Irresistible Fun Snow Games For Kids To Play


Wondering how to keep your little ones busy on a snow day? We have got plenty of Snow games for kids that could be a great idea to have some fun. We understand that kids would feel restless all day staying indoors. And thus after a heavy snowfall hits, the best is to move out and indulge in activities that bring back the liveliness.

Whenever you anticipate the snowy day, it is important to plan a lot of things beforehand. One of the most important things could be to know how to keep your little one engaged and how to make it safe with the outside snow games for kids. Kids usually adore this time of the year. Playing outside has really become fun but all the amazing snow games that we have listed for you. And also these are pretty much important moments of your kid’s life to make it memorable for them forever. Let it rain, shine, snow or hail, kids are determined to play and we are ready with ideas in solutions for play hours.

Outside Snow Games For Kids:


1. Blow Bubbles:

Kids always have fun blowing bubbles, so why not try it this winter? Let the kids blow the bubbles and have fun while they watch it freeze especially if the earth is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Gather every get from your neighborhood and go outside breathing some fresh air and having some fun with the bubbles.

2. Hoop it Up:

Playing with Hula hoops could never be less of fun. Grab a few Hula hoops  (R) and make it a contest to see who can last for the longest time. It might be simpler than it sounds especially when you have all bundled up. This is one of those no games that do not need a lot of preparation to enjoy.

3. Rope Tow:

Did you ever think of tug of war in the snow? Not so conventional right? But, trust us; it’s a whole lot of fun with slip and sliding everywhere. Kids love this game and all you would need is long thick rope and two teams. Make sure you flatten out the trench in the snow to make a partition as the middle line. Half the team standing each side of the line, and the team that pulls everyone on the other team over the midline first, wins the game. Doesn’t that sound and excellent outdoor snow games to play for kids?

4. Snowman Bowling:


Who said snow time is an indoor time? Let your kids enjoy the weather while you make sure that they have layered themselves up and ready for some fun in the snow. A great winter time game which can be played actual snow using a shovel two carve bowling alley. Draw 10 snowmen, penguins, reindeer, and some snowflakes along with seasonal poster boards that your kids love. Involve your kids in each of these activities. Have kids color it up and cut the mouth and tape it to 10 empty 2-liter bottles. Set them up like the bowling pin on one side of the bowling lane while you stand at the other end of the line and roll a ball to knock over all the bowling pins. Isn’t that a fun snow game to play outdoors? You can have the bowling scoring samples for the kids to understand and to keep the game real.

5. Sledding:


One of the most traditional and common things to do in the snow is sledding. You can make a simple sled out of cardboard and let the kids go out and have fun. While you might also want to make sure that your kid is wearing the right attire along with the right safety gears. A helmet with a knee cap is a must.

6. Snowman Slam:

Snowman slam is one of the favorite games to play especially in winters. You will need 6 large white paper cups along with brown and orange velvet paper, cotton and glue. Mind you, you would need lots of cottons. Cut small circles from the brown paper to make The Snowman’s eyes. You will need 12 of those. Next, cut out tiny triangles for the nose and turn the cups upside down and stick the eyes, nose, and mouth. Prepare the balls of the size of a baseball with the help of cotton. Make sure to have them bulky and strong. Next, arrange the snowmen in such a way that they form a pyramid and give off the Cotton balls to the kids. See if they are able to tumble any of the snowmen from the 5 feet or 8 feet distance or more if you need it challenging. They can play this game as long as the kid wants

7. Snow Angels and Snowmen:


If there is an abundance of snowfall at your place, it is absolutely time for some fun snow games for kids. Bundle up your kids and have them lie down why they waived and arms and legs to make snow angels. Won’t kids love to do this? Have them to roll balls of snow and build a snowman. You could have them to put on that thinking cap and bring on their creativity while they try to make a whole snowman’s family. Another quick one Idea would be to have a head on The Snowman while the kids try to stand behind and their own faces instead. Make sure to make this outdoor fun game memorable by clicking a lot of pictures with your kids.

8. Hake it up this Winter:


While the kids are over excited this snow time, let them play the shake it up. This activity requires their creativity and keeps them busy for a very long time. You can use strong glue to attach plastic toys and teach your kids to paste them on the left of the jar towards the inside of it. Once it is secure, add Baby Oil and glitter for a homemade snow globe and any other such brilliant great ideas that your kids might have. Once done, the kids are bound to have fun and also you could make them ask brilliant Souvenir of a great day to remember forever.

9. Powder Puff football:

This game requires two teams of minimum 3 players each. A fun game to start off by marking your field area by using a spray bottle that could be filled with colored water. Next, make a large rectangle with a middle line, and make sure each team lines up at the opposite end of the field for a quick kickoff. When one of the members of the receiving team catches the ball then try to advance down the field moving towards the other team’s goal line by running and dodging their opponents at the same time passing it to a teammate which is similar as that of a game of a football. A player is tackled when they get tagged by a member of the opposite team or slide out of bounds. Won’t that be an excellent outdoor snow game for kids to play?

10. Marshmallow Straw Race:


As the name sounds, the game is equal fun. Let the kids sit around the table and play some mug or paper coffee cup in front of each player. Scatter the mini marshmallows all over the table. Give each kid a straw to play with while you set a timer. Kids must use the straw to suck up the mini marshmallows and drop them off into their own mugs. All this has to be done within the stipulated time, and once the time run out, count the number of marshmallows collected by each kid in their mug. The player with the most number of Marshmallow when’s the game. When the game is over, now comes the best part of the play when you could fill the mugs with hot cocoa and let the kids have fun sipping it with the Marshmallow in them. Wow! A game with an excellent feast for kids to have fun.

11. Build a Snowman:

While this could be one of the favorite things for kids to do during snowy days, make sure you have taken the right precautions as per the age of your kid to keep them safe in the snow. The fun snow games for kids outside could be to build a snowman either together or as a competition. Half the kids to roll up some balls of big or small size, to make the head and the body of the snowman. While send them for a quick hunt to find rocks for eyes and twigs for arms from the nearby places. Let them keep The Snowman warm with a hat and a beautiful scarf. Viola, The Snowman is ready.

12. Building a Snow Fort:


While building snowman could be as simple as rolling up two balls of snow, building a snow Fort could bring in a lot of creativity and decorative thoughts in the kid. Let them work together as a team and build either an igloo or a snow Fort of their own choice and design. Give them ideas to stack the snow together and tax the walls to keep the snow Fort safe. All the tools that they used during their beach vacations to make sand Fort could be utilized very well for building a snow Fort as well.

13. Snowball Relay:

When there is a lot of snow for kids to enjoy, one of the best snow games to play is snowball relay. You will need to make snowballs and some good space to play along with two buckets. A minimum of 10 kids to play this game could be fun. Divide the kids into two or three teams depending on the number of participants playing. Ask the kids to stand in a line and leave a gap of at least 5 feet in between them. Next, put one bucket with the snowball at one end of the line while, the other empty bucket on the other end of the line. On the GO, the kids standing at the first towards the bucket filled with snowballs must pick up one snowball and pass it to the next one in the row. The aim here is to pass the snowball until the end of the chain without breaking it. The last kid standing in the rock gets the snowball and deposit in the empty bucket. The first team to get most of the snowballs without breaking from the 1st to the end wins the game. Kids need to learn coordination, team effort, sequencing, easy handling and time management with this game. One of the best snow games for kids to play and learn on a snowy day.

14. Winter Horseshoe:


This is a great game that could also be played during the winter camping trip, where burying a wide mouth water bottle in the snow, such that the mouth is flushed with the snow surface. Gather sticks or small stones to toss into the bottle from a marking which is a few yards away. To increase the challenge of the game you can always increase the distance of the line from where the kids have to throw and the bottle. Create your own version of this snow game with a can or a bowl and play it in the backyard or the park.

15. Snowy Treasure Hunt:

who doesn’t love Treasure Hunt especially if they get played in the snow? Treasure Hunt or one of the best outside no games for kids to play. But you might be wondering how is someone supposed to find a Treasure buried in the snow? Can you play it you know it! You will need small pieces of paper along with a stick, thread, and object to hide. Prefer the object based on the depth of the snow. You can either play this game inside the house or in the snow and set up a series of a clue that you might want to write down on the paper chits. Do not hide them very deep in the snow. Set the time limit and get the kids to find the object and have fun.

16. Create an Ice Art:


It doesn’t matter whether your child is artistic enough or not. But more than anything that matters is the amount of fun the kid will have playing around with colors and snow. Freeze the watercolors with food coloring into small blocks and few other shapes using the ice cube trays or cake/ Muffin tins, or even jello mold or old yogurt container. This is quite a simple thing to do once you fill up the container freeze it. Bring the favorite color ice block outside along with the natural ice and collect this know that you want to make a sculpture of. Make sure your kid is well covered to play in the snow for a longer time. In this sub-freezing temperature, you can easily make a sculpture with the pieces to stick with each other using a little water. It should have done too quickly freeze and then you could click a lot of pictures with your children.

17. Hat the Snowman:


It is obvious that the kid is bound to make a snowman. So why not enjoy some brilliant fun snow games for kids with the help of the same snowman built by then? You will need a top hat for this game and of course snow to build a snowman. Once your kid has built a tall snowman, have time to stand a few feet away from The Snowman and through the hat on to the head such that the child is able to hat The Snowman more times wins.

18. Snow Graffiti:

If it has snowed well; you could either have your kids to play either in the backyard or in open. Give them spray bottles full of water mixed with different colors of food coloring. Let them put the creativity hat on and make Graffiti of their own. Not only are the colors safe, but also environment-friendly.

19. Capture the Snow Flag:

You might need a piece of White cloth and a wooden spoon for this game. Tie the cloth to the end of the wooden spoon and mark off a set area for the kids to play. Have the flag hidden by a person by placing it anywhere in the snow within the area set for the kids to play. Make sure to press the spoon into the snow only such that the White cloth is visible. You must time how long the kids take to find the flag which is hidden in the snow. The one who is able to hide the flag for the longest time wins the game.

20. Snow Dodgeball:


Snow fight is one of the snow games that we play involuntarily the moment we see snow. This time let the kids have some fun with a snowball fight. As long as they do not hurt anyone and take it in the right spirit, let them have fun. You can take a small bucket or a pail for each kid and head out in the snow. Let the children not I’m at the face and the best way to deal with this could be to make a game rule to not hit any unprotected part of the body. Make the kids stand at least 6 feet apart and while they make snowballs and throw at each other, they as well have to dodge. Wouldn’t it be one of the best snow games for kids to play outdoors?

We have seen enough of the games above, but it is time that you let us know how your kids love to play in the snow. We love to hear from you, please write to us via the comment section below.