10 Best Positive & Negative Characteristics Of Gifted Children


Is your baby is a gifted one? Are your kids are quite complicated to understand? do your kids face issues like Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or a mild case of Asperger’s Syndrome? I can understand as a parent this question may be evolving around your mind!!

Gifted children are difficult to understand but you need to keep in mind that they are in a situation of war against themselves and only your love and support can make them stronger.

Well at the end of this article you will have a fair share of knowledge and information about what is a gifted children’s characteristics, so just hang on and swipe up for details.

What Is Giftedness In Children?


Children are called gifted when their ability is significantly above normal from the norm of their age. Giftedness (R) in a child may manifest in one or more domains such as intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or in a specific academic field such as language arts, mathematics or science.

Gifted children are moreover who give high evidence of performance capability in an area such as “intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership capacity, or specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop such capabilities.”

As per the US National Association for Gifted Children defines gifted individuals as “those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude or competence in one or more domains. Domains include any structured area of activity with its own symbol system and/or set of sensorimotor skills”.

Lists Of Characteristics Of Gifted Children:

Before we go ahead with the traits of a gifted child, you need to understand that there are no particular signs and characteristic of a gifted child that are universally defined. But, all of the below traits and charcterstics are observed in gifted children more than often.

1. High Level Of Intensity:


There are many evidence that gifted children have a high level of intensity. This is due to the response to life with greater emotion than the normal child do. Moreover, gifted children are very passionate about an area of interest and have the ability to sustain the level of passion for a longer period of time.

In many of the case, such behaviour seems to be obsessive compulsive behaviour in child. It is also founded that susceptible and emotional children have much better and great creative skills.

2. Enjoy Learning Ans Rapid Learner:


The gifted children are many more different from the other normal children. To describe the learning need of a gifted child the word” insatiable” words is used most often. The gifted children have a tediousness insatiable curiosity to learn things and as well as they are a rapid learner.

Normally these children ask too many questions with respect to what, why, when, how etc to their parents. Sometimes it also becomes hard for the parents to answer the question. Gifted children have a big appetite for learning.

3. Depth Of Perception:


The way of perception or looking at things is very much different for gifted children as compared to an normal child. They see the world from a different angle or way. They have an unusual perspective on life and experience.

Their approach of seeing one aspect is beyond the moment, patterns, and have the ability to abstract things in a proper and unique way. Gifted children tend to demonstrate a sense of fairness and need for justice born out of a sense of compassion for others.

4. Keen Sense Of Observation And Extraordinary Memory:


This is an extraordinary trait or charcterstics of gifted children that they pose of. They are capable of retaining a great amount of information for a longer period of time. The combination of a keen sense of observation and the extraordinary memory makes the child a gifted children.

The level of IQ is very much high in the case of gifted children. In guidelines for a gifted children’s IQ test is as follows, mildly gifted children score from 115 to 129, moderately gifted from 130 to 144, highly gifted from 145 to 159, exceptionally gifted from 160 to 179, and profoundly gifted – 180.

5. Sophisticated Language And Thought Process:


Normally the gifted children don’t speak early, but when they speak they just carry on with a high level of sophisticated language and thought process. Gifted children mostly learn to speak and read faster than normal children do at a particular age.

The picking up of language and the level of understanding of grammar is just ultimate in the case of gifted children. In most of the case the child learns things such as rhymes, letter, alphabets before he/she is exposed to schools.

6. High Achievement:


One of the gifted children characteristic is they are high achievers. But it might not be true for all. Even when they don’t achieve good grades, they tend to score high on achievement tests, most often in the 95-99 percentile range.

Gifted children simply love to learn and learn quickly and easily as compared to others. As per studies founded that” if a gifted child has lost the motivation to learn, he or she may not do well in school, although achievement test scores will usually remain high”.

7. Exceptional Talent:


In the case of gifted children, they have exceptional talent than normal children. Exceptional talent is all about the ability to perform the skill at a level which usually not reached until to a particular age or sometimes as late as adulthood.

Some of the examples are 9 years old must be playing the piano, a 4 year old child must be reading books like a fourth grade and so on. If exceptional talent is not seen in the academic sector then it will definitely reflect on some non-academic sectors such as dance, singing, etc.

8. Perfectionist:


Gifted children have the ability to perfection in a situation. If they choose one field of knowledge and they can be studied for hours and hours if they like the subject matter of that flied. When the gifted children don’t achieve that standard of perfection on a particular topic, subject or things then get frustration from it.

They do quality work and do their best to complete one sense of work. Even it is not quality work they will keep the sense of being perfect.

9. High Level Of Sensitivity:

High Level Of Sensitivity

This is one of the common characteristics in the case of gifted children. The gifted children are more emotionally sensitive as well as physical sensitive. First, they are more concern about themselves than for others.

They are very compassionate, with a moral sensitivity about them first then about others. The gifted children tend to be very empathic and a lot of that is tied up with that ability to observe and to recognize body language, tones of voice, the level of communication, etc. They can easily read people’s minds.

10. Independent and Energetic:

Independent and Energetic

These two are important characteristic of gifted children. The child shows a sense of independence at a very early stage of life as per their age. They will be doing up the stuff on their own as compared to other normal children. They mostly don’t like to take the help of others.

A gifted child is full of energy than a normal child. They might be hyperactive. It is difficult to keep them entertained for a longer period of time as they get bored easily from one particular stuff.

Having a gifted child can be a blessing sometimes, but as a parent, it just you have to give your child the right avenues to grow as well as to nurture her childhood. It just a matter of how you put the things in front of them and how they take. Well, I hope this article has given a good chunk of information about the traits of gifted children.