When Is It Safe To Introduce Water To Babies?


When We say that our body consists of more than 70% of water and is very important for our life, drinking water for smaller babies could be harmful. So when can babies drink water?

Does your baby need anything more than your breastmilk or bottle fed formula to stay hydrated? The answer is absolutely no for now. Did you know that the baby is younger than six months should never be given water to drink? Also, you might have grown into a confident mother knows what your baby needs every single minute of the day and ignoring the baby advice from strangers or relatives.

Despite the newly found confidence, it is not very hard to follow pray for people suggesting that you are not sure about particular information. Among all the various doubt that a new mother could have, the very pertinent one is about introducing water to the baby.

What if your mother in law advises you to give the infant extra water as they get dehydrated in the hot summer sun! You might be unsure of this latest advice from the elders on giving water to your baby. Won’t you be tempted to just give it a try? Absolutely not! We will send you one you should turn away from such temptations.

We all know that water is a very important component of our body and each cell of the body depends on the water for proper functioning. A lot of parents, therefore, become hopeful that they can start feeding their little ones with drinking water habit as early as possible.

There are other lots of talks within the family about moving the baby to the solid food etc. You will be surprised to know that all of these things are mostly based loosely on the age of the child. But what difference do a few weeks make? Should babies drink water at all? Here are a few things that you really need to know about why water is not given before 6 months to the baby.

When Can Babies Drink Water


Newborn drink water is a big no-no! Your baby should not drink water until they are about 6 months old because until then, they get all the hydration that they need from the breast milk or formula milk even if it is the hot weather. This is also the time where you start introducing solid food to your baby and the baby, in turn, gets more active.

The best way to start is to offer a diluted form of fruit juices which is very healthy. The breast milk comprises 80% of water and supplies all the fluid that your baby requires. No wonder why it is said that breast milk is best for the baby.

If there is a question that arises to your head asking how about the time until the mom’s milk has started coming in. Even at this juncture when the baby is very new in the world outside, colostrum is all that the baby needs to keep themselves well hydrated especially because they are being nursed effectively.

Breastfed babies do not require additional water even when the weather is very hot outside. In case of extremely hot and dry weather, your baby still needs to feed on the breast milk to get the required hydration. There will not be an exception to this.

Formula fed babies also do not need water routinely. Some sources do suggest that offering water to a formula fed baby when it is very hot outside could be done. However, your baby must refer to get the water required for the body from the milk when that extra frequently.


When you introduced a solid diet to your baby, their appetite for milk reduces. At this juncture, you may want to consider an extra form of hydration for your baby especially when their activity levels have increased. Despite all that family members might say, the experts have already told that until the baby starts eating solid food, they get all the water required from the breast milk or formula.

The experts’ comment that supplementation in the first few days of the baby interferes with the normal frequency of the breastfeeding. When the supplement is water or glucose, the Infant is at an increased risk of bilirubin, longer Hospital stay, excess weight loss, or potential water intoxication. And supplements like Glucose water, plain water or any other fluid was must not be fed to breastfeeding newborns unless it is suggested and ordered by the physician when a medical indication exists. For the first 6 months of age, even fruit juices are not recommended.

In the first few months usually do not want to fill up your baby with water as it might decrease their appetite and leave them malnourished. Water is something that very easily overloads the body making you feel full. Giving too much water to the baby in a short duration can also call their kidneys to flash the Sodium and electrolyte that the body requires leaving them salt depleted.

There are serious conditions where it could lead to triggering seizures. However, when your baby is constipated, you might want to check with your pediatrician before giving them water or electrolyte to get them back on track. Once your child turns one, you give water to them to sip more regularly.

How Much Water Can a Baby Have?


One of the most frequent questions on how to give water to the baby can be answered by reading below.

  • From Birth to 3 Months Old Baby: As we have already mentioned newborns should not be given water at all. Infants have a very tiny belly and must not be given the bottle with water. It fills their belly with water in place of milk which is not good for them. Too much water also balance disturbs the normal electrolyte balance in the body and could affect the function of the brain and heart.


  • From 4 Months to 6 Months Old Baby: Even though some portion of water can be given to them in front of the state which is not dangerous, but it is not necessary. By this, we mean that breast milk for the baby is the best again for any tropical places where the weather conditions are hard and temperature rises above 100 degrees Fahrenheit daily. You can continue to feed the baby breast milk or formula at this age. Although it would be best to ask your pediatrician if you want to make the formula with some water. You must remember that water should never take the place of breastmilk or the formula milk should not be diluted with any additional water.
  • From 5 Months to 7 Months: The babies of this age are able to be more active by holding an object and can learn to drink by their own from bottles or smaller cups. What kind of cup or bottle is best to use for the baby? Give your baby a Sippy cup that does not have to be with the valve such that they can suck easily. A large Cup filled with water might be very heavy for the baby to hold and hence do not offer it as it could get uncomfortable for the baby to use.

How to Introduce Water to Babies?


  • Feeding baby water can be tricky only because you do not know how much they need until they clearly start speaking which is later in life. You must know the basics that an expert agrees to introduce a small amount of water to the baby who is just 6 months old or more. It is not harmful but it is not necessary either. Some parents offered the baby to drink water once they have finished eating solid food which is high in protein as an egg. There are others who also give extra water to the Infant if they undergo constipation or diarrhea. You must always consult your doctors in such health conditions for drinking water at a certain age for the baby.

What Kind of Water Should You Give to The Baby?


  • Natural Mineral Water: Even though natural mineral water is a very pure form of water, its mineral content particularly the calcium is too high for the babies.
  • Spring Water: Spring water contains a lot of sodium and Minerals in it which must be avoided for the baby.
  • Another Type of Water: This may be more suitable for the babies because they contain appropriate levels of minerals in them. You can ask your doctor about the right choice of water to gift your baby but you must remember to put them back to the bottle after opening and usage of water.
  • Store the Bottled Water Properly: You must or the bottled water in less than 10 degrees Celsius to prevent any bacterial growth. In the water is not being consumed within a day, you can boil the rest of it before giving it to the baby again.

Any other things to remember is that the bottled water must not contain fluoride. Fluoride is important for their teeth but if you’re going to continue giving the bottled water to your baby after weaning, you should talk to the doctor about the supplement if required.

What Kind Of Cup Or Bottle Is Best To Use


When do you think can you introduce a cup to the baby? Your baby usually will start learning to sip from the cup by 6 to 7 months of age. Later they manage to do this on their own as they grow older. Supporting your baby in an upright position while they sip from the cup is very important. Your baby might cough and splutter initially while they are trying to learn using the cup.

This is mainly because they learn how to suck and swallow the water for drinking. However, you will be glad to know that they will enjoy squirting water from their mouth and getting themselves but in the process. This is a very normal part of learning to drink from the cup for most of the babies.

Things You Must know About Babies Drinking Water


  • You Must Not Give Too Much Water to the Baby: Giving too much water to the baby could lead to water intoxication. This happens especially when there is an excess amount of water diluting the electrolyte in the baby’s body. Electrolytes test potassium and sodium which is very important for the normal body function, could lead to serious seizure problems on being diluted.
  • It Reduces the Supply of Breastmilk: When you start giving water to the baby early in the life, their appetite start reducing which not only in leads to the risk of losing weight and malnutrition baby but also the mother loses their ability to produce breast milk because of the demand for milk decreases. Doctors advise the parents to give their baby’s electrolyte drink such as Pedialyte when they have gastroenteritis.
  • When You Give Water to the Baby Do Not Mix Anything In It: Water is healthy for adults and children too. Post 6 months of age; help your baby to learn the habit of drinking water every day without anything added to it. Filtered water is usually safe for the baby to consume. If you are advised to boil the water before feeding the baby, you must do it for at least 3 minutes to kill the harmful bacteria without concentrating the minerals contents of the water.
  • When Can You Introduce Juices To the Baby? Alike water, juices are also a great healthy form of the liquid for the body. Similar to water, you must not offer juices to your baby before 6 months of age. Fruit juices, however, contain a lot of sugar and extra calories. It is hence healthy and essential for the baby’s diet. You must give your baby fruit juices as a treat, limiting them to 4-6 oz birthday as an intake. Diluting the juices could also be a great idea with equal the amount of water intake to reduce the sugar bathing their teeth.

Now you know when can babies drink water and what is the safe way of providing them with one. Let us know if there are further any queries that you might wish to discuss. We love to hear from you, please write to us in the comment section below.