Tailbone Pain; 5 Best Home Remedies For Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy

Tailbone Pain

Are you dealing with tailbone pain during pregnancy? How to ease the pain in the tail bone? What causes tailbone pain during pregnancy? Are you struggling with all these questions in your mind? If yes, then the answers are here.

Tailbone pain is one of the most common problems that pregnant women go through during their span of pregnancy. This happens due to the growing baby putting pressure and the raging hormones on the side.

Well, in this article you will have a fair share of information about the tailbone (coccyx) pain and what causes tailbone pain during pregnancy.

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What Is Tailbone (Coccyx) Pain?

Coccyx-PainAs I said above, tailbone pain is one of the common and most occurring aches that pregnant women go through during their span of pregnancy. This happens due to the growing baby putting pressure and the raging hormones.

The tailbone is a small bone that is located at the base of your spine. Sometimes it is really uncomfortable for pregnant women to handle the pain.

Tailbone pain (R) is also often described as lower back pain and hip pain during pregnancy. There is no particular cure for it. It is all about how you manage with stretches and with your daily lifestyle routine.

Tailbone pain is also known as ascoccydynia. This is a form of pain that takes place at the end of the spine and upper buttocks.

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Does Tailbone Hurt During Pregnancy?


Yes, tailbone pain hurts a lot during pregnancy. Here are some of the changes that justify this answer.

1. Pregnancy Hormones:

Pregnancy hormones play a very major part in causing the tailbone pain during pregnancy. This mostly happens around the first trimester.

During this phase, the body releases relaxin and estrogen hormones that lead to stretching the ligaments of the pelvic region. This affects the tailbone and leads to immense pain during pregnancy.

2. Growing Baby:

When the baby starts growing with each passing trimester, the tail bone pain starts increasing. This happens because the baby needs space to grow.

This happens due to the growing baby putting pressure on the body. The uterus also expands with each trimester of pregnancy. The pressure only causes pain during pregnancy.

3. Other Causes:

There are certain other causes that hurt the tailbone during pregnancy. As per the research, it is said that certain phenomena like a cold, sneeze, increasing weight have an impact that leads to pain in tailbone during pregnancy.

What Causes Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy?


It is difficult to figure out the exact cause behind the tailbone pain during pregnancy. It is believed that a combination of factors like weight gain, poor posture, early onset of pain, etc. Lead to tailbone pain during pregnancy.

As I said above, the pain may be due to extreme changes in the hormonal balance of pregnant women during each trimester. It varies from one person to another.

The growing baby also puts pressure on the spine and tailbone which is also one of the causes behind the tailbone pain during pregnancy. There is a possibility of pressure in the sciatic nerves.

This results in a sharp pain that shoots down the butt, legs, and thigh. As per the studies, it has been found that only 1% of women experience this condition during pregnancy.

The experts have also thrown light on the fact that poor posture does also has a negative impact on the tailbone pain during pregnancy. This leads to an increase in the stress levels of the tissue on the pelvis.

It also leads to lower back issues in the later parts of the trimester of pregnancy.

Stretches For Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy:


Here are some of the ways to get rid of tailbone pain during pregnancy including-

1. Cat Cow Stretches For Tailbone Pain:

cat cow pose

This stretch is regarded as one of the remedies for tailbone pain during pregnancy. It gives strength to the lower back and pelvis area of the expectant mother.

It also improves the spine mobility and the flexibility of the abdominal muscles. It also stretches the back torso and neck. Breathe slow and deep during the process for better results.

How To Do:

  • Bend your hand and knees by keeping the hand under the shoulder and knees under the hips and your wrists.
  • Your elbow and shoulder should be in a line and perpendicular to the floor.
  • Then, try to exhale and keep the spine towards the ceiling and make sure you release your head towards the floor.
  • Then start to come back to the position with the help of hands and knees by inhaling up.
  • Continue this for about 10 -15 minutes for about 5 sets.

2. Torso Twists For Tailbone Pain


Torso twist is one of the best stretching pose that pregnant women can do to get relieve from tailbone pain. It increases the core strength of the body.

It helps a lot to give the spine a gentle twist and relaxation from the pain. It provides better flexibility to the lower back.

How To Do:

  • First, sit on the yoga mat by folding your legs in a crossed way.
  • Then hold the right foot using the left hand.
  • After that, place your hand on the ground and twist the upper body in the opposite direction.
  • Stay in that position for few seconds at about 10 seconds
  • Then relax and repeat with the other side.
  • Do it for 5-10 times for each set.

3. Child Pose For Tailbone Pain:


It is one of the best stretches for tailbone pain during pregnancy as it has significant effects in calming the body, mind, and spirit of the body. It really works great to stretch the lower back and abdominal organs.

It helps a lot to reduce the level of stress and fatigue levels during pregnancy. It stretches the whole body with respect to thighs, legs, hips, etc.

How To Do:

  • First, be in a stable position by lowering down the hip to the heel and the forehead placed towards the floor.
  • Make sure you keep the knees slightly apart from each other.
  • Then overhead the palm with the help of the arm towards the floor. For this, you have to keep the arm along the side of the body with making the palms up.
  • Press the belly against the thigh while inhaling.
  • Breath slowly and deeply for about 5-10 breaths.
  • Then relax and get back to the normal position.

4. Downward Facing Dog Pose For Tailbone Pain:


This yoga pose helps a lot to stretch the back and helps open up the chest. It helps to build body strength as well. It also helps to lengthen the spine.

Note: Try to avoid this pose around the third trimester which is during the 33rd week of pregnancy. Before doing this position, make sure you consult the doctor or physician.

How To Do:

  • First, be in the table position and tuck the toes under and press the hips up towards the ceiling.
  • Take out the middle finger facing forwards and spread the finger. While doing so, make sure your palm-shoulder should be width apart.
  • Following that, you can press the hip up and the chest towards the thigh.
  • Press the heels into the floor by stretching the back of the legs. Do maintain a gap between the hip and toes.
  • Then look down at the belly button right from the shoulder.
  • Breath for about 5-8 breaths for the particular set.
  • Then release the lower hips back to the table position.

5. Bridge Pose For Tailbone Pain:


It is great for lower back, hips, and abdominal. It relives the hip and lowers backaches. It also opens up the chest, heart, and shoulders of the body.

This form of yoga pose helps to get rid of other problems or symptoms associated with stress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, mild depression, etc.

How To Do:

  • Lie on the floor with the help of a yoga mat and place support to your neck.
  • Then try to bend the knees and set your feet on the floor.
  • After that, press the inner feet and arms actively into the floor while inhaling. While doing so, make sure you put your things and inner feet parallel to each other.
  • Keep the hands back on your hip.
  • Then try to lift your hips by keeping the thigh parallel to the floor while bringing the hips towards the pelvis.
  • Stay in this pose for about 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Then relax and come back to the original position.

6. Standing Cat Cow Position For Tailbone Pain:


You can do this stretch in the standing position. This is a great way to gain the spine mobility and helps relieves the tailbone pain during pregnancy.

It helps in stretching the overall body and the muscles involved.

How To Do:

  • First stand with your legs bit wider than the hip from each other. It should be about 2 feet from the wall.
  • Make sure you keep your knees and hands over the thighs.
  • Then try to inhale by keeping the belly inside and the back should arch like cow pose
  • Press against the wall around the upper back as you exhale.
  • Do this for about 10 minutes, then come back to the original pose.

Home Remedies For Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy:


Here are some of the effective remedies for tailbone pain during pregnancy that you can try out.

1. Heat Or Ice Pack For Tailbone Pain:


This is regarded as one of the best remedies for tailbone pain during pregnancy that gives instant relief. You can use this multiple times in a day for better results.

As per the studies, it works amazing because it reduces the inflammation and promotes healing to cure the tailbone pain.

All You Need:

  • Hot water pack or ice pack

How To Do:

  1. Take a hot water pack or ice pack and apply to the affected area for about 30 minutes.

How Often:

  • Do it multiple times in a day.

2. Vitamin For Tailbone Pain:


Vitamin plays a great role as a remedy for tailbone pain during pregnancy. Given that the tailbone pain can happen because of the absence of Vitamin D, B6, B12, supplementing with the necessary vitamins can help a lot.

So, taking an adequate amount of vitamins protects the bone health and reduce the chance of developing tailbone pain.

All You Need:

  • Vitamin rich food

How To Do:

  1. Include soya, eggs, cheese, green vegetables, green peas, chicken etc in your diet.
  2. You can take the morning sun rays as it is good for health.

How Often:

  • Include this daily in your diet.

3. Castor Oil:

Castor Oil

Castor oil has amazing benefits during and after pregnancy. It is rich in anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which help a lot to reduce the tailbone pain.

It is the fastest way to get rid of tailbone pain.

All You Need:

  • A few drops of castor oil
  • Bandage

How To Do:

  1. Take some castor oil and heat it up.
  2. Apply the oil to the affected area
  3. Cover it with a bandage

How Often:

  • Do it every night before you go to sleep.

4. Massage For Tailbone Pain:


Massage helps a lot to get rid of pain and relaxes the muscles. It also strengthens the body muscles. As per the research and study, massaging the muscles can alleviate tailbone pain and other symptoms (R)

All You Need:

  • Massage Oil

How To Do:

  1. Take some massage oil and apply to the affected area
  2. Massage it for about 15-20 minutes

How Often:

  • Do it twice a day for a quick result.

5. Epsom Salt For Tailbone Pain:

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt adds a healing effect to the body. It reduces the stress and fatigue associated with each passing trimester of pregnancy. As per the studies, it is a powerful detoxifying agent to the body which helps keep your health in check.

All You Need:

  • 2 cups Epsom salt
  • A bathtub
  • Warm water

How To Do:

  1. Add the Epsom salt to the bathtub and take a bath of it.
  2. Mix it well with the water
  3. Soak the body for about 15-20 minutes

How Often:

  • Do it once in a day.

Tailbone pain is one of the common and most occurring aches that pregnant women go through during their span of pregnancy. I hope this article has given you a good amount of information about the various ways to deal with tailbone pain during pregnancy.