What to Feed A Child With A Stomach Bug

What to feed a child with a stomach bug

Stomach bug win toddlers is a very common infection. A group of viruses upset the stomach and bring our nausea, vomits, diarrhea and more.

More common in winter months due to two viruses adenovirus and echovirus. Though it needs proper care and rest and goes off without much medication. But for anything unusual see your pediatrician immediately.

Tummy Bug Symptoms:

Symptoms of stomach bug may vary from kid to kid. And mostly they would be visible mildly at the onset of infection where you can try and reduce its impact. Some of these symptoms are:

  •  Fever which is continuous over 100.5F
  •  Frequent vomits and mostly post feedings, different and more than usual spit ups
  •  Watery diarrhea
  •  Fussy and irritable
  •  Lethargic and tired than usual
  •  Loss of appetite
  •  Tummy cramps, muscle spasms and headaches in some kids

What to Feed a Child with a Stomach Bug:

What to feed a child with a stomach bug

Feeding a child during a stomach bug is extremely critical and must be ensured proper guidance and care. Seek medical help for more details for severe infections. There are two steps for the guide to feeding children with stomach flu:

1. When the bug symptoms are mild and it is the onset of the infection:

This is the first 2-3 days post infection, and the impacts may be seen from mild to moderate or even more. The care and feedings at this stage include:

  • Keep the Kids Hydrated:

Most important worry for parents must be how to keep the kids hydrated. The vomits and diarrhea leaves the kids dehydrated. So it is important to keep offering fluids and water which are clear and sugar-free. An ounce every 15 minutes must be the target. And Ginger ale or tart lemon soda may also be given along with ice chips and water.

Pedialyte may also be given as a healthy fluid for preventing excess loss of water and salts from the body. Oral electrolyte solutions are an easiest and quickest energy booster, though the quantity must be checked with the pediatrician

  • Let the Tummy Rest:

Do not offer solids yet, as the tummy needs rest and to get rid of the infection. Solids may further stimulate vomits and diarrhea episodes so AAP recommends only water, clear fluids, ice pops, and gelatin for the first 24 hours

  • Observe:

You must carefully monitor your child’s fever and episodes of diarrhea and vomits. They must have tears, lips must not be dry and urinate at least 3-4 times a day. These signs are strict to be monitored as otherwise, it may cause severe dehydration.

  • Encourage Relaxation and Sleep:

The kids must relax indoors and stay in bed for most. They need rest and sleep to feel better. With so much vomits and diarrhea, they may feel a lack of energy to keep them home.

  • Clean the Surroundings:

    Keep disinfecting the areas where diarrhea or vomits were thrown out. You don’t want your family to be infected.

2. When the bug symptoms are towards betting back to normal:

After 3-5 days post bug symptoms now its time to bring back the child to normal. They must be smoothly transitioned from no solids to mild solids and regular diet carefully. Some of the feedings at this stage of stomach bug include:

  • Slow Transition to Normal:

BRAT diet was recommended previously by AAP, bread, rice, applesauce, and toast. But now AAP recommends that kids get back to a normal diet after the symptoms have subsided.

  • Begin with Smaller Portions:

Slowly and steadily help your child to gain her regular appetite. Do not force too much food in one meal. Give little food and check the reaction after 10 minutes and only then offer more

  • Avoid sugary and heavy foods at least 5 days post complete recovery
  • Give cereals, rice, tomatoes, apples, bread, egg, vegetables, beans and salads in addition to juicy fruits

Begin with smaller portions

Diet for Toddlers with Stomach Flu:

There is a specific diet pattern which must be followed if your toddlers is suffering from the stomach bug. Don’t give fats or heavy foods. Begin just plain water and after 12 hours post bug symptoms, give clear juices and then after 24-36 hours begin with protein rich diet and light for the belly.

Stage 1 of the Flu or Stomach Bug:

  • Water
  • ORS
  • Sports drinks
  • Sugar free and clear juices
  • Flavored gelatin
  • Broth

Stage 2 of the flu or Stomach Bug:

  • White rice
  • Toast
  • Apple
  • Bread
  • Salt crackers
  • Noodle
  • Bananas

Diet for toddlers with stomach flu

Stage 3 of the flu or Stomach Bug:

  • Baked potato
  • Lean baked meats
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Broth based soups
  • Sorbet
  • Fruits juices without sugar

Foods to Avoid when Toddlers Have Stomach Bug:

Foods to avoid when toddlers have stomach bug

  • Avoid Dairy
  • Fried and spicy foods must be stopped completely
  • Caffeine in tea and coffee must be stopped
  • High fat foods are a big no
  • No ice cream
  • No soda or candy as sugar exaggerates the infection

The stomach bug lasts from around 2 to 10 days so be careful and visit your pediatrician soon. Food poisoning and stomach bug different and must not confused. Also, Flu vaccinations don’t have any effect on stomach flu as they are viruses in the belly. And no flu vaccine can ever prevent stomach flu. A newborn vaccine rotavirus prevents stomach which needs to be taken orally 2-3 does until 6 months.

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