Best Tips On Preparing For College In High School


Are you getting ready for College? Planning for College can be an unnerving prospect. The High School and College really determine the future. The strength of the hard work, time and efforts a person puts into each ability, creates a fruitful career in the life of a person.

It is important to start preparing for College at a younger age rather than at the last minute or in their last year in school. The few best tips on preparing for college in high school, can help you to go with ease.

Best Tips On Preparing For College In High School

1. Meet with your high school counselor in your freshman year


A high school counselor, will team up with your regarding education and career aspects for the next four years. They will ask you what your future plans are, your career decisions and goals.

It is recommended to make a plan of realistic choices that you feel confident of doing. Make yourself aware of the fact that future careers do change for many. So, do not put yourself on a specific goal.

2. Research on the college degree requirements

Most of the colleges, prefer students to succeed and have the standard subjects, such as literature, maths, history and science as their main degree. There are many higher technical degrees even, which unravel into more specifics in each subject. Choosing a particular subject, depends on which path one wishes to follow.

3. Develop a Four Year School Schedule with Your Counselor

For preparing for college in high school, you need to develop a school schedule with your counselor. The best way, could be to work with him to discuss on which school courses to take, and which college could be the best. Inquire through the selections of high school electives, that match with the specific degree that you are going for.

Ask your counselor if you may need to take exams or have prerequisites, and if you can fit in college preparation, and advance placement classes.

4. Involve Yourself in Extracurricular Activities


Few colleges prefer individuals who involve themselves in school and has shown dedication in the past. It is not necessary for extracurricular activities, to be specifically in school. You can voluntarily work around your local town or search for clubs. This will show your colleges, your ability to manage your time with other events aside from homework, by listing down these things, and how long you have been doing them.

5. Study hard in every course of each year

For every college, the cumulative GPA (grade point average) is very important, as each college requires a minimum grade, in order to enter or to be accepted by them.

6. Prepare and Practice your Note Taking Skills


In a high school, there are about 25-35 students per teacher, on an average. However, it will exceed between 25 to 100 plus per professor, as per research. Classes are taken in any given environment, whether it is in an actual science laboratory or auditorium.

It is advisable to practice note taking skills, and adjust your listening, as the professor might talk quickly or will not be able to say something twice. Most of the college students, even carry tape recorders or laptops to type out notes on.

7. Start researching colleges in your sophomore year

Evaluate the college requirements and any prerequisites that you might need. Communicate with your family and friends about their experiences with college. This is the right time, when you can start thinking and planning out financial needs.

You should be able to determine and analyze your plans. Such plans include where you are residing, are you planning to stay with your parents or guardians, or team up with friends for rent, or planning to reside on campus. If you are planning for residing on campus, it always requires meals and housing.

Know about the charges of tuition and fees. Generally, colleges and universities, determine tuition based on the amount of credits you are planning to take. A few special, as well as sub-courses, have their own payment.

Unlike high school, every college professor asks you to get  specific textbooks and other necessary items. However, paying for books is much higher in some colleges. So, it is ideal to purchase used books, which can be bought online or through previous students. You may even have the advantage of getting free books, if you have friends or siblings, who have taken those courses.

You can apply for scholarships early, as most of the college programs require you to maintain a minimum average grade point. Financial help for college gives a lift to budgets and assists you greatly.

8. Start preparing for and completing the PSAT/ACT/SAT

Most of the high schools let you take these competitive exams, in your junior or senior year, while most of them make at least one of them as a requirement. For achieving certain degrees, it is mandatory to pass with a certain score in them.

9. Visit college campuses of your top choices in your junior year


Take a tour of any of the college campuses of your top choice, in your junior year. Get to know about the structures, admission, any housing placements, buildings, and parking areas. Know information about the admission process, and about the campus when you are there.

10. Apply to colleges just as you start your senior year in high school

It is recommended not to apply to colleges, that might not appeal you. Most of the colleges have certain application deadlines, so do not be in a hurry to apply for a college and be sure to have everything ready and organized. This is the best time, where you can prove on a paper to the college authorities, why you wish to attend the college, and what activities you have been involved in so far. To avoid any stress, or to avoid misplacing, always keep a copy for yourself.

11. Open a college savings bank account if possible

Ask your parents, if they can open or create a college savings bank account in your early years of high school. Whatever you receive be it, holiday money, paychecks for jobs, or any monetary reward through school can be deposited into the account. This money can be used for tuition or other college payment needs.

By Supraja