22 Ways To Stop Weight Gain After Miscarriage


Miscarriages make women bothy physically and mentally distressed. Along with the mental distress, woman with miscarriage has to face many negative health conditions. Weight gain is one among those.

Weight gain may occur due to the hormonal changes that occur during the pregnancy. Trauma which is associated with the miscarriage is the main source for weight gain. Trauma makes one to eat more thereby increasing their weight. Women also experience excessive bleeding, infection or depression after the miscarriage.

This article discusses the causes of the weight gain after miscarriage. It presents the ways to stop weight gain after miscarriage.

What Causes Weight Gain after Miscarriage:


The following are some of the reasons for the weight gain after miscarriage:

1. Hormonal Changes:

Woman’s body undergo a lot of hormonal changes that adversely affect health of the woman. The body may exhibit several unwanted signs and symptoms at times which need emergency medical condition. Mood swings and tears are very common and it takes a lot of time for the grieving mother to come back to the normal position. Woman with miscarriage requires lot of emotional care to recover from the shock.

2. Depression:

This is one of the causes of weight gain after miscarriage. The most common reason for the woman to have overweight after the miscarriage is depression. Overweight is most commonly associated with the emotional issues such as sadness, anxiety, and depression.

3. Hypothyroidism:

This is one of the most common signs of miscarriage weight gain. This condition occurs when the body fail to produce enough amounts of thyroid glands required by the body. The deficiency of this hormone disrupts the various functions of the body like heart rate, body temperature, and all the other aspects of metabolism.

Major symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, cold sensitivity, constipation, sry skin, and weight gain.

4. Ovulation after miscarriage:

Sometimes, ovulation in women can happen in women as early as two weeks after the miscarriage. This is one of the reason for the woman to gain weight.

How To Stop Weight Gain After Miscarriage ?


The following tips will help you to avoid gaining weight after miscarriage:

1) Keep Track of your calories Intake:

Counting the calories and nutrients is very important if your are trying to lose , gain, or maintain your weight. They will help you to implement specific changes in your diet. There are many websites and apps that help you to count the intake of calories and nutrients.

Here are the few apps to track your caloric intake. These apps are available on iphone and android platforms:

  • MyFitnessPal
  • Lose it!
  • FatSecret
  • Cron-O-meter
  • SparkPeople

No need to track your calories regularly. Keep an occasional check to have the view of your diet and make specific changes.

2) Exercise:

The most common question that most of the women are vexed with is how long to wait for the exercise after the miscarriage?

You can start your daily routine after the miscarriage unless you are advised by your doctor not to do it. If you are advised to start the exercise start with the low impact exercises like walking, yoga, and water aerobics.

If you had a late or full term pregnancy, your doctor may ask you to wait for a few days. Because, your body needs sometime to recover the longer pregnancy. In case if you are asked by your doctor to wait follow some breathing exercises to cope with the conditions of stress and anxiety.

3) Adopt the methods to deal with your anxiety:

Miscarriage is one of the disturbing situation in the life of woman. It is most common for the woman with the recent history of miscarriage to come across anxiety. Anxiety is one of the adverse situations that needs to be cut down at the initial situations. Here are a few tips to deal with the anxiety:

  • Be surrounded by the people that you love most
  • Plan a vacation with your family
  • Adopt healthy eating habits like eating fruits and vegetables
  • Stay hydrated by drinking 2-3 litres of water a day.
  • Do not hesitate to take the professional help if you are unable to cope up.

4) Take smaller and frequent meals:

Make the habit of eating the breakfast one after you woke up early in the morning. Do not skip the breakfast. Have moderate sized meals and snacks every three to four hours daily accounting to a total of five to six meals daily.

Keep your diet rich in carbohydrates and moderate in fat and proteins. Prefer to eat carbohydrate rich food before you exercise. Don’t eat protein rich food as they take more time to digest.

5) Avoid Processed Foods:

Processed foods include foods that have been cooked, canned, frozen, and subjected to several changes to change the nutritional composition.

Here are a few foods to avoid to lose weight after miscarriage:

  • Sugary beverages
  • Baked foods
  • French Fries
  • Crackers and chips
  • White pasta and bread

6) Eat Fiber Rich Foods:

Fiber rich foods are a great way to lose weight. Foods containing water soluble fiber foods are helpful to curb the fat. This type of fiber will help you to feel full soon.

Many types of bacteria feed the healthy gut bacteria. This bacteria avoids the risk of obesity.

Home Remedies to Prevent weight gain after Miscarriage:

Here are a few home remedies to prevent weight gain after miscarriage:

1) Lemon

LemonLemons contain high amounts of vitamin C, soluble fiber, and plant compounds that give number of benefits. Lemons help in reducing the weight and they keep you away from the heart diseases, anemia, kidney diseases, and caner.

How to Use:

Squeeze half of the lemon in a cup of warm water and drink it every day on empty stomach. You can also add teaspoon of honey or salt for taste.

2) Cinnamon:

CinnamonCinnamon is rich in antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. Cinnamon improves the body sensitivity to hormone insulin. It regulates metabolism and energy use.

How to use:

Add on tablespoon of cinnamon powder to cup of boiling water and allow the water to boil for 5-10 minutes.
Filter the boiled water to eliminate the traces of cinnamon powder.
You can add tablespoon of honey for the taste before your drink.

3) Green Tea:

Green-TeaGreen tea is loaded with the powerful antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful affects on the body. Green tea will help in improving the brain function, it lowers the risk of cancer, and offer many other impressive benefits.

How to Use:

Drink a cup of green tea early in the morning and before the bed time to prevent weight gain after miscarriage.

4) Sleep:

SleepSleep is the best medicine to overcome weight gain after miscarriage. It is most common to encounter the shades of anxiety after miscarriage. You have to change and adjust yourself with the time in order to establish the smooth and healthy life style.

Adopt the healthy sleeping habits overcoming the mood swings. Watch comedy show or listen to your favorite song before bed time.

5) Carrot Juice:

Carrot-JuiceIt is the effective home remedy for melting the fat and promoting weight loss.

How to Use:

Peel off the carrots and cut them into small pieces. Put these pieces in a blender to get the juice.
Drink this juice every morning after the breakfast for effective results.

6) Apple Cider Vinegar:


Apple cider vinegar has the ability to kill many types of harmful bacteria. It helps in lowering the levels of cholesterol and maintaining the healthy heart.

How to Use:

Take a glass of warm water and add one tablespoon of warm water to it.
Add 1 tablespoon of honey and consume it twice a day for the effective results.

7) Black Pepper:


It is rich in anti oxidants and has anti inflammatory properties. It lowers the sugar levels in the body. It has cancer fighting properties.

How to Prepare:

Add one tablespoon of black pepper to the dishes that you eat. You can also add pepper to your tea.

8) Parsley:

ParsleyParsley contain the essential oils which have antibacterial affects to fight against harmful bacteria. Parsley is the rich source of vitamin C.

How to Use:

  • Wash the parsley leaves and blend them well till you get the juice.
  • Add one tablespoon of lemon and honey to this mixture.
  • Drink this daily on empty stomach.
  • Drink this daily for 5 days and give a gap of 10 days.

9) Coconut oil:


Fatty acids present in the coconut oil make it an effective remedy for weight loss. It enhances the metabolism rate and keeps you away from the risk of heart diseases.

How to Use:

Consume one tablespoon of coconut oil 2-3 times a day
You can also add the coconut oil to the salads and dishes.

10) Garlic:

GarlicGarlic helps in boosting the energy levels and burning the calories. It makes you to feel full for longer times and helps you to control appetite.

How to Use:

Add grated garlic or garlic paste to all the dishes.
You can also chew the garlic cloves on empty stomach in the early morning.

11. Yogurt:


Yogurt improves the metabolism. It helps in promoting the weight loss by keeping you full for the long time.

How to Use:

Consume a bowl of plain yogurt twice a day for the effective results.

12. Cranberry Juice:


Cranberry juice has very low sugar levels. It is effective in treating the urinary tract infections. It improves the heart health and digestive health.

How to Use:

Drink a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice 2-3 times daily to achieve control over your weight.

13. Curry Leaves:


They are rich in Vitamin A, B, C, and B2. Curry leaves help in controlling the weight. It will also help to reduce the hair fall.

How to Use:

Wash the curry leaves and add them to a cup of water.
Boil this water on a medium flame and allow it to boil for about 10-15 minutes.
Strain the water and consume it in the morning

14. Aloe Vera Juice:


It is a famous medicinal plant that have been used for years. It is well known for treating the skin injuries. It has powerful metabolic activities and helkps in reducing the weight.

How to Use:

1. Drink a cup of unsweetened aloe vera juice 2-3 times daily.

15. Ginger:

GingerGinger helps in reducing the gas and improving the digestion levels. It is the effective home remedy to treat cough and cold. It controls your weight by making you feel full for longer time.

How to Use:

1. Add a teaspoon of grated garlic to a cup of water.
2. Boil this mixture on a medium flame for about 5-10 minutes.
3. Add honey and drink this solution when it is warm.

16. Brush your teeth after meals:


Brushing the teeth after the meal time will help to reduce the desire of hunger. If you brush your teeth or use mouthwash after eating you may be less attracted towards unnecessary snacks.

In conclusion, Give yourself a chance to heal both mentally and emotionally from the night mare of the miscarriage. Practice the natural ways and home remedies mentioned in this article to avoid the weight gain after miscarriage.