Spider Bite In Toddler: Symptoms And Treatment


Most spider bites do not fully penetrate the human skin; usually, they cause an only mild reaction. But, there are spider bites in toddlers where the black widow and brown recluse spider bites cause serious reactions needing immediate care.

Your little one might love the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” but they might probably not be a big fan of it if they get bitten by it. Spiders also seem scary, but bug bites in children are pretty uncommon and rarely lethal. Spiders as such keep to themselves unless they are frightened and do not bite unless frightened. If your child is bitten by a spider, the reaction is similar to the bee sting. Swelling and redness are the most common symptoms and you could give some respite to the spider bites in toddlers by following the below.

Arachnophobia is the irrational fear of spiders and other arachnids such as scorpions. All of the 3000 species of spider found in the United States are poisonous. The fangs of the spider are either too short or too fragile. They mostly do not break through the skin of human and their venom is too weak to cause the damage. The spider bites could only cause minor, local reaction, sometimes causing a deadly reaction to occur.

How Does a Spider Bite Look Like?

The brown recluse spider or violin spider is about 1 inch long and has a shape of violin mark on its upper back. It is often found in dry, warm climates and prefers to stay in more undisturbed areas such as basements, attics or closets. Although it is not a very aggressive spider, it might attach if the held against the skin or trapped. There would not be any death reports reported in the U.S. from any brown recluse bite. There could be various causes of spider bite in toddlers.

Symptoms of Spider Bite in Toddlers:

The following are the most common symptoms of a spider bite:

Signs and Symptoms Of a Brown Recluse Spider Bite:

Venom from the brown recluse spider usually results in the local tissue damage.

  • red blister in the center with surrounding bluish discoloration around the bite
  • development of pain around the bite within 2 to 8 hours
  • swelling or redness around the bite
  • joint stiffness or pain
  • body rash
  • rashes, fever, and chills
  • nausea, vomiting
  • fatigue

Of a Black Widow Spider Bite:

Each child might experience different symptoms in a different manner.

  • Rigid, painful muscles within 8 hours
  • Mostly no sign of the bite on the skin
  • Headache, breathing trouble
  • Eyelid swelling
  • Abdominal (belly) pain and cramping
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Salvation or tearing of the eyes
  • Weakness, paralysis or tremors especially in the legs.

Of An Allergic Reaction:

  • Swelling of the face or mouth
  • Chest tightness, wheezing, or difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing or speaking

Treating Spider Bites in Children

You must always know how to treat spider bites on toddlers as it

  • Keep it clean. Wash the affected area carefully with mild soap and water several times over a day until the bite heals.
  • Head off infection. Apply a doctor prescribed antibiotic ointment and keep your kid’s hands as clean as possible.
  • Ease any pain. If your kid complains that the spider bite hurts or feels fussier than usual, an age-appropriate dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen might help (learn more about safe medicine for toddlers).
  • Call the doctor if your kid develops symptoms of infection (redness, swelling, itchy, pus, a warm feeling around the bite).

Most spider bites are harmless, but there are two which are very poisonous – The brown recluse spider (a small, oval, and has a typical violin-shaped mark on its back) that releases venom which can cause swelling, a blister, and changes in skin color. The black widow spider is the one having a shiny black body and the orange hourglass shape on its underbelly (sounds fancy but these are pretty dangerous one). We have already spoken about the symptoms of a black widow spider bite which includes nausea, chills, fever, vomiting, and muscle aches. If your child has any of these symptoms or similar to — or you know that they’ve been bitten — rush to the emergency room right away.

Preventing Spider Bites in Toddlers:

  • Spider bites, similar to other bug bites in children, could be avoided by showing extra care outdoors. Your tot should wear shoes at all times when outside. Make sure they wear gloves while playing in the garden (or at a spider-friendly place).
  • Make sure the attics, garages and woodpile areas are free of spider webs.
  • Firewood should be kept outside rather than inside the house to avoid bringing spiders inside.
  • Insect repellent has the power to prevent most bug bites in toddlers. You could use one having up to 30 percent DEET or 10 percent Icaridin (but don’t use either on infants under two months). Limit it to your kid’s clothing and any uncovered skin except their hands and face. If you aren’t sure about a particular insect repellent is right for your little one, check with your doctor to recommend one which is safe for your child. This should keep most of the mosquito bites and tick bites at bay.

As we said, the spider bites are not very poisonous, but the best is to keep the creepy creatures at bay. Especially when you have a tiny one at home who you cannot keep off from wandering all the places in the house, the best is to keep them protected all times. The spots where spiders could be hidden must be cleaned regularly.

How To Treat Spider Bites On Toddlers

Similar to any bug bite, the spider bites are not something desirable. They are typically a nuisance. In fact, the spider bites, most commonly are treated in comfort of your own home using all the available natural treatment and remedies. But if it is a bite from a more threatening type of a spider, the bite could be very serious.

Unlike the mosquitoes that suck blood from human and feed on us, spider bites humans only as a defense mechanism because they feel either threatened or trapped. But who cares, the bite is annoying with the inflammation around it which is not only itchy but painful too. Learn the home spider bite treatment with essential oils which are commonly available at home.

It is cost efficient and the easiest way to a non-life-threatening spider bite. The swelling, pain, and itchiness last typically for only a day or two usually which is similar to a bee sting.

1. Ice:

The first remedy in most natural spider bite treatment is to clean the bite area with warm water and soap. However, right after that, you must apply ice to the bite areas such that the swelling is reduced for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure of rubbing with ice several times a day and especially the first 24 hours. It is conventional as well as a natural treatment for spider bite symptoms.

2. Baking Soda Paste:

One of the simplest and most cost effective options when it comes to the annoying spider bite is baking soda. The common household item which truly has endless uses could also be used for bug and spider bites. Making a thick paste of baking soda and water and applying it several times a day improves the spider bite symptoms. Combine only one part of water to three parts of baking soda to form a thick paste.

3. Activated Charcoal:

Activated charcoal is usually known to draw out toxins when used for internally or externally. When you apply the charcoal paste onto a spider bite, it could easily draw the venom out of the unpleasant irritating spider bite area to calm down. Appliances taste to the bite and let it sit for an hour or two. You can do this twice a day in order to get quick relief.

4. Elevation:

Spider bite on any external part of the body, elevating that part of the body helps in decreasing the swelling. Inclusive spider bite is on the arm of the leg then you should elevate that limb of the body. Education could be especially helpful when it comes down to body recluse spider bite treatment or any of the black widow spiders bite treatment. In case you get bitten by a brown recluse or black widow, you might need medical attention immediately if you have a bad reaction. However, part of your home treatment might likely include elevation is the bite is on the arm of the leg.

5. Do not Scratch:

Scratching could only elevate the issue of the spider bite. It might sound too simple to be on natural spider bite treatment but when you start scratching the spider bite or the Bug bite worsens up the situation. The bite only gets itchier and angrier. And even scratching at the spider bite might risk the bite becoming more infected. One must resist the urge to scratch and that should heel that much quicker.

6. Lavender Oil:

One of the most useful Essential oil which is Lavender oil is perfect for Spider bite. It has various other benefits for the skin. It helps in Calming the spider bite inflammation and redness encouraging the healing process to quickly happen. Simply combine a few drops of Lavender oil with the coconut oil and put it directly on the spider bite. You can also apply with two or three drops of undiluted Lavender oil directly on the wound.

7. Potato Poultice:

You do not have to worry about the French fries that the potato might be lying around but they also help you to improve the spider bite. It could be very surprising to know that but potatoes are excellent at reducing inflammation of the skin. Create a Potato poultice by grating the field potato and putting the thread into the thin piece of cloth. User rubber band to secure the cloth and the content inside it. Apply this on to the spider bite until the potato is dry. You can repeat this as needed and of course, make sure that the spider bite area is thoroughly clean before the use of this remedy.

8. Aloe Vera Gel:

Time and again aloe vera have come as a rescue element for all kind of skin woes. It might not be surprising if we say this is also a remedy for Spider bite. It helps in calming down the inflammation and itchiness because it contains all kind of helpful components including the minerals vitamins and enzymes along with fatty acids. You can use the gel inside the fresh aloe vera leaf or you can also look for Aloe Vera Gel at the store. Aloe vera can be applied to a spider bite several times until you see the improvement.

9. Witch Hazel:

Witch Hazel is known for the skin healing and astringent along with antioxidant properties in it. Fun any kind of bug bites, including spider bite, the Astor Njan can come in a powder of witch Hazel make such an awesome treatment for spider bites. Apply this liquid to the bite a few times in a day, it helps in reducing the redness itching and inflammation.

10. Wintergreen Essential Oil:

Wintergreen Essential oil has painKiller properties which makes a great choice for typical spider bite treatment. It is more important to blend wintergreen oil with a carrier oil such that it does not irritate on the skin if used alone. A small amount of Wintergreen Essential oil could be mixed with coconut or olive oil which is great for the skin along with almond or jojoba oil as well before dropping into the spider bites in toddlers.