Many parents struggle grow their kids with discipline by balancing their emotions. Crying is most common in children. But some children cry all them time over simple things. This article takes you through some helpful strategies to deal with the crying child.
Crying is the most common sign that children exhibit as a sign of discomfort. Occasional crying is fine but the frequent crying remains as the biggest concern for their parents.
This article discusses the reasons for the child to cry. It presents the ways to handle a child that cries over everything.
Why do children cry?

Crying is the major way of communication in the babies till the age of 2 years. Babies below 2 years cry frequently to express the signs of discomfort. Crying is more till the age of 1 year and gradually decreases when your baby grows and start playing with the things.
Children above the age of 2 years cry occasionally and some other children cry over everything.
Here are a few reasons for the children to cry:
1. Your child is over tired:
Overtired kids may cry and they may behave in the irrational way. Too little sleep can make your child over tired. Overtiredness makes them to enter into the state of deprivation.These children often find it difficult to control their emotions.
Following are a few symptoms that the overtired child exhibits:
- Irritable
- Clumsiness
- Clinginess
- Crying
- Often demands the attention
- Bored with toys
- Fussiness with the food
2. Your child is hungry:
Crying is the non verbal sign that your toddler and younger children use to express their feeling of hunger.
Improper eating habits may create mood imbalances in your little one. Keep a handy healthy snacks available at home to keep your little one active and healthy.
3. When your child is stressed:
Stress is one of the primary reason for the child to cry. Overscheduled child cry to express their inability to finish their task. For example, your kid may cry when he/she is given a lot of homework that they can not do.
4. When your child wants attention:
Attention from the parents is the very first demand of every child. Toddlers and younger children know that crying is the best way to grab the attention of their parents.
5. When your child wants something:
Crying is the thumb rule for many children to get what they require. Younger children do not know the difference between needs and wants so they have desire towards the things that appeal their eyes.
6. When your child is forced to do something:
When children are forced to do something that they do not like they cry to escape from the demands. These children crying as the best escaping tool.
7. When your child come across the signs of illness:
Younger children may not express all the uncomfortable conditions. They feel some of the signs as strange and burst out with the tears when they can not tolerate the signs of sickness.
How To Deal With a Child That Cries Over Everything:
Here are a few ways to get kid to stop crying over everything:
1. Do not discourage your crying child:
Do not discourage your child especially when they are broken. Help your child to realize that the reason that they are crying over is simple and can be easily resolved. Crying makes the child sometimes to get relief from the miserable situations.
2. Respect the feelings of your child:
If your child is too sensitive help them to become strong. Teach your child on how to deal with the emotions and the feelings in a appropriate manner.
3. Throw some challenges to your child:
Offer some challenging situations and ask them to resolve them. Help your child to break the challenges with the plenty of choices. Let them understand that crying can’t minimize or break the issues and only better thinking can do that.
4. Help your child to build healthy relationships:
Some children may cry when they feel that they are alone. Help your child to easily get connected to the people and make new friends. Healthy relationships often make your child safe and secure. Tell that sharing their feelings with the close friends and family members reduces the pressure on their brains.
5. Provide plenty of down time to relax:
This is one of the best ways to deal with your toddler crying over everything. Sensitive kids may get overstimulated when they are exposed to large crowds, bright lights, and chaotic environment. It is most important to reduce over scheduling of your child.
Downtime offers your child time to relax,and immense peace. Create a peaceful environment with the activities like coloring, crafts, listening music, gardening etc.
6. Praise your child’s efforts:
Praise the efforts of your child irrespective of the results. Praise your child even when they are not successful. This helps your child to boost the levels of self confidence and self esteem.
It is most important to praise your child when they are genuine. Never let your kid to manipulate the things in order to be praised by you.
7. Teach your child problem solving skills:
This is one of the best ways to help child that cries over everything. Problem solving skills are very important for the kids to avoid crying. Teach your kid to use their mind instead of emotions to solve the things. Emotions can’t do anything with the situations. They are the responses to various situations and they are not the solutions.
8. Teach your child feelings:
Feelings are more common for every human being. The task that you need to fulfill is to help your child with over feeling to deal with the situations.
Let your child understand the difference between negative and positive emotions. Make them aware of the negative emotions and equip them with the tools to suppress their negative feeling.
9. Let your kid understand the difference between needs and wants:
This misconception is one of the biggest reason for the children to cry. Children cry to get the things that they see without realizing how it is useful to them. Make your child very clear with the wants and needs. Get this achieved by using some activities and role plays at home.
10. Offer your child assurance:
Tell your child that you are with them all the time. Make sure that you should not make your child overdependent. Ask your child to try their part initially to break the issues. If they are unable to solve or overcome the issue, it is fine to seek the consultation of the adults.
11. Make your child to use logical sequences:
Teach your child the greatness of logical thinking. Logical thinking makes it easier to crack the problems. Logical sequences make your child to learn valuable lessons of the life.
12. Learn to react in a proper way:
Your reaction plays a prominent role in the behavior of your child. Yelling may make their negative attitude more worse. Learn some gentle phrases to deal with your crying child.
13. Distract your child:
Distraction works in most of the cases to stop your child crying. Some sensitive kids cry even when they are not hurt, when they fall on the ground. Distraction works better in these situations. Distract your child towards their favorite toys.
14. Avoid giving commands to calm them:
Never bribe your child in order to keep them calm. Giving rewards is the way of attention that you pay to your child. This attention may encourage your child to cry more.
15. Help your child to develop emotional balancing skills:
Achieving balance over the thoughts and emotions is the most important skills that your kids should learn. This skill helps the child to achieve dignity when they are in the social situations.
Let your kid to learn some emotional balancing techniques like yoga, meditation, exercises etc.
Here are a few strategies that you should share with your child when they feel like crying in the public spaces.
- Breathe deeply
- Count numbers
- Take a break
- Self comfort that can be attained by folding the hands
16. Teach your child some social skills:
Teach your child some social skills that help them to achieve discipline in the social environment. Teach your child some good behaviors that are required in social situations. Talk to them about the things that they should not do when they are in the social environment.
17. Model healthy emotions:
Kids learn the things from adults. Model the positive behavior in your child by behaving in a positive manner in front of your child. Offer a friendly growing environment for your child.
18. Teach your kid how to express their emotions:
Expressing emotions and feeling is very important to avoid burden. Make your kid to express their emotions like sadness, anger, and happiness. Help your child to expel the negative emotions and preserve the positive emotions that help to activate them.
In conclusion, occasional crying is fine for children but frequent crying on everything is not a good habit and impacts the growth and personal identity of your child in the long run. It is the responsibility of the parents to develop positive emotions in the child for the long term well being.