Ways to Help Your Child Recover from Flu

Ways to help your child recover from flu

Cold the flu are health issues which can not be cured but there is a full 7-10 day cycle which you have to bear. Flu is a viral infection and thus antibodies cannot clear it up. But there certainly are some measure which you as a mother can take to help the kids immune system fight the infection. Some of these ways to help your child recover from flu will not only provide strength to your little one but also make it easier for them too.

Causes of Flu:

Flu is caused by the influenza virus. This virus carries different strains every year. A most common cause of flu is touching or coming in contact with a person affected by flu. It is different from stomach flu.

Symptoms of flu in children:

The most prominent symptoms and signs of flu in children are fever, dry cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle ache, headache, exhaustion, chills, loss of appetite, vomits, diarrhea, dizziness, nasal congestion, sneezing, fatigue, body ache, redness of eyes.

What to do when your child gets flu:

Make sure the child is comfortable and try to keep her happy. Be with her and see a doctor when the need be. Allow her to rest as much possible. And give plenty of fluids to keep their body cold and prevent dehydration. Give pain relievers and help them to stay calm.

How to help your child recover from flu:

How to help your child recover from flu

Since flu is an infectious disease and its symptoms can be from mild to severe, proper care and help can help your child recover quickly. Flu can make the child feel miserable for over a week. There are some ways you can make it easier to bear the flu and also gain more strength to fight the infection. These include:

1. Keep offering fluids every few minutes:

Fever can cause dehydration so it is important to give them ample fluids and keep their body hydrated. Fluids also help in loosening mucus and removing it from the body. Give juices, water, ice pops and more whichever your child feels like. Don’t give too many sugary drinks.

2. Give light and immunity boosting foods:

Giving foods which are light to digest and boost the immunity of the body reduce the length and severity of the infection in a child’s body. Add more and more soups with carrots and garlic which are great in fighting infection in the body. Increase Vitamin C intake which is good for boosting immunity in the body.

3. Encourage more and more rest for your child. Be it couch, bed or in the backyard, don’t let them exert too much. Let them listen to music or watch a movie or read a book or anything which makes them lie down at a place.

4. Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen to keep the pain and fever low. Ask your pediatrician before giving for the dose and allergies if any. Flu treatment for toddlers must be given only by a pediatrician, and don’t offer any over the counter medicines without consulting.

5. Dress your kid in layers as there will be chills and warm feeling as the fever rises and falls down. This will help the kid in keeping cozy and comfortable.

6. Give lukewarm showers and at least twice a day. Don’t let the child feel cold though.

7- Give nasal spray and steam in the bathtub to keep the stuffy nose clear. Keep their head over a pillow or some place which gives the head a lift from the rest of the body. This will help in keeping obstruction while breathing away.

When to see a doctor:

When to see a doctor

There are some red flags which must be consulted with the pediatrician immediately before they cause severe repercussions. These include:

  1. Any child under 5 years of age
  2. Fever greater than 101 F for more than 2 days or 104 F and greater
  3. Under 3 months old with 100.5 For more fever
  4. Fever reducers not being able to control the fever
  5. Kid seems lethargic and disturbed; inactive and inactive for long
  6. Kid has shortness of breath and is wheezing
  7. Is not eating or drinking anything and vomits don’t stop

Toddler flu Remedies:

While Flu cannot be cured but only its impact can be reduced with medicines. It is recommended to get flu vaccinations done for kids under 6 years. Also, anyone over 6 months can be given these flu shots which are 70-80% effective in preventing Flu. There are some home remedies for toddler flu. These home remedies include:

1. Mint and ginger tea:

Mint and ginger are detoxifying and calming the body. Give the children mild tea mixed with ginger and mint extracts

2. Give them a healthy and soothing massage:

Using olive oil or mustard oil can help in relaxing and calming the baby. Give a soothing massage and this will also help them rest well

3. Warm lemon juice with honey:

Lemon is a rich antimicrobial, antioxidant and has healing properties. Honey helps in breaking the mucous and keeping the body hydrated. For toddlers elder than 1 year old give this at least 2-3 times day

4. Gargling or drinking warm salt water:

Salt water helps in breaking down the mucus and also provides relief to the kids. Continuous dry coughs can give rashes to their throat but this salt water will sooth.

5. Turmeric milk:

Turmeric is a therapeutic and medicinal herb which helps in giving strength and boosts the immunity of the body. Giving a few spoons of warm turmeric milk soothes the body and cures lethargy of the body too.

How to Prevent Flu in Toddlers:

How to prevent flu in toddlers

  1. Wash hands with soap at least 6-8 times a day
  2. Don’t share utensils with other kids
  3. Keep your face covered when sneezing or coughing
  4. Get a flu shot every season
  5. Stay away from other infected kids
  6. Avoid crowded places when seasonal flu outbreak occurs
  7. Keep physical fitness as an important part of daily routine. As exercise boosts immunity
  8. Give a balanced and healthy diet, increase Vitamin C intake to boost immunity

The above compilation on Ways to help your child recover from flu is to help you give strength and courage to your little ones. While the flu lasts 8-10 days it gets difficult to keep the children indoor and happy. So try to bring more and more sedentary activities for the recovery process.

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