13 Loving Ways To Make Your Newborn Happy


For the ‘little-life’ who was playing around in your stomach for 9 months, you accustomed your body to changes, you were preparing yourself to see him/her as an integral part of your life and in no time everything changed. Now, when the ‘apple of your eye’ has come into this world, what are your thoughts and feelings?

You must be the most happiest, probably ‘euphoria’ befits your emotion of having your newborn with you. Right? Now you have a bigger responsibility as you are that single source through whom your baby will know everything in the world and it all begins with teaching the essence of happiness to your baby.

You might be living in an assumption that he or she is too small to understand emotions. In fact, it’s here that your baby starts to sense and take the first step to understand it all.

In this article, you will get to read loving tips on how to make your newborn happy. Stay eased out if you are a parent for the first time. You will take up this role well! Trust in yourself!

Loving Ways To Make Your Newborn Happy

Loving Ways

Life won’t seem the way it used to be after your newborn comes into this world. The first basic step you should take is that of keeping your newborn happy and it is not going to be tough if you make your baby feel warm, take care of his/her health and needs.

Here are a few useful ways that you should follow to keep your newborn happy. Take a look!

No 1 – Focus On Self-Happiness


Only when you are a happy parent will you be able to spread that happy vibe to your baby.

Staying happy always can be difficult. There will be times you may have a bad day or you may not feel physically fine, in times of stress, you will have to learn to balance your emotions.

Here is what you need to do!

  • Eat healthy food so that bad health doesn’t make you unhappy
  • Keep distractions away and calm yourself down
  • Spend alone time relaxing for a while

Now you are all set to keep your baby happy!

No 2 – Be Prompt In Feeding Your Baby


Your baby is happy when his/her stomach is full. A baby’s capacity to drink milk is little. However, your baby needs to be fed often.

Take a look at useful feeding tips

  • Understand all the hunger clues your baby gives you. The clues are lip smacking, hand – in- mouth, hand sucking and rooting.
  • Make sure to feed your baby after every three hours as your baby will be engrossed in sleeping.
  • If your baby has a good appetite, there are chances that your baby might want extra nutrition and crave for more feeding.
  • Try your best to feed your baby even before he/she cries.
  • Overall you will need to feed your baby 12 times a day in the first month.
  • Don’t forget to make your baby burp once he/she is done taking the feed.
  • Ensure to eat well because you are eating for two people. Yourself and your baby. Therefore, avoid too much junk and focus on a nutritious diet.

[Read: Breastfeeding Diet Foods For New Moms]

No 3 – Check On Your Baby’s Diaper


Diaper all comes down to your baby’s hygiene. That being said, if your baby is kept clean, he/she is a happy newborn. It’s your responsibility to keep your baby dry and clean.

Things you should know

  • Your baby will have frequent bowel movements and at that time you will need to change his/her diaper. Bowel movements can trouble their skin and cause infections.
  • Your baby will pee as well, however, in that case you need not change the diaper immediately as the pee gets absorbed
  • The diaper your baby is wearing will indicate when the diaper needs to be changed. In case it is not indicated you should change it every two or three hours.
  • Ensure to use wet wipes to clean your baby’s private area every time you change his/her diapers.

While changing diapers you get time to connect well with your baby.

[Read: Things a New Born Baby Needs]

No 4 – Express Care For Your Baby

Care For Your Baby

A baby needs to care the most when he/she is terrified, hungry or sleepy. A soothing touch from the mother helps the baby feel secure and protected, which is one way of making you’re newborn happy.

You should know that newborn babies cry often and they will recognize you through your body’s fragrance and touch.

Here are tips that will help!

  • Place your baby close to your skin, when he/she is crying, gently touch his/her back
  • Look into your baby’s eyes ‘humm’ a song for the baby
  • Play music or make some noise to divert your baby’s attention
  • Go out in the open and let your baby breathe some fresh air
  • You can carry your baby in a sling and keep him/her close to you
  • Know how to calm your baby down, swaddle shush, swing and hold your baby

No 5 – Let Sleep Be A ‘Gala Time’ For Your Baby


When babies get their goodnight’s sleep they are happy and energetic. Besides, when they are newborns they need more sleep and every mother should see to it that a baby is not disturbed.

Here are a Few Productive Tips to Keep in Mind

  • From the time your baby is born until he/she is a year old you should get your baby used to sleeping in a comfortable crib. See to it that there aren’t soft toys or pillows that might suffocate your baby.
  • For your baby to stay warm and sleep comfortable it is essential that you make your baby wear easy clothes. That means, let the clothes be soft and light to carry.
  • As newborns sleep for long, your baby will need to sleep for at least 18 hours a day until he/she is 3months old.
  • When a baby sleeps well, he/she is less likely to fall sick. Thus, let your baby take rest and even you take rest with your baby.

No 6 – Be Gentle While Handling Your Baby

Handling Your Baby

As a mother, you might not have the same patience level at all times and to calm your baby down you might shake the baby.

So, you will have to make up your mind to be patient and get over the shaking habit.

Shaking your baby can damage his/her brain. Be gentle when you have to handle your baby.

That one way to take care of this is by understanding when your baby is hungry or sleepy.

No 7 – Don’t Give Absence To Your Baby

Give Absence To Your Baby

A newborn baby sees his/her mother and father when the baby is a new entrant to the world. Having said, if you leave your newborn alone for too long, your baby can get unhappy and insecure.

The mother and father should give enough attention to the baby so that his/her emotional needs are taken care of. Avoid depriving the baby of care and attention.

No 8 – Babies Are Happy Being Cuddled

Babies Are Happy

Think of this, even at this age when we like being treated well and taken care of by our loved one’s, wouldn’t a baby love the same thing?

Therefore, the best way to make your baby happy is to cuddle him/her as much as you can. This is one way of improving the bond between the mother and child. Also, a baby’s stress hormones are kept in control.

No 9 – Is Your Baby Warm Enough?

Baby Warm Enough

Just as being warm can help you sleep well. It works wonders on a baby and is the biggest reason of happiness for your baby, as sleeping warm help reduce baby’s stress levels and less stress means double happiness.

Therefore, wrap your baby in a soft cloth, in other words, swaddle your baby. Ensure not to wrap your baby too tight. Let him/her breathe a little. Here are the benefits of swaddling a baby. Take a look!

  • Improves their quality of sleep and they sleep for longer
  • A baby’s heartbeat stabilizes
  • There are lesser chances for a baby to cry

Are you ready to make your baby happy?

No 10 – Mother Must Breast-Feed The Baby

Breast-Feed The Baby

It is essential for a newborn baby to get mother’s milk in the beginning. The best nutrients are in the mother’s milk. After a while, the baby can be bottle-fed and it is better to avoid giving the baby supplements in the beginning.

A few things to know about breastfeeding. Take a look!

  • Mother should feed the baby for 6 months
  • Water and juices are not necessary for a newborn baby
  • A baby can get unhappy with supplements
  • Breast-feeding connects the mother and baby

No 11 – Soothing The Baby

Soothing The Baby

Soothing a newborn baby makes him/her feel happy and peaceful from the inside. One way of soothing a baby is by massaging him or her well. A massage is a great form of relaxation as well as a baby happily enjoys it.

Through massaging a baby feels cared for, he/she grows well and the baby gets stronger. Why not make your baby happy this way? You should do this for your newborn every day.

No 12 – Keeping Your Baby’s Environment Good


Just as first impressions last, the same applies to your baby as well. When he/she comes home the first time, it should be a happy place to be in. The first impression of your baby should be a good and peaceful home. Your baby will not understand, however, he/she can sense the vibes at home.

What is the best way to make the environment good? This will happen only when the mother and father are at peace and all the family members welcome the baby well.

Further, lesser the chaos at home, better will be the growth of a baby. Better growth implies a happier baby.

No 13 – Grooming Is Equally Essential For Babies


As a newborn, a baby requires most of the grooming as they easily tend to fall sick and need nurturing the most. It all comes down to basic grooming such as cutting nails, giving the baby a bath every day and making your little one wear clean clothes.

Grooming is not just to make your baby glow, but, it is more requisite for the baby to stay safe and healthy. Your baby’s immunity, in the beginning, is quite weak and by keeping him/her clean you are contributing to your baby’s happiness.

Final Word :

A newborn doesn’t need material things to be happy, all that a newborn needs is love and attention, a mother’s warmth, good environment, enough sleep, good feed, gentle handling, and sufficient warmth.

As parents, if the two of you can do this for your newborn baby, you will be proud parents and be a guide to all the future parents.