Whats an Ideal Toddler Sleep Schedule

Whats an ideal toddler sleep schedule

Being the mother of a toddler is a roller coaster all day. You tend to get overly emotional since their schedules are yet not settled and they are constantly exploring in ways they deem perfect. Its not important what milestones they conquer early or which ones they delay; but its certainly important they get ample stimulation and proper sleep too.

Most parents of 12-36-month-old toddlers would agree, this is the most challenging phase of parenting. Since toddlers are in a constant urge to move around, be independent and do it all. For all the transitions they are seeking and experiencing in their life, these little rovers need to get good sleep and there must a nap time schedule in place to help them be their active best.

Why is Toddlers Sleep Schedule Important:

Sleep is schedule is not only important but all the more critical as if you falter in giving adequate sleep time to your toddler, you are in for some real challenges in parenting. Some important reasons why sleep schedule is important for toddlers to include:

1. Sleep helps in growth and metabolism:

Growth hormone is primarily secreted during deep sleep, and metabolic activities are at their prime when we sleep. This is essential for their growth and development. When they sleep an optimal number of hours of which 50% time is deep sleep, they develop normally

Sleep helps in growth and metabolism

2. Sleep helps in fighting infection:

A protein called Cytokines is released during deep sleep, which helps in fighting infection. Sleeping helps the body in healing and combating ailments. That’s the reason most of the medicines have some amount of sedatives, which means the child needs sleep to get over their illness.

3. Sleep balances and promotes healthy weight:

Sleeplessness causes obesity in kids. There is some research based evidence suggesting the same. There are also theories which suggest toddlers who are sleep deprived crave more for fat foods and binge on junk.

4. Sleeplessness causes injuries:

There are studies which have concluded toddlers who don’t sleep enough are more likely to get severe injuries. Also when they sleep less more chances are their injuries would require medical attention

Sleeplessness causes injuries

5. Sleep increases attention span and focus for a toddler:

When a toddler gets adequate sleep, their attention span enlarges and they are more focused at task in hand. They are less likely to be affected by distractions and be more concentrated to their playtime

6. Sleep makes the toddler less cranky:

Toddlers who do not get adequate sleep get cranky and throw tantrums a lot more. They are constantly getting more and more aggressive and bad tempered

7. Sleeping boosts their learning and memory (all cognitive aspects):

Sleeping an adequate number of hours increases their learning and memory. They are better at all cognitive skills.

An Ideal Toddler Sleep Schedule Chart:

All toddlers are different in terms of their day’s activities, playtime, and nursing. So everyone has their own schedule. But by and large, one must adhere to basic hours of sleep in a day for a toddler.

The ideal sleep schedule of a toddler must have at least 11-13 hours of continuous nighttime sleep and 1-2 naps of 1.5-2 hours twice a day and specially a power nap just about the end of the day say 15-30 minutes 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. A toddler sleep schedule sample includes:

1. Age 12-18 months:

    • At least 11-12 hours of continuous sleep at night (with some diaper change break but the child should sleep back and  not get active)
    • At least 1.5- 2 hours each of two naps during mid-morning and late afternoon time.
    • A power nap of 20-30 minutes an hour to two prior to a nights sleep

2. Age 18-30 months:

    • At least 11 hours of continuous sleep at night
    • At least two naps of 1-1.5 hours each twice a day
    • A power nap around 15-20 minutes 2 hours before bedtime

3. Age 28-36 months:

    • At least 11 hours of continuous sleep at night
    • One nap of 1.5-2 hours during the late afternoon
    • One power nap of at least 15-20 minutes 2 hours prior to sleep.

How to Enrich Sleep Routine in Toddlers:

How to enrich sleep routine in toddlers

As parents, we can help improve our toddler sleep schedule, just a little caution and we can have a calm and peaceful day at home.

  • Don’t overexert toddlers in hopes of putting them to sleep for longer hours, as this would only delay sleep.
  • Build self-soothing from early on
  • Create a bedtime ritual or night ritual
  • Stick to the bedtime ritual
  • Keep distractions and stimulations away from past evening time
  • Keep lights and sounds minimum when the toddler is up for a nap
  • Do not lose patience but keep introducing a toddler to the schedule, in a few weeks they would come to adhere.
  • Bedtime stories are wonderful for not just inducing sleep but better soothing and calm sleep
  • Let the nap time and schedule chalk out naturally, don’t force them to sleep

Some Toddler Sleep Mistakes to Avoid:

There are ample parents seeking advice or complaining about how their toddlers are never sleepy and how they stay up all night. There are generally caused by situations than any other medical conditions. These mistakes must be identified and curbed asap to avoid the toddler being cranky. The common mistakes are:

  1. Keeping the sleeping area too stimulating with toys and sounds around
  2. Too much light and noise around
  3. Keeping the toddler awake till long
  4. No fixed bedtime ritual
  5. Taking babies out right before nighttime sleep, which makes them active and wanting to play more.
  6. No fixed time table for bedtime
  7. Constantly changing the sleeping space and surroundings for the baby’s room
  8. Overfeeding right before bedtime

The above compilation on “Whats an ideal toddler sleep schedule” is to help all the parents struggling with temper tantrums and severe toddler meltdowns every time. This will help the toddler to grow healthy and happy and also keep the family rejoicing too

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