Sepsis In Children; Causes, Signs and Symptoms, And Treatment


Sepsis is a form of infection that can affect anybody at any time. This is a serious problem that arises to infection in the blood. If it is not treated at the right time then it can be life-threatening. It is rightly said that the children and premature babies are more prone to getting this infection known as a.

Well at this end of the article we will opt to know a fair share of information about what is all about sepsis in children and the ways to remove blood infection in a child.

What Is Sepsis In Children?


Sepsis is a medical term that is used when the blood gets an infection in the case of children as well as adults. This infection resulted when the immune system goes overdrive and attracts the body’s own organs and tissues.

It is really dangerous to life as it can affect the kidney, lungs, brain, heart, and it can be life threatening. You have to get medical attention as soon as possible. Sepsis kills and disables millions and requires early and rapid treatment for survival further.

The sepsis infection can result from the infection anywhere in the body of the children.

The children particularly with the newborn and young infant it is said that it occurs a lot as per the studies.

The sepsis infection is characterized by a derangement in multiple pathological processes, that lead to widespread tissue injury. The sepsis develops when the immunity system release into the bloodstream to fight the infection in the entire body.

[Read: Broken Blood Vessel On Baby Face]

Statistic For Sepsis In Children:


As per the center for disease control and prevention (CDC) (R) there are more than 1.5 million cases of sepsis in children in each passing year and this type of infection kills 250,000 Americans a year.

The number of people hospitalized in the United States for sepsis each year is top 1 million (R) and this is one of the 10 diseases leading in American.

With another study in the United States, more than 75,000 children develop severe sepsis each year. This shows out to about 200 per day and it is 8% increase in each and every year.

And from this data, almost 7,000 of these children die or life threatening. Sepsis in the developing world is even more serious, causing many more deaths in children as well as adults.

As per the studies at about more than 1in 3 children (34%) who survive after the sepsis in children are left with a change in cognitive skills that still at 28 days followed from the date of discharge. And at about 47% need to readmitted in the hospital at least once after surveying sepsis.

Causes Of Blood Infection In Kids:


The bacterial infection is the most important cause of sepsis in children. It is said that due to the fungal infection is the real cause of the sepsis in children. (R)

This includes the germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc that cause sepsis in children.

Apart from these reasons, there is a certain cause that can leads to blood infection in children. Such as-

  • The open wound, cuts lefts untreated for a longer period of time then it can lead to sepsis in children.
  • Un taken of vaccination can lead to infection in the blood.
  • There is certain sepsis like neonatal sepsis that can be infected from the mother to the baby. This happens due to the prolonged exposure in the hospital as that resulted in a blood infection.
  • Due to the urinary tract infection, pneumonia, ear infections the children do have the chance of developing sepsis in children.
  • Poor nutrition and the immune system play an important role in causing the sepsis in children.

What Are The Sign And Symptoms Of Sepsis In a Child?


Any one of these symptoms doesn’t justify having sepsis in children. The combination of two or three has these symptoms might says of having sepsis in a child. These are-

  • fever, shivering, or a very low temperature
  • fast breathing
  • fast or racing heartbeat, especially if the fever is down
  • sweaty or blotchy skin
  • extra sleepiness, trouble waking up, or confusion
  • complaining of bad pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Low blood sugar
  • Reduced movements
  • Seizures
  • Slow heart rate
  • Vomiting
  • Swollen Belly
  • Confusion, dizziness or disorientation
  • Bulging soft spot
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Decreased urination
  • Difficulty waking from sleep
  • Disinterest in or difficulty feeding

There are certain symptoms that are observed in a child below 3 months are as follows-

  • Confusion
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty waking from sleep
  • Existing infection (like pneumonia) with symptoms that are getting worse instead of better
  • Fever of 102 degrees or greater
  • Inability or unwillingness to make eye contact
  • Irritability
  • Lethargy
  • Racing heart
  • Rash
  • Skin color changes
  • Trouble breathing

How Is Sepsis In Children Is Diagnosis?

Sepsis In Children Is Diagnosis

There are few ways to diagnosis with the presence of blood infection in children. The ways are-

1. Blood Test:

This is done by examining a sample of blood and after that, if the level of infection is more the doctor, will figure out the presence of sepsis. This also shows infection and the organ function etc of the child. It also focuses on the blood oxygen level check-up.

2. Urine Test:

This is done by examining the sample of urine after that the doctor will able to look for the bacteria that could indicate the presence of sepsis in children.

3. Lumbar puncture:

This is done by examining a sample of spinal fluid, your child’s doctor can check for infection, including meningitis. This also helps in checking the sign of bleeding around the spinal cord or brain.

4. X-rays:

X-rays can show pneumonia or other conditions that can cause sepsis. This is done to check the infection in the lungs that often can lead to cure blood infection in a child.

How To Treat Sepsis In A Child:


If the blood infection is minor or not that serious then it can be treated with antibiotics. In the majority of a case, treating blood infection in a child needs medical attention. In majority of case if the child has a high fever and looks seriously ill, then the doctors will injectable antibiotics in order to cure the infection.

If the reports come serious and positive then you have to admit in the hospital for the medical guidance. If this has crossed the initial stage then it can’t be treated with antibiotics. As this can affects the function of the organs.

In some cases, it can be treated with putting oxygen in much of the cases in blood infection in kids. There are cases where the kids have to stay at the pediatrics intensive care unit (PICU) (R)

The Kids also will get fluids through the IV and, if needed, blood pressure medicines called vasopressors to keep the heart working and functioning well. There are certain kids with sepsis who might need extra blood or to get some parts of blood through the IV. A transfusion can help the blood make clots or carry oxygen better in further case.

How To Treat Sepsis Naturally:

Here are a few natural ways to treat sepsis at home. Let’s look on it-

1. Turmeric:

TurmericTurmeric is regarded as one of the Asian best herbal herbs. It as tremendous effects on an infection that is caused due to bacteria, germs, etc in babies. It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It is also rich in curcumin.

All You Need:

  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 glass of hot milk
  • Honey (optional)

How To Do:

  1. Take a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of hot milk.
  2. Stir it well and allow it to cool.
  3. Add some honey if you want some texture of smell and flavor.
  4. After that drink it.

How Often:

  • Take it once in a day.

2. Garlic:

GarlicGarlic is one of the best natural home remedies that is used to fight infection naturally in babies. The garlic extracted suppress the bacteria that cause blood infection. This happens due to the presence of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties in it.

All You Need:

  • 2-3 garlic cloves

How To Do:

  1. Peel the garlic cloves and
  2. crush them.
  3. Add them to your favorite salads and dishes.
  4. You can also chew on the garlic cloves directly.

How Often:

  • Include daily in your diet.

3. Honey:


Honey has a lot of medical values and purpose. This is the easy and safest way to fight sepsis infection naturally in babies. This is a traditional way of treatment followed from generation to generation. It is rich in its immunomodulatory action and antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

All You Need:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey

How To Do:

  1. Take two tablespoons of honey daily.

How Often:

  • Take it daily

4. Vitamin C:


Vitamin C plays an important role in each and everyone life. It is said that the low level of vitamin C increases the risk of a blood infection in a child. Taking proper and adequate fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin c helps to restore the imbalance.

All You Need:

  • 500 mg of vitamin C supplements.

How To Do:

  1. Consume 500 mg of vitamin C supplements daily.
  2. You can also consume citrus fruits to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C.

How Often:

  • Include 2-3 types in a day.

5. Mung Beans:

Mung Beans

Mung beans are used for their nutritional and anti-inflammatory benefits in food. The therapeutic effect of mung beans is due to the presence of an aqueous extract in their coat that can increase your survival rate against sepsis in children.

All You Need:

  • 1/2 cup of mug beans

How To Do:

  1. Consume half a cup of cooked mung beans in your favorite dish.
  2. You can consumer directly.

How Often:

  • Do this daily.

6. Caraway Essential Oil:


Caraway essential oil is rich in powerful antioxidant properties that can help heal septic-related oxidative injuries in children. This helps in treating blood infection in kids.

All You Need:

  • 1-2 drops of caraway essential oil
  • 1 glass of warm water

How To Do:

  1. Add a drop or two of edible caraway essential oil to a glass of warm water.
  2. Mix it well
  3. Then drink this

How Often:

  • Do it daily.

How To Prevent Child From Affecting Blood Infection:


This can’t be prevented that often, but small and simple steps can help a lot to treat the blood infection in a child. Such as-

  • Go through the immunization schedule for your child at a regular interval of time.
  • Do clean any wounds, cuts or abrasions with antiseptics to prevent infections further. Make sure you take care of it mainly.
  • if you notice any symptoms of sepsis then take to them to the doctor as it can be easily cured early in early diagnosis.
  • Keep an eye on any skin infections and rashes in babies. Infections of lung and sinus also lead to sepsis in kids as I mentioned above.
  • Do maintain hygiene factors and regularly clean the child’s hands with soap and water to prevent bacteria from going into the body. Prevention is more in this case.
  • Keep your child away from people who have lung, sinus or skin infections.
  • Give your child a healthy and nutritious diet to boost his immune system, which helps to fight the bacteria.

When To Call Doctor?

From the above of any symptoms, you get to see then just do consult a doctor. The doctor will able to figure out the presence of sepsis in children and the level of seriousness.

You do visit a doctor, if-

  • develops a fever suddenly
  • has coughing fits and coughs blood
  • has trouble breathing and his fingernails turn pale blue
  • has a seizure or passes out
  • vomits blood

It is really dangerous to life as it can affect the kidney, lungs, brain, heart, and it can be life threatening. You have to get medical attention as soon as possible. Sepsis kills and disables millions and requires early and rapid treatment for survival further. I hope this article has given you a good knowledge of information about sepsis in children and the ways to treat blood infection in a child.