50 Important and Essential Things a New Born Baby Needs


What exactly do you need? What’s the best change table? Which car seat is best for your baby? How do you choose the right pram or cot for your lifestyle?

Well, to help make your life easier, we’ve compiled a list of all the baby essentials so you can just read and then simply print it off and start shopping. What are the most essential things a newborn baby needs?

Although it’s a preferred belief that you simply ought to begin looking one time the baby is born, it helps to be prepared for the arrival of your newborn. Most folks purchase shoes, toys, blankets and generally even an even bigger house before or instantly once their baby is born, however the list of necessities extremely doesn’t need to be this complicated.

In this article we will focus the various things that are necessary or essential items to buy before bringing baby home.

List of Things You Need For a New Baby:

1. General:


While getting this baby item list ready from A to Z , it is necessary to keep in mind every little activity of your bundle of joy, every aspect and every season. Your babe needs totally different sets of consumer goods and accessories for various phases. Here square measure babe necessities that square measure more divided into specific purposes;

  • Drawers for storage – A small chest of drawers is the simplest way to keep all of baby’s clothing and accessories in one place as you can use it for years to return, invest in one that’s large enough to store kid and tyke garments later.
  • Mobile – Choose a mobile that can be moved around the house, and try to avoid mobiles that play music and this will only be annoying after months of playing the same tune.
  • Toys – Babies don’t need a lot of toys so invest in good-quality toys that are going to last. For example rattle, mirror, soft toy, cloth book. For some great baby toys, check out Little Miss Marie for boys and girls toys that are fun, safe and educational, all from local and Australian companies.
  • Baby Gym – Entertaining baby is much easier with a baby gym at hand. Choose any kind of folds away neatly, and pop up one to handed and allows the toys to be moved around the baby.
  • Bouncinette/bouncer chair – Buy a chair or bouncinette that isn’t too bulky and doesn’t have legs that extend far beyond the seat – this will save you tripping over them.
  • Paracetamol – Consider buying paracetamol infant drops as you’ll have more success administering a couple of drops than a couple of mls of medicine to your sick baby.
  • First-Aid kit – Accidents do happen even with small babies so invest in a first-aid kit for home and keep it topped up at all times.
  • Thermometer – A digital stick thermometer will give you the most accurate reading of your baby’s temperature but if your baby resists this type of thermometer, try an ear thermometer as they are very quick to use and gives quite accuracy.

2. Clothing:


The first issue you need to obtain for your newborn is garments. Newborn baby clothes must be comfortable, cotton based and have safe motifs, if any. Buy soft fabrics and avoid, glitter, heavy embellishments, sequins, ribbon, ties and buttons, because these can be choking hazards or be the source of skin irritation. Don’t buy too many clothes as newborn babies grow fast. Consider weather conditions while buying the following items

  • Bodysuits – Bodysuits are useful in the colder months. Body suits stretch over the head and clip together between the legs are the easiest to put on and off. It is made up of 100 percent superfine Merino wool, so it best for the baby.
  • Singlets – Just have plenty of plain cotton singlets on hand at all times as this is an essential item of clothing even during the hotter months for the baby.
  • Grow suits – Grow suits can be worn day or night to a baby. So it’s worth stocking up few essential items. Take grow suits with press studs so that it will go all the way down the inside of the legs for ease of nappy changing for the baby.
  • Sunhat – Select a hat that can be thrown into the wash and has a brim that’s big enough to shade baby from the sun too.
  • Beanie – Prefer a beanie that doesn’t have a cuff as these can unroll unexpectedly and cover your baby’s eyes and face. This act as an pose of a safety threat.
  • Jackets, jumpers, cardigans – Select outer wear that can comfortably have another layer or two underneath so you can easily keep baby warm. Don’t get anything with ties around the neck as these can cause choking.
  • Socks – Buy a pair of socks for every day of the week and consider that which get stick to baby legs. You can lose many socks and being able to pair up with odd socks.

3. Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding:


You may already know how you want to feed your baby. Whichever method you choose, we’ve got everything you need to make it as comfortable as possible:

  • Feeding pillow: These are specially designed to support your baby while you’re nursing or bottle-feeding, and it help to avoid straining your shoulders or neck. They’re more convenient and better at keeping your baby in position while feeding.
  • Breastfeeding accessories: Lanolin ointment can relieve sore nipples. warm or cold gel packs, which fit inside your bra, can soothe swollen or sore breasts even. It’s normal for your breasts to leak while you’re nursing. The breast pads are disposable or reusable. You can washable ones and can use it.
  • Burp cloths (6 to 12): Lightweight cloths (or cloth diapers) catch spit-up and wipe up other baby fluids.
  • Bottles(6-12)-Newborns usually start with the 4-ounce size, but you’ll need some 8-ounce bottles as your child begins to drink more. You’ll also need extra nipples. When it comes to which kind of baby bottle to use, some parents prefer glass or stainless steel bottles to avoid possible chemical leaching in plastic bottles.
  • Formula: If you aren’t breastfeeding, you have lots of infant formula options to choose from. For this you can check out your formula primer and talk to your healthcare provider of your baby.
  • Bottle brushes (2): These are handy for thoroughly scrubbing small parts and crevices in bottles, bottle parts, and nipples
  • Breast pump: You may want to pump breast milk to feed your baby. Breast pumps looks like simple as a basic hand pump but it has so much efficient as an electric model as it allows to pump from both breasts simultaneously.
  • Breast milk bags: You can pump milk straight into a bottle, but many women use specially made plastic storage bags, which don’t take up much space in the freezer and can be defrosted easily. The number depends on how often you plan to pump for your baby.

4. Sleeping:


  • Bassinet –  All new bassinets have to comply with Australian safety standards so if you are considering buying a second-hand bassinet, check the standards before you buy for your baby.
  • Baby monitor – Check the range and frequency before you buy. You should get large enough range that is useful in your home and has a frequency particularly to your cordless phone to ensure a clear connection.
  • Bassinet mattress – There are different types of bassinet mattress available in the market for the baby. Whatever you take for your baby always invest in a new mattress. It should be clean and ready to use.
  • Bedding for bassinet – Consider three sets – one being used, one being washed and one for little accident emergencies.
  • Cot – All new cots have to comply with Australian safety standards so if you plan of buying a second-hand cot, check the standards before you buy for your baby.
  • Cot mattress – Toddlers and preschooler don’t weigh much so there’s no reason to invest in a fully sprung cot mattress. Select a good quality foam or natural fibre mattress that’s at least 10cm thick and fits your cot snugly.
  • Bedding for cot – Consider three sets – one being used, one being washed and one for middle of the night emergencies.
  • Nightlight – Consider a  portable night light and you can carry it with you around at night and leave it on for hours. For the most adorable range of night lights

5. Diapering:


Thinking of newborn babies at the first aspect comes to mind apart from the word ‘adorable’ is diaper. This item owns a top position in the baby essentials shopping list.

  • Disposable diapers: Avoid buying diapers in bulk. Instead, buy sample packs of 3 brands and try each on the baby. Depending on the most comfortable brand, then buy the remaining in bulk for your newborn baby. These diapers come in handy during outdoor visits.
  • Cotton nappies: Reusable cotton nappies are a safe option on sensitive baby skin. However, these nappies need to be changed soon as they are soiled, which requires you to stock up on them so that you don’t run out before you can toss them in the laundry.
  • Rash cream: Buy a good quality diaper rash cream and keep it handy. Use it based on instructions from your baby’s paediatrician.
  • Wet wipes: Cleaning your newborn baby’s bottom needs to done gently and hygienically. Wet wipes let you retain the moisture in your baby’s skin while leaving the area clean and smelling fresh.
  • Changing mat: Keep bed linen and other materials from getting soiled while changing your baby’s diaper on a changing mat. Easy to clean and use, these mats are highly useful during travel.
  • Dustbins and garbage bags: To keep the dirty diapers before throwing them out, separate garbage bags and dustbins are a safer and cleaner option.

6. Bathing:


  • Change mat – this is preferred as one of the most important things that has raised sides to stop baby from rolling away and a good quality wipe able surface.
  • Change table – change table plays an important role that helps in nappy change of the baby. If you don’t have a lot of space to spare in your home then do try to choose a foldable change table that will help to do nappy changes. This really works a great and an essential things that you need for the newborn baby.
  • Toiletries – baby safety is the most important prioritize that you need to take care. For this you have to choose unscented, natural possibly even organic toiletries for newborns. This will protect their skin from the unfamiliar chemicals. It will also avoid the baby to have diaper and other form of rashes in the body.
  • Nappy wipes – wipes is the first and fore most necessarily elements that plays an important role to keep the baby safe and clean. Try to buy in bulk as you are going to need it in a larger amount and almost everyday. This will prevent the baby from drying out. Try to go for thick alcohol-free wipes that are gently scented and not too moist. Wipes also helps to avoid infection and allergies in babies.
  • Barrier cream – do keep also some of the barrier cream preparations before you find the perfect one for your baby. Choose the one that is fit and comfortable for your baby skin. Go for which is good for your baby.
  • Sorbolene cream – go for sorbolene cream instead of soap at bath time. This works great for the dry skin of the baby. Gentle and moisturize with this to keep the baby skin smooth and soft.
  • Cotton wool – this works great while bathing and spot cleaning baby’s face and bottom of the baby.cotton wool works gently on skin. It keeps the skin clean.
  • Cotton buds – Cotton buds are kinder than finger nails when healing umbilical cords need gentle cleaning. It should be very handy when cleaning around ears, eyes and nose. This you need occasionally once in a week not on daily basics.
  • Soap/bubble bath – baby doesn’t need all the times soap/ bubble bath. They just need in every alternative days to have a check list of there cleanness. You can go for baby product soap that is only used for baby.
  • Shampoo- shampoo is very necessary for the baby as it helps to clean the scalp of the baby. Make sure you don’t use adult shampoo on babies as it’s too strong. Instead of it choose a baby shampoo that’s natural and mildly scented. Avoid using conditioner completely.
  • Nail clippers/scissors –try to use buy nail clipper rather than scissors as these are less likely to cut baby’s skin. Cut nails just after bathtime when the nails are supple from the heat of the water. You can do this while bathing time of the baby.
  • Hair brush – the baby brush should be very gentle and soft. The line of the hair brush should be very fine and soft as the head of the baby is too soft, so it will not hurt . they also does not need a proper hard brush it is just about to have a little sprouts of baby hair. The baby will simple look good and organized.
  • Nappies – baby needs a lot of nappies at initial days of their life. The nappies can be of cloth or disposable. They can go for a lot of change of nappies in 24 hours a day. If you are using disposable, don’t stock up too much in the first months as your baby will grow up quickly and you may be left with a pile of nappies that no longer fit. Try to choose the nappies that are of use and throw.
  • Bath towel – this is the one of the important elements that you need for your baby while taking bath. Take or keep two towels while bating – one for use and one for washing. It may be 1 big and 1 small.
  • Face cloth – try to keep a separate cloth or towel for face. As face is most sensitive for the baby face. Consider two face cloths – one for use and one for washing.
  • Baby bath – you have to be very careful while making the baby to bath. Try to avoid lugging a heavy bath of water for your baby. As it may leads to catch of cold, fever etc. They should have a general touch of water to have a clean and safe bath.
  • Bath ramp – this is regard as one of the safe things that the new born baby need. This may not be regard as handy but it is the safest mode of thing. This allows the bathe baby with confidence by lying him in the bath on the ramp without any risk of him slipping under the water. This also allow the baby to have any choking through water.
  • Bath seat – this work great for the baby who are able to sit up while taking bath. A bath sit will keep him safe and secure in the water at bathtime. This also stop allowing the water to inside the body of the baby.

The above essential things a newborn baby need are mentioned in this article. You need to take care of this many essential items to buy before bringing baby, moms, parenting home. For more information please check on