Summer Rashes In Babies: Causes, Treatment, And Prevention


Summer is the perfect time for the kids where they stay in homes on vacation and spend all the day playing, and demanding snacks, and doing the funny things. Summer is a time where the kids can experience skin problems like rashes.

Surrounding temperature may cause the burning sensation for your baby’s skin resulting in the blisters that may irritate your baby. You should aware of the normal skin condition and which one to be treated medically. Here you can know more about heat rash in babies.

This article discusses the causes for heat rash in babies. It also presents the remedies to get rid of heat rash in babies.

What Is Heat Rash In Babies?


Heat rash is also known as prickly heat or miliaria. When your baby experiences more heat, their bodies become hot and produce more sweat. Sweating is a cooling mechanism used by the body. Normally, drops of sweat will be released through the tiny pores. Babies have very tiny pores that can be clogged very easily. Heat rash is the result of sweat that get trapped in those tiny pores in its journey to the top of the skin.

Heat rashes are more common in the summer because we all sweat more in the summer. Humid climate contributes to the rashes. This condition not only occurs when the temperature is hot but it can also occur during the cold seasons when your baby wears too many layers of clothing.

Heat rashes are more likely to occur in the babies and children where the blocked sweat cannot find its way to escape. These rashes occur mostly under the clothing and in the folds of the skin.

Symptoms Of Summer Rashes:


Here are a few symptoms of summer rashes in babies:

• A fine pink rash caused by the over heating of the skin usually appears near the neck, chest, and upper back.
• They can be itchy
• Older children may have the prickly and pin like feeling
• In babies, rashes appear like tiny water blisters.

Causes of Heat Rash in Babies:


Here are a few reasons for the heat rash in babies.

• Blocked off sweat glands are the primary reason for heat rash in babies. This is one of the primary reasons for the rashes in babies during summer.
• Sweat glands overwork and produce more sweat under the hot and humid conditions.
• Babies may get the heat rashes in the winter due to the inflammation caused by the ointments or the ointments may block off the sweat glands.
• Location bases heat rashes may be the result of application of some external ointments or oils. For instance, heat rash on the fore head may be due to the hair oil or ointment on the hair. heat rash on the face of the breastfed baby may be the result of lanolin that is put on the nipple. Heat rash on the chest may be caused as a result of the menthol ointments put on the chest for cough.
• Babies are likely to get the heat rashes in the skin folds. Because, skin to skin friction happens more in these areas and the sweat has less chance of escaping.
• Heat rashes in the older children are more common due to the over physical activity.
• Eczema which is a chronic skill condition and has the tendency to maximize in the summer.
• Summer is the hot bed for the insects. Insect bites can put your baby in the inflammation, fever and extreme pain which in turn may lead to rashes.
• Immature sweat ducts in newborn baby could also be the reason for heat rash in babies.
• Some medications may increase the functioning of the sweat glands.

How To Treat Heat Rash In Babies:


Heat rash treatments should be designed to cool off the bristles on the skin. Here are a few things to do when your baby has summer rashes.

1. Treat the skin gently:

Use mild soap and warm water for your baby’s skin during the bath time. This will offer some space for your baby’s skin to get relief from the prickliness. After the bath gently pat your baby’s skin to dry.

2. Keep skin dry:

Keep the skin that is covered with the rashes always dry. If it is extra hot, use the fan to control the extra sweat.

3. Avoid external applications:

Avoid using powders, oils, and ointments that can worse the rashes by further blocking the pores. Use the medication that are prescribed by the doctor.

4. Offer cloth free time:

Offer your baby some time free from the clothes while playing om the mat and allow them to take the naked crawl around the house.

5. Give steroid cream:

It is important to keep your baby’s skin away from the itching when they have the rashes. Broken blisters may lead to skin infections. You can offer your baby soothing experience with 1 percent of the hydrocortisone cream onto the bumpy area.

Note: avoid the hydrocortisone containing the petroleum or mineral oil as they block the pores and prevent the sweat from evaporating naturally.

How To Prevent Summer Rash In Babies?

If your baby has not yet developed the heat rash then both you and your baby are lucky. It is the most common skin condition that the babies encounter at some stage in their life. Here are a few ways to prevent summer rashes in babies:

1. Keep your baby cool:

If you maintain your baby’s body in a cool manner, then their bodies do not sweat. If there is no sweating means there are no rashes. If you notice that your baby’s cheeks become flushed, it is a sign that they are bit too hot than usual. Move your baby to the cooler area, if you notice the rosy red cheeks.

Another way that you can do to give your baby some relief is to run some cool water on your baby’s skin. The cool water can easily wash away the sweat and the body oil. You can also put a washed and cold cloth on your baby’s skin that helps to alleviate high temperature.

It is more important to check your baby’s body temperature as the babies are more likely to get hot than adults. Always track your baby’s temperature when you are in a hot environment or outside the house. This helps to prevent the heat rashes from developing. Baby getting fussy and uncomfortable is the very first sign that they are hot.

2. Reduce the time of exposure to sun:

It is good idea to spend with your little baby in the sun early in the morning and late in the evening before sunset. Don’t spend for longer hours in the sun as the babies have the sensitive skin and they are at the risk of sunburn.

Limit the sun exposure between 10 AM to 4 PM. Follow the baby steps while planning to introduce your baby to the steamy weather. Start by gradually increasing the outdoor time and take breaks for every 15-20 minutes in hot weather.

3. Keep your baby’s skin dry:

Moisturized skin is good to have but too much of the moisture may irritate your baby’s skin. This irritation becomes more severe when it is combined with heat. To prevent the heat rash, you can use the moisturizers that are especially designed for your baby’s skin. Ensure to keep your baby’s skin dry before dressing or putting a new diaper.

Pay particular attention to your baby’s skin folds. Ensure that you pat the neck, arms, legs, and diaper area completely dry.

4. Dress your baby in layers:

Baby’s skin is more vulnerable to the temperature. They get cold easily and they also get hot easily. The easiest way for you is to dress them in layers. When the temperature is too hot you can remove one layer off and when the temperature is cool you can add one layer.

5. Avoid tight clothes for your baby:

Clothes with the tight fitting won’t allow your baby to breathe properly and they can cause the rashes due to the rapid contact with the skin. Tight clothes will give way for the moisture to get trapped in the skin and creates the perfect environment for the rashes to develop. Dress your baby in the light clothes that help them alleviate rashes.

6. Allow your baby go naked for some time:

It is more essential to keep the affected area dry. Let your baby’s skin to breathe in which is the excellent way to offer soothing and the relaxing time for the babies. Allow your baby to crawl naked for some time every day till they get out of the rashes.

7. Keep an eye on the temperature in your baby’s room:

Temperature is the primary cause for the heat rash in your baby so it is more important to check the temperature in your baby’s room more often. Ensure that your baby’s skin is cool and dry that will help the rash to clear on it’s own. Your baby’s body should not be too hot when they are sleeping. Try turning the fan or switching on the air conditioner to lower the temperature in the room.

8. Use the mild cleansers:

Most soaps will show harsh impact on your baby’s sensitive skin and they should be avoided till they grow. Use the mild soaps and detergents to wash your baby’s clothes.

Regular harsh detergents which are loaded with the chemicals may create negative health effects in the babies ranging from skin and throat infections to carcinogenicity.

9. Handle your baby’s skin with care:

Don’t rub or scratch you baby’s skin while dressing. You can let you little one naked for sometime to allow them dry. Use the soft towel to pat your baby’s skin to dry.

Keep your baby’s finger nails trimmed so they can not scratch the heat rashes. Put the socks or mittens to your baby’s hands so that they can not scratch the rashes while sleeping.

10. Use skin care products especially designed for the babies:

Using the right cream prescribed by your doctor can work well to alleviate the symptoms of heat rash in your baby. Ensure that the products that you choose to use are kid’s friendly.

11. Give your baby plenty of fluids:

While your little one is fighting with heat rashes, they are also at the risk of dehydration. For the babies below 6 months offer the breast milk regularly and for the babies above 6 months you can offer water and other fluids.

12. Don’t keep your baby swaddled for more time:

Baby’s love to be swaddled and you should skip this activity when they have the heat rashes. Limit the time that your baby spend time in the strollers, car seats, and carriers. They may cause the inflammation to the heat rashes.

13. Use baby wipes to keep the fresh:

Keep a pack of wipes in hand especially during the summer because, the weather may be dusty and sweaty. It is not always possible to give a bath to your baby. Use the wipes to clean your baby’s diaper area.

14. Make the comfortable bed for your baby:

Bulky pajamas and the heavy blankets may trap the heat and respiration and make your baby sweat more during the summer. Try these tips:

• Use a light blanket
• Use a layered blanket for the easy transition
• Opt out for the breathable cotton wear.

15. Use the strollers with the extended canopy:

If you are using a stroller or car set for your baby, use the one with the extended canopy that helps to keep your baby remain protected and shaded from head to toe. Avoid draping the stroller with the blankets though they are made of breathable fabrics as they increase the risk of over heating due to poor air flow.

When to see doctor?

Usually the rashes can go away on its own. It is more important to visit the doctor in the following conditions.

• If your baby’s rashes last for more than three days and get more worse.
• Keep an eye for the pustules and swelling which could be the sign of yeast or bacterial infections that happen when the babies scratch the rashes.
• If you notice the blisters which are filled with the yellow or green pus which is a sign of infection
• If your baby experiences the pain or warmth around the affected area.
• Rashes sometime may trigger the fever, consult the doctor in such cases.

In conclusion, heat rash will clear up in 2 to 3 days. Overheating can cause serious problems in your baby. So, intervene at the right time and help your baby to cope up with the summer rashes.