What do Bed Bug Bites Look Like on Skin

What do bed bug bites look like on skin

A bed bug is a small crimson colored blood sucking parasite that feeds on mammals and birds. Bed bug infestations have been increasing and specially in the developed world, there is a resurgence. These tiny insects are reddish brown, wingless, oval flat shapes and their young ones are pale in color which is very difficult to see. They strive in warmer climates and feed during the night or early morning hours. They are nocturnal and most active around 3am-7am.

Bed bugs feed every 5-7 days and can go starving for months. They penetrate directly into capillaries in our body, by piercing the skin and injecting their saliva that contains anesthetics and anti-coagulants. This is generally painless initially. Each bed bug consumes one microliter of blood per one bite and needs 5-7 bites to become an adult bed bug. They do not transmit any human disease though. Wonder what do bed bug bites look like on black skin or any difference in terms what do bed bug bites look like on white skin.

What do Bedbug Bites Look Like –  Their Symptoms:

What do bedbug bites look like; their symptoms

Some people develop itching and redness in the area of the bite. There are welts and swelling the day after being bitten, sometimes even later. In many people, there is absolutely no reaction of bed bites while in others ample redness and blisters are seen.

They are multiple small red marks on skin open areas, where many bed bugs have bitten. Mainly around neck back, hands and face. The first feeling is of burning sensation and itchiness to follow. This burning area then develops papules or wheels which are red bump kind of rashes. For more allergic skin types they may develop into blister like skin-inflammations.

It may take up to 10 days for severe allergic reactions to occur. Not everyone reacts in the same way to the bed bug bites, because of the saliva they inject in skin the first reaction in itching and irritation on the skin. Then the contacted area gets raised and bumpy which may be concentrated in one area and some others may have hives or welts all over the body. Sometimes these skin lesions are found in clusters of linear patterns and they generally go away after 1 or 2 weeks. Some people also develop severe insomnia due to repeated bed bug bites.

Symptoms of Bed Bug Bites which Need Immediate Medical Attention:

While most of the symptoms are mild but for few of the adverse cases, immediate medical aid must be sought. These symptoms include:

  1.  Chest pain
  2.  Shortness of breath
  3.  Wheezing
  4.  Difficulty in swallowing and tightness in the throat
  5.  Lip or tongue swelling
  6.  Itchy rashes all over the body which are painful too
  7.  Dizziness or fainting
  8.  Fever
  9.  redness spreading all around the site of a bed bug bite.

Details of Bed Bug Bites:

Details of bed bug bites

Bed bug mouthparts are often tubed like with two grooves one narrow for saliva injection during the bite and one wider for blood sucking. Since the saliva contains analgesics so their bite does not hurt initially.

bed bugs generally prefer to bite thin skin so women and children are the worst victims. They attack places with more delicate skin like inner arms and legs.

Bed bug larvae bite every day and needless blood than adult bed bug so does not inject saliva. This makes larvae bites more painful and irritating.

Bed bugs mostly don’t bite during the day but if they do it either is to someone bedridden of your home has too many bed bugs so immediate action is needed to control and eradicate them

Bed bugs can bite only open skin areas but they can crawl in the clothes too so no point wearing thick and uneasy clothes to bed.

Treatment for bed bug bites

Treatment for Bed Bug Bites:

  1. First wash the area with warm water and some antibacterial soap.
  2. Use diluted enzyme cleaner on hands
  3. Use bentonite clay to stop itching.
  4. Take over the counter anti-histamines for relief
  5. See a doctor immediately for any severe reaction

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs:

It’s a huge task but needs careful planning and implementation. Be sure to check for pest control treatments by licensed personnel for permanent relief for a few. Some other points to note in the preventive mechanism are:

  1.  Steam clean all infested areas thoroughly
  2.  heck for bugs if there are any other kinds as well
  3. Raise the temperature of the home to 120F or so for several hours, as bed bugs cant survive in that heat
  4.  Put all linen in a sauna for around 170F for several hours to disinfect
  5.  Use rubber gloves when doing it all for prevention

If you are serious in getting rid of bed bugs then this guide(R) will break down everything to eliminate.

The above compilation on What do bed bug bites look like on skin is to help all parents check for these symptoms on their children and find if there are any bed bug infestations at your home. The quicker you find out the better it is to eradicate them. Never use any chemical treatments by yourself, seek expert and licensed professional for the same

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