Significant Ways To Spend More Quality Time With Your Kids


Most of us are caught up in the riddle of time, having a hectic schedule and swirl of activities to do every week. Quality time with the kids is all parents crave for and agree that we have to somehow always struggle to make it happen. We have come up with some great tips to help you and ways to spend more quality time with your kids.

The biggest obstacle that parents face and everyone will agree is the lack of time. Even more, to add to it, a kid’s life is full of all the extracurricular activities and sports that it gets nearly impossible to fit in that quality family time on a busy day. When they grow up, as compared to this, their lives slow down and it becomes too late for quality family time as they start living on their own separately.

Yes, every year passes so quickly and it just seems like yesterday when this little love was born and made life beautiful. The babies grow up super fast and the new milestones are achieved even before we think and plan for it. It is indeed wonderful but is we spending quality time with family? Every day brings in new things and new challenges along with new growth, but where is the full appreciation and live-through of the childhood in here? Are we missing something – A question to ask self?


There are many types and ways of parenting but a truth that applies to all parenting philosophy is quality and meaningful time with family and parents. They have to feel and connect with the parents more to see how you live, how you behave and in turn, they also help you better to see who you are. The kid could spend most of their time playing outdoors, a friend’s place, sleeping, at camp, at school or any other activities that do not involve you but the remaining time becomes very precious. There are only Saturdays or Sundays when the child is free from school and how many of these have you used meaningfully? The older your child gets, the lesser time you get as they get busier with the weekends to spending time on activities and other things.

You must not worry about how many minutes a day you spend with your child each day, but more on the benefits of spending time with your child. Not every day with your child will be perfect but when you look back you must have a sense of satisfaction and feel successful parents. Focusing on the time you spend to make it memorable and happy is what is important. Rethink how you would like to spend your day with the kid, and give yourself everything that you need to feel successful being parents.

Ways to Spend More Quality Time with Your Kids:

1. Take Pajama Walks:

This could be the cutest time when you spend quality time taking a casual walk with your kid. This is great to calm them down and talk and have fun. Not only does that give the kids a gentle and composed time to unwind but also the special moment that you share with kids about things that are important which otherwise would have been lost to the TV. The best part about pajama walk is that the kids could be bed ready and slowly walk in the neighborhood or in a stroller or tricycle enjoying the calm and peaceful fresh air. Have their teeth brushed and face washed such that when they are back, they could jump into the bed and get busy dreaming and rejuvenating for a next fresh day. By the time you come back, they would have mellowed down and ready for bed.

2. Play with them:

The “play” could just look simple and you might think that you do it every day. However, do you think you do it the right way? Well, we will help you to know how to play with your babies. You have to get down on the floor with your tot and play bus, truck or cars, build fort and Lego robots with your little one. Plan a tea party for the kids and their friends or make a tent house for their toys and sit in with them to play.

3. Morning Routine:


The morning routines could be the most important things of the day such that they start the day the best possible way with positive energy and thoughts. Dedicate your morning time for your child to help them stretch and together start the day. You can have them to help you prepare amazing breakfast in the kitchen and while doing so, talk about the plan of your day ahead. Be vigilant of your oven such that you do not get too carried away with the talks and burn the food.

4. Take Road Trips:

Road trips are the best family time where you are not only happy and excited but also sitting so close to each other in a car and together to spend quality time. It does not always have to be a planned picnic road trip but also a simple trip to the grocery store could be a great quality time alone with your child to talk and discuss. This valuable time comes more often over the week that you must not miss. A great chance to connect with the kids and understand more about their thoughts and plans.

5. Fix things Together:


Is the bathroom pipe broken? Need to paint the wall in your backyard? Have to fix things – this is a great time to involve kids along. It is a wonderful chance to see what kids understand about the paint or the brush strokes, about the pipe and the faucet that works in fixing the pipe. Fixing things together lets you not only plan a project with the kids for their school or give umpteen ideas to them to be creative but also time for them to see and learn how to fix things alone. A great time to interact and know what they think about these tasks and how to imbibe positive thoughts about a household chore

6. Have a Taco Night:

Dinner at home with the family could be a great time to spend together. Even more than that, the theme is fun too. Tacos could be a healthy way to make your kids eat vegetables. Fill it in with boiled eggs or meat and a mix of vegetables and salad would make a brilliant choice. Kids are energized and love sharing their thoughts and news at the table. Speak to them about their future plan and look for opportunities to increase their interest in other things too. Give them the bigger role on such dinner nights like making the table or mixing the salsa or grating cheese or washing vegetables. There are many things that they could have fun doing and make them feel they are a part of the whole plan. You must make sure for them to have pleasurable time such that they look forward to it all the time.

7. Read to Kids:

Kids love when you read them stories. You can also start with chapters and read one chapter a day such that they have an interest in doing it. Include some of their favorite food and drink or cookie snacks etc. to make it even more interesting. Make their reading time special by including their favorite toys or sitting in their favorite spot at a home.

8. Do not Drive to the Nearby Places:


You do not have to drive to everyplace. For example, don’t take your child in a car to drop them at a class which is very close to your place. Rather, take them along for a walk until the place such that you get to spend some great priceless moment while on foot with your kid. Walking with your child gives a great motive for them to slow down on the pace of their lives and at the same time have a more unscripted moment with them talking. Talk about your plans for them and make them feel comfortable to share theirs. Discuss the things you see on the way.

You never know when it could just help them to come out with something new that they might have thought to discuss and would not have been comfortable or found the right time. If you are about to drop them off somewhere, take a reading book or work with you and find a quiet place to get it done until the kid is free. The second walk back home you could discuss various things they did in the class and learned. Take a break in a coffee shop and spend some quality time with your kid together.

9. Make Crafts with the Kid:

Making a craft with your child is not just to help them to do it or supervise but also try playing with the kid and also have fun doing it together. When you make an airplane with the kid, you try and fly it playing with them; this makes them feel special and gives them a feel good. Entertaining the kids while they learn is the most important aspect here as that helps them to stay motivated and happy in whatever they do.

10. Date Night:

You could hold up a very dear time for both your child and yourself by fixing date nights. An undivided attention every once in a while is a great way to go about it. The more you let them know they are important, the more they feel close and comfortable with you. Take them out to their favorite restaurant or sweets shop and spoil them for the evening. Mind your expense as well along with it.

11. Leave a Note:

Notes are the cutest things. Kids love it. A surprise note for kids makes them feel special and wanted. A quick message if you are getting late in the morning or just showing how much you miss them is great. Let them know that they are dear to you and also you made an effort to surprise them with a note or a message.

12. Inspire using the Reusable Household items:

Your child is learning and growing each day. Teach them to recycle waste at a very young age. They are better off to continue this practice later in their life having learned it already. It is your responsibility to teach kids to be taking care of our environment and mother earth. Lots of recyclables can be used for fun play or for craft items. Instead of having the empty juice boxes were thrown or the paper towels, let your kid get creative with them and playmaking some craft. There are umpteen best of waste ideas on internet today, your kid can learn from. Seek ideas for various crafts and spend time teaching the kid and letting them know how we could change and make a wonderful thing using such items. Compost is another great thing to teach kids to help nature and get some great homemade nutrition for your garden easily.

13. Plan a Monthly Excursion:

Think of the new places to visit each month. Kids love excursions and you must try doing everything to make it special. Take them to a new museum or a theme park, explore new hilly terrain or just going to a new water adventure park, everything is fun for kids. Let your kids throw ideas on what they want to do for the next excursion and have them to plan it too.

14. Share family Stories:

You might not have realized the importance of growing up with stories of your mother and father from your grandparents. But it is a great thing when you look back and you can relate to your family history. Similarly, your kid must also grow up knowing stories of the family and have a great picture collection together. This should be a regular activity to browse through the pictures and have fun discussing the great memories you shared. Back in those days, we used to have photos printed which was fun to watch, but today we have it all in computers and laptops stored. Organize a ‘flashback’ day for your family where you can simply use your backyard to hold up a projector and go through the various pictures you wanted to show to the kids. Have some popcorns ready as it is going to be a great time and you might as well lose the track of time!

15. Step into your Teen’s World:

Do you remember the time when you showed the maximum tantrums too? Yes, the teens are really passionate yet sometimes a tough time for the parents to understand their kids. You must try and relate to your kid’s life as much as possible to make them feel you understand. They must have a sense of approachability and thus be a part of their activities is important. When they go out for a basketball or go out to do some project, spend some time to understand what they are up to and what you could do to help them better. Understand what are their decisions and why they are so excited about it.

16. Pray Together:

Prayers are important to all in one or the other form. When it comes to going to God to pray, you need to have faith in them to do that. You must not force this to your child but let it come to them of their own. When they see you doing it, soon they want to be a part of it. It is a great time to connect together as a family, seeking happiness and blessed to keep the family happy. They know that the family is the only first hope for help in best and at worst. Giving them correct family motives is important too. Asking God to keep the next generation healthy and let them grow in faith and purity is an important thing to be done together.

17. Take Pictures together:

Creating a memory is one thing we all love. You must have regular pictures with your kid in order to save the best of the memories and when you have time look back in them to have fun and feel great. Take time out each day or in a regular interval to click pictures.

18. Get to know your Kid’s Friends:

The kids discover their own social world. Beyond the family, the kids love to spend time with their friends too. It is important to know who their friends are as this company is going to make a difference in your kid’s life too. Occasionally find time to socialize with the kids, welcome them home for snacks or movie nights, etc. and get to know them. This is a great way to spend quality time with your child too as they are their best when with their friends. This definitely will mean a lot to them too.

Many of us have not realized that time is the best gift to give to kids. Spending more quality time with your children is a must. Let us know your ideas and thoughts about this too. Write to us via the comments sections below. We love to hear from you. Keep reading with us and please share ahead.