One of the most common types of infections that affect women during pregnancy is a sinus infection. Sinus infections can be too uncomfortable. For breastfeeding mothers, treating a sinus infection during breastfeeding is not so simple. It not only affects the mother but also the nursing baby.
Sinusitis happens once there’s infection within the lining of 1 of the four nasal cavities, which might cause inflammation and a nasal obstruction inhibiting the correct drain of secretion. This can end in symptoms like a stuffy nose and painful pressure around your cheeks and eyes. Such infections are also caused by a microorganism, virus, or fungus, though the cold is the most typical contributing factor.
In this article, we will focus on what is a sinus infection? How it is caused and home remedies of how we can treat the condition.
What is Sinus Infection?

A sinus infection is usually characterized by a liquid nose, sneezing, coughs, inflamed nasal cavities, headaches, and a raw throat. One of the factors of a sinus infection that affects a breastfeeding mother is due to the microorganism infection which is especially due to a build-up of fluid and mucous secretion inside the cavity that permits the dangerous microorganism to breed. This can be treated with a course of oral medication which has antibiotics and antihistamines.
What Causes Sinus Infection While Breast-Feeding?

A Sinus Infection May Be Caused Due To:
- A sudden change in the weather or environment.
- Allergies to any substances
- Common cold
- Bacteria transmitted through the air
- Bacteria transmitted from one person to another
- Fluid build-up with fungi present in the nasal or sinus cavity
- Extremely cold weather
- The influenza virus
Sign and Symptoms of Sinus Infection While Breastfeeding:

As a nursing mom, you may already find yourself tired sometimes, especially when your baby is a newborn and still getting him settled into a sleep routine. Sinusitis, on top of that , and you’re downright exhausted. Other symptoms of sinusitis generally include pressure and pain in the face and head, along with a stuffy or runny nose. Drainage out the nose or down the throat is additionally common.
Sinus can even cause dangerous impacts on breathing, teeth pain, headache and may affect your sense of smell or taste. Some folks have a cough and fever with a sinus infection. You just need to consult with your doctor if you have these kinds of symptoms while breastfeeding your baby so you can learn the best way to treat your illness ensuring to your baby safe.
How to Treat a Sinus Infection While Nursing?
With oral medication, the sinus infection can be treated, however, you must consult your doctor first to find out if taking oral medication while breastfeeding is safe for your baby or not.
Some of the effective treatment options include:
1. Antibiotics:
The most common methodology of treatment for a sinus infection is antibiotics, however, some medication will have severe side-effects on your kid, therefore it’s vital to debate the medicines with a doctor while breastfeeding. It is additionally suggested that you just complete the course of the antibiotics because the infection will change and become resistant against the medication if you are doing not.
2. Decongestants:
One of the effective ways to alleviate inflammation and fluid build-up throughout a sinus infection could be done with decongestants.
Be warned, taking some general over the counter decongestants will cause lactation issues, therefore consult your doctor to grasp which of them are safe while breastfeeding.
3. Painkiller:
Painkillers can help provide relief from headache and nasal pain while suffering from sinusitis. Some painkillers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, are quite safe for nursing mothers. Just consult your physician before you have any painkiller and avoid over counter medicines while breastfeeding.
4. Drink Lots Of Fluids:
Hydration is important for all nursing mothers as it is beneficial for milk production. Also, hydrating your body helps fight infection and clear a stuffy nose resulting due to sinusitis. So, drink plenty of fluids, such as water and citrus juices, to hydrate your body.
5. Take Rest:
Taking enough rest is one of the ways that helps to boost immunity. By taking adequate rest, the infection gets to dissipate on its own.
Sinus Infection Prevention:
- Drink lots of fluids like water, broth, and citrus juice. Staying hydrated is very important for fighting infection and for clearing a stuffy nose.
- Use certain saline nasal irrigation or saline nose drops. You can create your own saline drops by combining one cup of heat water with 1/8 tsp salt and a little pinch of hydrogen carbonate.
- Use a humidifier at night. This will help clear nasal passages. You may conjointly lean over a pan of boiling water began the stove, place a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam. This helps open your nasal passages and loosens mucous secretion in your chest.
- Elevating your head with some of the pillows while lying down might make breathing easier. Using nasal strips also helps to open nasal passages.
- For a raw throat, gargle with salt water (1/4 tsp salt per eight ounces of water), drink a warm liquid or suck on ice. Honey and lemon may additionally soothe a raw throat.
- Make sure you take lots of sleep as this may facilitate your system to fight the infection.
- During maternity, it’s common to lose your appetite, and feeling sick. However, you don’t have an appetite, then it’s necessary to eat well.
- Make sure to eat some nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables. Soup may also be a soothing option.
- Use hot or cold packs on your shoulders or neck or a cold pack on your forehead.
- Getting a massage, or a warm bath may also help alleviate headaches.
- Drink hot beverages such as black tea with ginger, hot water, hot water with honey and lemon for alleviating symptoms. Hot chicken soup is also very refreshing and provides immediate relief.
- Use the saltwater solution to rinse your nostrils. You can use a dropper to dispense water individually in each nostril. It is the saline water that unclogs the nostrils and clears them. This can provide instant relief.
Tips to Follow in Sinus Infection During Breastfeeding:
Here are many (R) to assist you to manage a sinus infection whereas you are breastfeeding.
- Drink plenty of liquids throughout the day.
- Take rest as much as possible.
- Never take any medicines while not your doctor’s approval, this includes general medication and over-the-counter medication.
- Apart from after you are breastfeeding, keep a distance from your baby, sinus infections are contagious.
- Follow your doctors’ instructions.
- Eat, even after you don’t have a craving, as you would like to stay your energy levels high.
When to Consult A Doctor?
You need to consult your doctor in the majority of three cases if
- If you are coughing up green or yellow mucus
- If you have a fever above 101° F
- If you cannot eat or sleep
If your infection isn’t rising, your doctor could inflict medication.
Your doctor can verify the simplest medication to require that’s safe for you and your baby. While sinus infections aren’t fun, there square measure ways in which you’ll beware of yourself either through medication or home remedies that can alleviate the symptoms and promote the necessary recovery.
If you get sinus infection while breastfeeding, then please don’t take it lightly as it is contagious. The above information will definitely help you get rid of sinus infection while breastfeeding. The home remedies will help in dealing with the infection.