Understand The Seasonal Allergy Action Plan

Src: yaletownnaturopathic.com/

Seasonal allergies are very common specially during the months of fall and spring. Most of the people get cough, cold, flu, fever and other allergy symptoms due to exposure to allergens. While as a parents we may prevent allergies in little kids to some extent by keeping them indoors but it is challenging to contain big kids at home. And you cant overlook every move they make. So comes an urgent need on how to deal with allergies without medicine. Or rather a proactive approach to contain the triggers which prompt allergies in us.

Know the seasonal allergy action plan to combat it well:

Src: garibaldihealthclinic.com

Seasonal allergy action plan is your only mantra to reduce or do away the effects of allergens on your family. Specially in kids, as allergies can be painful and disturbing. And once they strike it takes well over a few weeks to completely eradicate its signs and symptoms. Some of the ways to prevent and comfort, is by adopting seasonal allergy action plan:

1- Understand the triggers:

Src: originalwoman.org

Every person had different set of triggers which evoke seasonal allergy outbreak for them. These triggers can be kept away or prevented from harming only if you understand these. The most evil culprits are pollens, dust, mites, pet dander and molds. Once you identify these triggers you will be in a better position to keep yourself or your children away from these. There are several tests which your healthcare provider would do to help you understand the triggers in your case

2- Protect your environment, both indoor and outdoor:

Only the areas you stay put, try and protect them from any allergens. Specially your bedroom, as night time is the most critical and anything around your bed is sure to reach your system in the good 7-8 hours you spend each night on bed. Keep the pets away from your bedroom and the clothes fixed in closet. Change linens on your mattress and pillows every week and if possible buy anti-allergic covers for them.

Keep your car windows shut all the time specially during pollen alert or other allergen outburst. Limit outdoor time and check the place you go

3- Wash your hands every few hours:


Washing hands is the best way to combat any allergy. The most likely way of us contracting allergens is either through mouth or nose. And hands play a very critical role as we tend to touch many things all the time. And if our hands are not washed properly the allergens would reach our mouth or nose quickly. Also use a sanitizer or anti-bacterial hand wipe whenever outdoor to prevent germs from reaching you

4- Do away with carpeted floors:

Carpets on floor are the major carrier of germs, dust and allergens. If there is a possibility do away with these carpets at least from living and bedroom. These are the places you tend to spend more time lounging around. Hardwood floors are easier to clean and disinfect. Also they don’t carry germs and allergens like carpets

5- Keep your pets outside most of the time:

Src: molekule.com

Keeping pets outside helps in reducing the pet danders and allergies there in. Also pets may be the carrier for other forms of allergies too, thus by keeping them away you are actually preventing a lot of allergens. Bath your pets often and keep them clean to prevent germs on them

6- Cut your times outside from mornings and daytime:

The allergens like pollen are at their peak during morning and day time. So limit your outdoor time in these hours. Shift your walk, exercise, running or biking to evening time. This will keep you stay off the extra impacting pollen alerts

7- Make your big kids aware of the triggers and signs:

The kids must know what causes allergies in them. And the more you communicate the quicker they begin to understand what is right for them. Specially since parents cant tag along with big kids all the time. The kids themselves have to take care of these allergens.

8- Wash your hair often during the allergic outbursts:

Your hair and clothes may come in contact with allergens and they need to be disinfected quickly before they enter your system. Be sure to wash your clothes ample times more than you would do prior to allergy season. Be sure to disinfect all accessories like hat, stole and the rest which come in contact with you daily

Src: lswebddesign.net

Seasonal allergies medicines:

While there are some natural home remedies which are more preventive than curative. But if continued, these can reduce your chances of contracting allergies considerably. For any allergic reaction in kids, see your healthcare provider immediately. Some medicines for seasonal allergies include:

1- Antihistamines:

Antihistamine as the name suggests keeps your body from releasing histamines which are a natural reaction of the body. Histamines cause stuffy nose, itchy and watery eyes which are the reactions of coming in contact with allergens. These must be taken throughout the allergy season to prevent their reactions and symptoms which can be damaging.

2- Decongestants:

Decongestants shrink your blood vessels of the nose thus reducing congestion. Be careful when using decongestant sprays, be sure to seek medical guidance on how long to use these.

3- Eye drops for allergies:

There are several eye drops which must be taken for reducing watery and itchy eyes. These eye drops contain antihistamines, decongestants or drugs which help in reducing irritation. This helps in less itching, tearing or swelling of eyes.

4- Nasal sprays containing steroids:

These nasal sprays containing steroids reduce swelling and also dilute the mucous. After spraying the external allergens would not enter your nasal passage as these nasal sprays treat polyps that often lead to sinus, blockage and congestion.

5- Sublingual immunotherapy:

Immunotherapy is the process of giving doses of allergens and gradually increasing them to desensitize your immune system. There are shots available all over US, which keep the allergic reactions contained

6- Herbs and other supplements:

Many food items contain quercetin which is a heart healthy flavonoid and a natural anti-inflammatory which blocks histamine effects before even they begin. Add Vitamin C along with quercetin to enrich its effects further and prevent it from degrading

7- Home remedies like ginger, garlic, honey, Apple cider vinegar, Vitamin C (not for allergic asthma cases), cinnamon and licorice, hot pepper, hot mustard, turmeric and many other Ayurveda herbs help in alleviating these symptoms and if taken regularly they even prevent these allergens from causing reactions in our body. Thus enriching our body immunity

The above compilation on “Understand the seasonal allergy action plan” to help parents and caretakers to keep their wards prevented and cured of these disturbing allergens. Proper health care check ups must be done to determine allergies and their causal triggers. For any sudden reaction or allergies visit ER immediately.

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