Do you wonder about the little outgrowth of skin that popped up on your kid’s skin? It might be skin tag. Don’t panic because, for the most part, skin tags in children isn’t life-threatening.
Skin tags are small, soft, skin-colored growths that hang off at the skin. Skin tags are little flaps or knobs of skin that appears on various parts of the body.
In this article, we will focus on what is skin tag in children and where it occurs. In addition to that, we will also focus on the various ways we can get rid of skin tags in children. So, let us go in-depth on the topic of skin tags.
What is Skin Tags in Children?

Skin tags (R) are small, soft, skin-colored growths that hang off the skin. They’re very common, harmless that occur in children as well as adults, and can vary in color and size, from a few millimeters up to 5cm (about 2 inches) wide.
Skin tags are usually found on the neck, armpits, the groin, or under the breasts. They can also grow on the eyelids or under the folds of the buttocks in an individual. Skin tags can appear in various parts of the body.
The skin tags are harmless growths that can vary in number and depends upon person to person. Both males and females are equally prone to developing skin tags. Obesity seems to be a more associated cause which propels the development. Although some skin tags may fall off spontaneously, the persistent ones don’t.
A skin tag is medically termed or called as an acrochordon. Sometimes, other terms have been used to refer to skin tags. These include soft warts, soft fibromas, fibroepithelial polyps (FEP), fibroma pendulans, pedunculated, fibroma.
Check Out These Home Remedies for Skin Tags In Babies.
Skin Tags Facts in Children:

- A skin tag is a small, soft, skin-colored growth that hangs off the skin.
- Skin tags are probably the single most common bump on adult and children skin.
- Skin tags are harmless and painless but can be annoying.
- Skin tags tend to occur on the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds, and under breasts.
- An individual may have multiple skin tags on various part of the body.
- Both men and women develop skin tags in some phase of their lives.
- Obesity is one of the most major causes of skin tags.
Causes of Skin Tags in Children:

The New Zealand Dermatological Society’s Dermnet NZ service explains that the exact cause of skin tags is not always clear and particular but that several factors that can play into developing a skin growth (R) which are called as skin tags. They are as follows:
1. In-Utero Development:
Some children are born with skin tags near their ears. The small protuberances are often located in ears (on the front side) as because of the cartilage that forms near the baby’s ears. It is different from the normal ear as they appear. These tags are not that harmful, but nevertheless, you should not ignore it. You might consider removal of it with certain cosmetic reasons.
2. Viruses:
Sometimes, the child may develop wart-like bumps or more floppy skin tags that result from viruses. The viruses can lie dormant in the body of children. The most important viruses that affect both men and women to develop skin tags in both adults and children are HIV viruses. This can be called a molloscum contagiosum virus. The Molloscum viruses spread through close bodily contact and can live on towels and other surfaces in your home surrounding. The Centers for Disease Control explains that molloscum is most prevalent in children under the age of 10, however, children and adults of all ages can become infected by these viruses.
3. Chafing:
According to NZ, they theorize that chafing of the skin can be a result of the cause of skin tags in children. Children who are overweight are more at risk of developing the growths and skin tags in children, especially in areas of the body that are marked by skin folds under the underarms and neck being the two common spots. Young children who rub their eyes may be more prone to suffer from skin tags on the upper eyelids than those who do not.
4. Other Factors:
Skin tags are made of loose collagen fibers and blood vessels that are surrounded by skin. The collagen is a type of protein that is found throughout the body in various parts. Both men and women can develop skin tags. The skin tags tend to occur more in older people and people who are obese (R) and suffer from type 2 diabetes (R).
Pregnant women are also more likely to develop skin tags as a result of changes in their hormone levels in the body. Some women develop them for no apparent reason at all.
Where are Skin Tags Found in Children?

Skin tags can occur almost everywhere on the body. But then, the two most common areas for skin tags are the neck and armpits area of the body. Other common body areas for the development of skin tags include the eyelids, upper chest focusing particularly on under the female breasts, buttock folds, and groin folds. Skin tags are typically thought to occur where skin rubs against itself or clothing. Skin tags typically occur in the following areas
- The base of the neck
- Underarms
- Eyelids
- Groin folds
- Buttock folds
- Under the breasts
What are the Symptoms of Skin Tags in Children?

Skin tags typically look like flesh-colored extra skin or they may appear brown in light-skinned individuals or children. They may be smooth, soft or wrinkled and the size of the skin tags vary from very tiny (1 mm) to approximately the size of a grape or less than that. However, it is usually possible to recognize a stalk that attaches the skin tag to the underlying skin.
If a skin tag is twisted slightly on its blood supply, then it may turn red or black. The skin tags may bleed if it is caught on clothing or is otherwise torn in some manner. The Skin tags are not typically painful and harmless and are not associated with any particular skin condition.
Are Skin Tags Harmful and Contagious?

You may get panic when you see a skin tag in your children. But trust me, skin tags are not harmful and not at all contagious. The skin tags are just the only extra outgrowth of skin that occurs on various part of the body of your children. The skin tags are not contagious even if you leave them untreated in most of the cases. But, make sure if the skin tags are bleeding or change color or grow in size, then do please refer to the skin specialist for any medical treatment.
Who Tends to Get Skin Tags?
More than half of the population, in general, has been reported to have skin tags at some time in their lives. However skin tags are generally acquired over the course of time and are not presented at birth. Skin tags more often arise in adulthood.
Children and toddlers may mostly develop skin tags that are particularly in the underarm and neck areas. Skin tags are more common in overweight and type 2 diabetes people or children. The hormones elevation during pregnancy may cause an increase in skin tags. Skin tags that are bothersome may be easily removed during or after pregnancy by a dermatologist.
How to Treat Skin Tags in Children:?
1. Laser Removal:
Laser treatment is one of the most effective treatments that can treat skin tags in children. It is slightly expensive as compared to other treatment procedure. It is the last line of treatment for skin tag and might also require a few sessions back to back. Please do refer to your dermatologist before you go for laser removal treatment for skin tag.
2. Excision:
Excision is a surgical procedure which involves cutting off the skin tag portion with a scalpel. The surgery happens with the child ungergoing anesthesia to prevent any kind of pain. It is very important to remember that surgery is never advisable for a baby or for children. Always remember that you need to wait till the child or kid get older and do consult a dermatologist on skin tag removal before you go for it.
3. Homeopathy:
Homeopathy is one of the best ways to get rid of skin tags in children. Most people do follow this method to treat skin tags in kids. Homeopathy works great but it takes a lot of time to finally see the results. But, be patient and it will definitely work for the skin tag in children.
4. Cryotherapy:
Cryotherapy (R) is the best way to remove a skin tag in children. Freezing kit often comes up in search engines for the treatment of skin tags in children as well as in adults. It requires more than just the things at an ice cube at home. The liquid nitrogen compound is carefully applied to the affected area of skin tags. This procedure is best for those who have lighter skin and in areas where there is a little hair growth in the part of the body.
5. Cauterization:
Burning off a skin tag should never be attempted at home and that’s called cauterization. This is a procedure that must be conducted by an experienced medical professional or determinants. Electro cauterization requires a special tool that is heated and then carefully applied to affected areas of the skin tag. The skin tag may not come off immediately. It may fall off in the coming hour or even take days following the completion of the procedure.
Home Remedies for Skin Tags Removal in Children:
Never ever try to remove skin tags on your own at home without consulting a doctor. You may risk hurting or infecting your child. Always try to consult a medically certified professional for skin tags, who will advise you whether you can remove the skin tag at home or not. You can do this by tying the base of the skin tag with a cotton thread or dental floss. This will help in cutting off the blood supply so that the skin tag falls off on its own.
Some of The Home Remedies For Skin Tags are
1. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar has been used for generations for skincare because of its ability to kill harmful bacteria and fungi. It balances pH levels which help in shedding off the skin tags. Organic apple cider vinegar (R) is always on the top of the list for treating skin ailments including skin tags, warts, eczema, and acne.
All You Need:
- Apple cider vinegar
- Cotton
- Duct tape
How To Do:
- Pour the apple cider vinegar onto a small piece of cotton and strap it to the skin tag area.
- Use the duct tape to hold the cotton in place.
- Keep it on for 1-2 hours
How Often:
- Repeat twice a day.
2. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is the safest and effective treatment for a wide array of skin conditions. The tea tree oil dries up the skin tag and helps in speeding the shedding process further. It also has antimicrobial in nature which protects the skin from infections once the skin tag has come off.
All You Need:
- Tea tree oil
- And some drops of Olive oil
How To Do:
- Dilute some of the tea tree essential oil in the carrier oil and
- Apply on the area on the skin tag.
How Often:
- Do this 2-3 times in a day.
3. Oil of Oregano:

Oil of oregano can help to relieve skin issues or skin tags. The presence of effective properties in oregano oil help in fighting bacterial and fungal infections, viruses and much more. Oil of oregano has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects in it. Do not apply to broken or irritated skin.
All You Need:
- Oil of oregano
- Some any form of carrier oil
How To Do
- Mix 2 drop of carrier oil with 4 drops of oil of oregano
- And apply with cotton to the affected area.
How Often:
- Apply three times a day
4. Banana Peel:
Banana peels have been shown to be effective remedies that help in removing warts with their enzymes and acidic effects. The same chemicals found in the peel can help to shed the skin tags.
All you need:
- Banana peel
How To Do:
- Cut a small portion of the banana peel.
- Apply the fibrous part (white side) of the banana peel on the affected area of skin tag
- Leave on for an hour
How Often:
- Repeat this for few days until the skin tag falls off.
5. Baking Soda:
The combination of castor oil and baking soda works great for the removal of skin tags as they alter the pH of the affected area, which helps to remove skin outgrowths of skin tags and skin warts.
All You Need:
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- A few drops of any castor oil
How To Do:
- Mix castor oil with baking soda to form a paste.
- Apply this paste on the skin tag area.
- Rinse it off after 1-2 hours.
How Often:
- Repeat this process for 2-3 weeks.
6. Blood Root:
The bloodroot herb is a strong remedy to remove skin tags in western countries mostly to cure moles and warts. It is even recommended by herbalists to remove tumors. It simply cuts off the circulation to the skin tag and makes it fall off by itself after a few applications.
All you need:
- Bloodroot paste
- Bandage
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Cotton
How To Do:
- Clean the skin tag area and the surrounding area with a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide.
- Apply the bloodroot paste on the skin tag and cover it with a bandage.
- Leave the bandage for a few hours.
How Often:
- Repeat for once in a day.
7. Manuka Honey:
Manuka honey is a non-peroxide type of honey that works great for the removal of skin tags in children. Applying it to the skin tag area restricts its oxygen supply and this results in helping with the removal. Honey also has wound healing properties in it that help to heal the skin faster once the skin tag has fallen off. It also prevents the formation of scars.
All You Need:
- Manuka honey
- Band-aid
How To Do:
- Apply manuka honey to the skin tag and cover it with a band-aid.
- Keep the band-aid on for a few hours.
How Often:
- Repeat this few times in a day.
8. Garlic:
Crushed garlic has been used for generations to treat skin tags. Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties in it. After a few days, the skin tag will fall off, leaving behind smooth skin because of the beneficial properties of Allicin.
All You Need:
- Few garlic cloves
How To Do:
- Crush the few garlic cloves into a paste.
- Apply the paste on the skin tag.
- Wash it off after an hour.
How Often:
- Repeat twice a day.
9. Cocoa Butter:
Shea butter will ensure that the skin remains hydrated as it works for the removal of skin tags. It contains healthy fats that nourish the skin and heal to prevent scars.
All You Need:
- Organic cocoa butter
- Few essential oils
How To Do:
- Take a small amount of shea or cocoa butter in your palm
- Put in a bowl
- Add the oregano essential oil to and mix well both.
- Apply this on the skin tags.
- Leave it for a few hours.
How Often:
- Do this twice a day
10. Ginger:
Ginger contains a wide range of bioactive compounds that possess healing and antimicrobial properties in it. These properties have been effective to remove skin tags in some certain people or children.
All You Need:
- Ginger
How To Do:
- Clean the skin tag and the surrounding area before applying it.
- Rub a slice of raw ginger on the affected area
- Do this for a minute or two.
- Do not rinse away the juice that comes out of the ginger piece.
How Often:
- Do this 3-4 times in a day.
All this information related to the skin tags in children will definitively help you in a proper skin tag treatment in children. Do follow the home remedies to cure the skin tags in children. This will surely help in taking care of the skin.