Are you trying to make your lazy child active? Are you trying to teach your child the art of independence and responsibility? Then daily chores are the best choice to raise your lazy kid.
Daily chores will help children to stay active all the time. They will teach them the worth of life. Getting the kids into chores is the dream of every family. It is very difficult to get your child into daily chores. There are some simple and practical ways to get your child to involve in daily chores.
This article presents the benefits of doing daily chores for children. It discusses the ways to teach your child to do daily chores.
Benefits of Daily Chores for Children:
You can do the daily chores yourself in a short span. But, daily chores will help in enhancing the development of your child. Here are a few benefits that daily chores offer your child:
1. Daily chores help kids to build self esteem:
Getting the assigned things done and doing the things well will introduce your child to the art of accomplishment. Daily chores also offer your little kid the fragrance of self-satisfaction.
2. Daily chores will make your kid more productive:
Daily chores will help the kid to achieve the increased productivity and sense of well being. Kids who usually start their day actively will help them to carry the activeness throughout the day. Daily chores will make your kid more energized all day.
3. Life skills teach kids life skills:
Daily chores make the kids feel connected with the family members. They help the kids to achieve perspective taking, critical thinking, and adopt self directed, engaged learning.
4. Daily chores help to enhance self esteem in your child:
Daily chores plays a prominent role in enhancing the self esteem of your child. Children with higher levels of self esteem are known to cope with the frustration and delayed levels of gratifications. Daily chores show the children the ways to succeed in life. They make your kids realize that getting good grades is not the real success, the real art of success lies in helping the family, participating in sports, etc.
5. Daily chores will help them to achieve good behaviors in adulthood:
Once children get into the chores, they will carry the same attitude top adulthood. Daily chores make the child adopt and enhance discipline while growing.
6. Assigning chores will help you to ensure the things are clean and organized:
Involving your child in the daily chores along with you will help in achieving the well-organized things. Getting into daily routines will benefit your child to stay organized for the rest of life.
7. Daily chores will help kids to achieve emotional balance:
The involvement of kids in some activity will help them to achieve emotional balance. They help kids to reduce the levels of stress and anxiety and achieve peace of mind. Daily chores will make the kids implement ways to reduce imbalances in life.
8. Daily chores help kids to deal with the depression:
When the kids involve themselves in gardening, they will come to know the value of the environment and the ways to protect the environment. Working in a green environment will help kids to deal with the symptoms of depression.
7. Chores teach the kids teamwork:
Daily chores will help your kid to become a productive member of the family. Family members experience the consequences of not meeting each other’s expectations. Home chores will offer the kids a great place to learn lessons from the mistakes. This will help children to develop strong team skills at work or at home.
8. Chores will help to enhance self respect:
Chores will make the child understand the messes and fix them. Children who get into chores can not tolerate improper organization anywhere in the house. They take the initiative in achieving the proper organization.
9. Chores will help kids build work ethics:
Chores will make the kids adopt a set of rules to finish the task. Associating the chores with rewards will help your kids to achieve quality in doing their chores.
10. Chores help kids to adopt time management skills:
Chores will help older kids to plan and organize a time for doing their homework and chores. This will help them to achieve planning and time management skills.
How To Get Your Child To Do Chores?

Here are a few ways to motivate your child to do chores:
1. Limit the distractions:
If your child is not doing the chores, then limit the distractions which are preventing your kid from doing chores. For example, if your child spends most of the time in front of TV /laptops and regrets to do chores, then keep your kid away from the screens till they finish their work.
2. Motivate your child:
Inspire your kid to do house chores by implementing ways to motivate your child. Encourage your child to do chores along with you and make this activity more interesting.
3. Make the chores a part of regular family routines:
Make everyone in the home to get involved in the house chores and make it a regular routine. Some of the regular family routines include making the bed after they woke up early in the morning, gardening, washing their plates, etc. When everyone in the family involves in the chores, this makes kids get involved in the chores.
4. Reduce your expectations:
Get your children involved in the chores as per their capability and never expect the quality of work from your little child as the main theme of the daily chores is to make your little kid well disciplined.
5. Offer rewards for your child:
Associate the chores with rewards and help children to achieve their chores on time. Offer the rewards in the form allowances or in the form which they like. Allow your kid to achieve quality while doing chores. Never force or expect the quality from the chores that your child do.
6. Offer your child choices:
Allow your child to select a chore from the list of available chores. Let them use their sense of humour while picking the chores.
7. Consider child’s interest and ability while planning the chores:
The two most important factors that you should consider before involving your kid into chores are their interest and ability. If the chores are done without any interest they will yield zero results. Never try to assign the chores beyond the abilities of your child and make them feel stress.
8. Train your child:
Before assigning the chores to your child training them will help to make your kid very effective in implementing the chores. Introduce your kids the tools and machines that you use in the kitchen which are not associated with the risk. Once kids get an overview of daily chores they can choose the chores of their choice.
9. Praise their efforts ..not the results:
It is the best way to encourage your child to do chores. Praise your kid for the efforts they put to finish the chores irrespective of their results. This will help your kid feel motivated and include doing chores in their daily routines.
10. Offer your kid note of innovation rather than command:
Provide your kid the voice of innovation and never let your instructions in the form of commands. Make your child understand your instructions. Always make your instructions clear and simple, never let your kid understand your instructions as commands.
11. Don’t give your kid choice whether to do the chores or not:
If you put this question in front of your kid, you can easily expect the No from them. So never let your kid take advantage over the things. Remember that you are making the kids to do chores not to reduce the burden but to make them to experience the benefits of doing chores.
12. Set Consequences:
If your child refuses to do chores, let them get the consequences. We all know that there are always consequences for the failure of everything in life. Making your kid to know the consequences from childhood will help them to cope well with the typical consequences in adulthood.
13. Let your kid to take their own ownership:
Once your kid gets to know how to do the chores, allow your kid to take their own in charge. Never go behind them to monitor the things even if your kid is a toddler.
14. Promote your child from one task to another:
Assign your kid to do some task for the first month and make him to move onto another task for the next month. This will help your child to learn all the house chores. The method of changing the chores will help your kid to consider doing chores interesting and funny activity.
15. Avoid criticism:
Do not criticize your kid for making the things wrong. Allow them to learn lessons from the mistakes. Develop the attitude of patience and do not yell at your kid for any kind of mess during the chores.
Age Appropriate Chores for the children:
Here are the list of few age appropriate chores for the kids:
Toddlers(2-3 Years)

- To keep all their books and toys organized and neat.
- Helping a mother in the kitchen to wash the vegetable and fruits.
Preschooler (4-5 Years)

- Arranging the meals on the table.
- Help while grocery shopping and arranging the grocery items in an organized pattern
- Keep their snacks pantry clean
- Hang out the wet clothes to dry in the sun.
- Help to put the piles of clothes for each family member.
School age children (6-8 Years):

- Watering the indoor and outdoor plants
- Feed the pets like dogs, cats, and fishes in the aquarium at the right times.
- Help folding the washed clothes
- Help in the meal preparation and serving the meals under the supervision.
In conclusion, Daily chores will help your toddler to achieve fine motor skills and discipline before going to school. They equip the children with the necessary life skills that are required to achieve success in later life. Kids who are habituated to do the chores from the childhood are known to build a strong base for the quality of life.