow the kids to keep the cell phones in the rooms while sleeping to avoid them being disturbed because of the phone ringing abruptly. Ensure that your child must not answer the call the text right away if they see it ringing. This time not to be anxious about that text messages or the calls they receive.


  • Let’s face it; if you do not expect your child to use the cell phone on the dining table, you yourself must not as well. Instead, show them what is right to be done and followed. You have to be the role model to your child, letting them run the right things from you. Each parent is busy in their lives and phone calls have become the priority which should not be the case. If you want them to learn to use their phone in limits, you must do that as well and in front of them.
  • Since we have heard a lot about the radiations from the phone that could interrupt our health, it is best to follow keep a distance from the phone instead of holding them closer to self all day. Do not let your kids sleep with the phone underneath their pillows.

  • Teach children good behavior. By this, we mean that the child must know to use that phone respectfully and not indulge in any such activity which could harm the others like spreading rumors or taking and sending pictures without people’s permission. Let them know that photos are not very safe even when the share it via the Internet. Tell them that it is only a mode of communication but with friends and not with strangers no matter how they present themselves.