What to Feed a Sick Toddler Who Won’t Eat


Parents often get confused and anxious regarding what to feed a sick toddler who won’t eat at all. Sickness is a normal part of a child’s growth and on an average, each toddler gets around 3-6 visits o the pediatrician in addition to their well-baby visits. So the parents are often at losing end when it comes to keeping the kid well fed during these trying times. Looking at our kid, struggling with the sickness is even more painful and aggravates our sorrow further as kids don’t eat much.

What Do You Feed Your Sick Child:

What-do-you-feed-your-sickFeeding a sick child ain’t simple, well if otherwise was!

Anyways we all have had our share of anxieties and sorrows when our little ones lose their appetite to sickness and this adds up to their tantrums and our worries. Feeding a sick child must be even more critical for parents, and there are some really good foods which will give them instant energy and also help them overcome their pains too. These tips for sick toddlers feeding include:

1. Keep the Toddler Hydrated:

All ailments make the kids dehydrated and specially when they have fever, diarrhea, cold and cough. Extra water not just eases them but also helps in recovering from illness too. The body needs water to fight infection and regulate functions too. So keep offering clear fluids and water without added sugar to keep the kids hydrated well

2. Begin with Lighter Foods:

After the child has had a sickness, getting them back to normal with their foods is a tough task. begin slow is the sole mantra thats not only easy but also healthy too. Not making the bodywork on a lot of heavy foods, soon after the ailment and also keeping it high on energy to get the kids back on routine

3. Forget the Schedule:

For kids recovering from sickness, it is important for parents to follow kids instincts more than the time table. Give them food when they are hungry and in mood, do not force heavy meals and keep them entertained all through their meals to avoid and throw ups

4. Bring on the Distractions:

We may have avoided these laptops and tablets for the meal times but during these trying times when the toddlers are sick, it is important to bring these on. As kids need to eat and without causing any fuss. These distractions are the best way to do so.

What to Feed a Sick Toddler Who Won’t Eat:

There are some suggested diets which are believed to be great for recovering from illnesses, but be sure to check with your pediatrician before offering to the kids. These foods include:

1. The BRAT Diet:

The-BRAT-dietThis BRAT diet was believed to be great during stomach bugs and recovering from it. BRAT consists of Banana Rice Apple sauce and Toast. All of these are believed to be extremely light and quick source of energy. Even for an upset stomach, these were believed just right for feeding the kids

2. The CRAM Diet:

The-CRAM-dietBRAT diet was no longer suggested but now CRAM diet is taken up as a better way to begin the feedings for kids who are sick. Cereal, Rice, Apple sauce and milk are believed to be a treatment for diarrhea and gastroenteritis. This is a more complete and fat content option than the BRAT diet. These ooze up on the proteins contents in addition to nutrients much needed by the toddler.

3. Fresh Fruits and Juices Made at Home Without Sugars:

Fresh-fruits-and-juices-madFruits are the richest and lightest of all foods which can be offered a sick toddler. They are rich in vitamins and water which help in quicker regulation of body functions. Antioxidants and Vitamins specially citrus help in fighting the infections and increasing the child’s immunity too.

4. Vegetables and Soups:

Vegetables-and-soupsvegetables are rich in fiber and minerals, and they help in bringing the body systems back to routine. A warm cup of soup can be a great relief and tastes nice too. Also, vegetables help in fighting harmful bacteria and viruses causing infections in kids.

5. CRAP Fruit Diet for Kids:

CRAP-fruit-diet-for-kidsAnother CRAP diet comprising Cherry, Raisin, Apricot, and Prunes for kids with severe constipation.

Some more foods specific to the ailments the toddlers are suffering:

  1. For a kid with cold and fever feed clear juices off sugar, ginger ale, ice pops, water
  2. For a kid having vomits feed Dry cereal, plain pancake, crackers, soups, peanut butter sandwich and some salads with lemon juice
  3. For kids with fever: fruits specially melons and berries, frozen yogurt, juices
  4. For sore throat give the kids frozen fruits, shakes, sugar free juices, creamy foods, warm tea, hot chocolate, honey, ginger drops.
  5. For kids with constipation give a lot of prunes, fruits, vegetables, and bananas

The above compilation on What to feed a sick toddler who won’t eat is to help all the parents when the child is sick. Feeding is never easy and when the kids are sick it becomes even more critical. Just keep offering the kids, and do not force them.

Check Activemomsnetwork for more details. Before attempting anything at home see your pediatrician for more details

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