Every mom wants to take care of their baby very well and in a protective way. The concern for the moms always is that the baby does not face any discomfort. what makes a baby discomfort is “baby hiccups’.Hiccups are common and most of the people get hiccups at some point in their life. They can affect people of any age, especially to babies. It also affects adults too. Hiccups are not at all serious and in most of the cases, it lasts for a few minutes.
Hiccups or hiccoughs occurs when the diaphragm suddenly band involuntary contracts. resulting in hiccups sound that being produced at top of the mind wipe.
In this article, we will focus on the various ways we can prevent or stop baby hiccups and with some tips to get rid of baby hiccups.
What are Baby Hiccups?

The medical name of Hiccups is known as‘singultus’.Hiccups are the reflex action that causes the diaphragm a thin membrane of muscles that separate the chest cavity from the abdomen. It is underneath the ribcage and helps to control breathing. Hiccups are the reflex action which has no control over them by our self. It is a very common phenomenon for babies under 12 months to get hiccups. Babies often hiccups (R) in the mother womb even before born. It is not a that serious problem and in most of the case, it lasts for a few minutes. Hiccups or hiccoughs occurs when the diaphragm suddenly band involuntary contracts. resulting in hiccups sound that being produced at top of the mind wipe.
What Causes Baby Hiccups?
Hiccups appear when something causes the diaphragm to spasm and the vocal cord quickly shut and results in hiccups in newborn. The air is forced out through the closed vocal cords which create the hiccuping sound.
The diaphragm is a large muscle that runs across the bottom of the rib cage. It gradually moves ups and down as an individual breathes.
Hiccups in babies tend to occur for no apparent particular reason in babies but feeding can occasionally cause of hiccups in babies the diaphragm to spasm.this may happen in the baby when a baby-
- Overfeeds
- Eat too quickly
- Swallow too much air
- Allergies
- Asthma
These factors can cause the baby stomach to expand and as a result, it expands, pushes, against the diaphragm which triggering the spasms that lead to the cause of hiccups in babies. If the hiccups happen frequently and cause the discomfort in a baby then this may result from an underlying from a health condition such as gastroesophageal reflux (GER). This phenomenon occurs when partially digested food and stomach acid come back up through the food pipe in babies as well as in adults. As these fluids pass the diaphragm, they may irritate it and trigger spasms that result in hiccups.feeding or stomach issue may not necessarily always cause hiccups, the diaphragm (R) may spasm for an unknown reason too.
How to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups?

Baby hiccups are caused mainly by a contraction of the diaphragm and the quick closing of the vocal cords in babies. The rapid closing of the vocal cords is what creates the sound of hiccups. Hiccups are not a that serious problem of concern, it stops after a few minutes like of 10-15 mins. Hiccups normally do not harm a baby, but they tend to cause less distress in babies.
It is usually fine to leave the baby to stop baby hiccups naturally with a few minutes but if it does not stop with a couple of hours then speak to your baby doctor for it. There are certain strategies that can help you to stop baby hiccups. the ways are as follows-
1. Break to Burp The Baby For Baby Hiccups:
When the stomach of the baby fills with air, it may push on the diaphragm that causes spasms. Thus taking a break from the feeding the burp the baby may reduce thew amount of air in their stomach. This, as a result, can prevent from stopping baby hiccups. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is a good idea to burp bottle-fed babies every time they consume 2 to 3 ounces (R) if a baby is breastfed then it always a good idea to burp the baby while switching between the breast.
2. Using Pacifier For Baby Hiccups:
The baby hiccups don’t always start from feeding when the baby starts to hiccups on their own allow them to suck on a pacifier as it will help to relax the diaphragm and may help in stopping the baby hiccups. This is one of the easiest and simplest way to get rid of baby hiccups and relax him from the discomfort caused by hiccups.
3. Feeding Them Gripe Water for Baby Hiccups:
Gripe water is nothing but the combination or mixture of herbs and water. It is the most traditional method followed to stop baby hiccups. It is also used to treat colic and other stomach problem. The types of herb may vary as per your babies acceptance of body resistance. They may include ginger, fennel, chamomile, and cinnamon.it is believe that if some stomach issue is responsible for hiccups then grip water help a lot to get rid of hiccups, but no scientific evidence has been followed yet. Make sure of it before giving or exposing any kind of new food to baby it is always recommended to consult your baby doctor.
4. Rubbing The Baby Back for Baby Hiccups:
This is the most followed tips or strategies that mothers used to do in order to avoid or stopping baby hiccups. Rubbing their back and rocking the baby back can help them to relax.this may result in stopping the spasms that cause hiccups. You can try to giving baby massage every day, as a result, it will also help your baby of not getting hiccups. For more information on baby massage, you can read
5. Sugar for Baby Hiccups:
Sugar has its own benefits in preventing or stooping baby hiccups.this is an old age remedy for hiccups.sugar ease the tension in the diaphragm and thus stop the baby hiccups. You can give a pinch of sugar crystal under the tongue of your baby while he/she is getting hiccups or you can dip the baby pacifier in some sugar syrup and insert in his mouth.
6. Keep the Baby Upright after Feeding for Baby Hiccups:
This technique is very helpful in relaxing the diaphragm and thus helps in stopping baby hiccups. Just follow a simple step by holding your baby vertically upright up to 10-15 mins after feeding. you can also pat the baby back gently to make the baby burp which helps in bringing down the air after feeding the food and make a diaphragm in a natural way without any muscles fluttering.
How Long do Baby Hiccups Last?
Hiccups are not a reason for concern or that seriousness and but they will generally cause a baby no distress. Your baby will usually stop hiccupping within 5 to 10 minutes, but if your baby’s hiccups do not stop within a couple of hours, you should consult your doctor (R) immediately.
How to Prevent Baby from Getting Hiccups?

There are a few tips that you can follow to avoid or prevent baby from getting hiccups. Hiccups are not preventable but certain following strategies can help you in dealing with it.
- Make sure your baby is calm when you feed them. This means that not waiting until your baby is so hungry and crying before their feeding begins. This helps in getting hiccups.
- After feeding your baby, avoid heavy activity with your baby, such as bouncing up and down or with any form of high energy play.
- Keep your baby in an upright position for 20 to 30 minutes after each meal time or gap.
- Always try to feed your baby with a small amount of food with a small interval of time. But for a longer period of time.
- Just keep ensuring that the baby mouth is latched over the whole nipple.
- If your baby is older enough then try to feed him by sitting first then feed the food,
- Regularly clean and wash your baby bottle to prevent the build-up milk solid on a nipple.
- Never feed a baby while he/she is sleeping, it will increase the risk of cavities which may cause hiccups.
- Break your feeding of food to your baby with a mini burping session.
- Be sure the baby should not have a too tight diaper or elastic waistband.
When to See a Doctor?
Hiccups are normal for an infant under 12 old months. They also occur inside a mother wombs. It lasts for 10-15 mins but if it does not stop within a couple of hours then it is a matter of concern to consult your doctor.
If your baby gets hiccups more than enough, particularly if they’re also upset or agitated when hiccupping, then it’s a good idea to talk to your baby’s doctor as this could be a sign of other medical issues.
Also, refer to doctors if your baby is getting hiccups while sleeping of your baby.
It is always better to consult your baby doctor that you can avoid with too many stereotypical cures for hiccups.before trying of any traditional methods try to consult the doctors.
Baby hiccups are normal and Commons in babies. There is nothing serious about it if your baby gets hiccups while feeding. Hiccups will never be going to harm your baby you could have got from the above article. so don’t get panic for it. the information and tips provided in this article will definitely help you in getting rid of baby hiccups.
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