Games or activities help children work together. Educational games for elementary students are a great way to promote student engagement and learning.
Through educational games, a student may be able to understand a new concept or idea, experiment with different options or variables, and take on a different perspective. Word games, water and swimming games, travel games, card games are the best games for elementary students to play.
Listed below are a few of the top games for elementary students.
Top Games For Elementary Students
Fun Word Games

1. How Did That Happen?
One of the best games for elementary students. To play this game, you will need a group of friends, and an area to play.
How to play this game:
Let everyone sit in a large circle. Choose a person to start the game. The person should think of a word, suppose like a pencil. Then, he whispers the word to the person on his right. This person, must whisper a new word associated with that word to the person on their right. The game continues to go through the circle five times, and every time, someone changes the word something relevant to it.
Once, all the five rounds are completed, the last person says the current word out aloud. The aim of the game, is you will be left wondering ‘How did that happen?’
2. Deer-O-Deer
Another one of the interesting games for elementary students. You will need at least two players to play this fun game.
How to play this game:
First think of a category, like suppose colors. Select a person to start the game first. He or she must begin the game with the word ‘deer’. The goal of the game is to name a color or a thing starting with the last letter in ‘deer’. For example, you could say ‘red’ or a ‘rose’.
The person next to him, must name a color starting with the last letter of what the previous person has said. If he/she said ‘red’, then the next player could say’ dark brown’. The game continues, until when someone could not come up with a word. You can even play this elementary game by switching categories, like fruits, animals, etc., and start all over again.
3. Ming, Mang, Mong
Ming, Mang, Mong is one of the best games for elementary students to play. About ten or more players, and an open area to sit is needed to play this fun game.
How to play this game:
Let everyone sit in a circle together. Choose a person to start the game. He/she must say ‘Ming’, while they point to someone else in the circle. That person, whom they have pointed must say ‘Mang’, as they point to someone else. The third person must say ‘Mong’ as they point to someone else. The game keeps on repeating until someone eventually says the wrong word. The player, who says the wrong word, then becomes the judge and is allowed to try and mess up those still playing. The winner of the game will be declared, with the last person, who does not mess up their word.
4. Who Did That?
The best game for elementary students to play. You will need six or more players to play this game, paper, and a pen or pencil for each person.
How to play this game:
Gather everyone to sit around a table. Then, select a person from the circle to start the game. The first person to begin the game is called a poster.
He/she has to write down an adjective on a piece of paper such as, ‘nice’, handsome, or ‘funny’.
Then, he places his paper down, so that everyone can see the word that has been written by the player. The other players, then write down a word, something associated with the previous word. Each player takes turns sharing their answers. This fun game continues until everyone has had a turn to be the poster.
5. Alphabet Animal Game
To play this alphabet animal elementary game, you will need a single or more player to make it a fun game.
How to play this game:
Start the game, by thinking of an animal, that starts with the letter ‘a’. For example, ant. The player next to him has to start with the last letter of the last animal, in a limited time. This game continues until someone fails to give the name of the animal.
Fun Water and Swimming Games
1.Swim, Swim, Swim
This game for elementary students is a fun game to play. You will need at least three players, a pool of water and a rubber boat to play with.
How to play this game:
One of the players pretends to be a shark underwater, and the two players get on the rubber boat. The shark will then try to knock someone off the boat. Once, you are knocked off by the shark, you are not supposed to go back on the boat. Instead, you go to the land. The game continues until the last person remains on the boat. The game is a tie, if both the players are knocked off at the same time.
Fun Travel Games
1. Number Plates
One of the best elementary games for elementary students and also for educational purpose. To play this educational game, you will need a car trip and two or more players.
How to play this game:
If you are planning to travel in a car, and are getting bored, read the back of someone’s license plate and say all the letters out loud. You can create a sentence you can think, by using those letters. Everyone in the car gets a chance to form a sentence. Vote for the player, who has formed the best sentence, and he/she is the winner of the game.
Fun Card Games
1. Snap
Another fun game for elementary students to play. To play this game, you will need two players and a deck of cards.
How to play this game:
To play this card game, you need to shuffle a deck of cards well. Give out the entire deck, until there are no cards left. Every player flips over a card at the same time and places it in the middle of the table.
If both the players put down a three or an ace, then both of them try to slap the cards. The person to slap the cards first picks up the pile and adds it to their deck. If a player, makes a mistake and slaps the cars, where there is no match, then that player must keep giving up their top card to the other player. The game continues, until a player, wins all of the cards.