Top 10 Reasons You Should Become A Foster Parent


There is nothing more heartwarming and fulfilling than becoming a foster parent. More and more children are ending up in foster care establishments and they are constantly in search for foster parents for these innocent kids. Foster parents are temporary parents who provide care for foster kids whose birthplace can not afford then. When biological parents cannot care for their kids, they are sent to foster homes under foster parents for a temporary arrangement.

What are Foster Parents:

Foster parents are those who have agreed to take care of a foster child temporarily whose birth family is unable to provide for them due to multiple reasons. The goal here is care taking of the child for sometime and then eventually re-unification with the birth family. Some times it may result into adoption too which is permanent.

Why you should become a foster parent:

Though it may be a very challenging task, but its for greater benefit of kids and service to god. As a foster parent you may need a few weeks to months in stabilizing the situation at home. The foster child has been through a lot of emotional and traumatic situations. He or she may have been going from home to home in search of fostering and care. They may be ill-behaved, robbing, throwing tantrums and more. But their situation has been extremely painful so they are what they are

Reasons you should become a foster parent include:

If you wish to adopt a child and don’t know how it goes, also you may not be able to offer for long term commitment in raising a child but wish to help in a temporary way. You have time and lots of love to offer for the foster child. Then foster parenting is for you. Some more reasons and benefits of being a foster parent are:

1- Foster parenting is totally rewarding:

You tend to get intrigued and involved into parenting instincts when a foster child arrives at your home. The more you offer love and care the more satisfying and rewarding it becomes. For its about service to god and mankind. You are sharing the greater goodness of the world and an amazing leap of faith. Your love, care and affection can make a huge difference in the life of the child.

2- You wish to participate in the community service events:

Your act of kindness is not just helping shape a child but also impacts an overall community around you. You may inspire more families and people to join hands in this wonderful social cause which is rewarding and satisfying

3- Its a great way to fill your home after your kids have left:

Most foster parents are those who’s kids have left for college and have empty nests. This is a great emotional upswing for these parents too as they are in search of someone to pour their love and affection to. This can be a great way of switching back to routine for the families who have been left by their kids

4- All you feel is about helping a child attain their dream:

As a foster parent your only concern is to provide right set of experiences, care and affection for the foster child to help him shape into a mature and confident individual. The feeling of being ale to make a difference in someone’s life is much more than any thing else.

5- For all your desires to join hands in a larger mission:

Have you always dreamt of being a part of a larger mission but never been able to join sure to family or kids situation at home. Well this is your chance to be a part of this act of kindness with a very big mission. To provide love, care and affection for challenged kids who have been abused, abandoned or neglected by their own birth families.


6- For families with no kids this can be a great way of enriching bonds:

Many families don’t have kids and have always dreamt of having someone in their home to whom they would shower all their love and affections. Foster parenting for such couples can be immensely fulfilling. All the times they wanted to show this love and affection has now come into real. And now they have every reason to make the child happy and smile.

7- If you are planning to adopt but unsure:

Maybe you wish to adopt a child and are not sure if you can do it. Foster parenting can be a temporary way where you can help a neglected or abused child to come back to normalcy with immense love and affection. This foster parenting can change into adoption if the parents want to.

8- Experiences as foster parents teach adults also a great deal:

Many times adults who foster parent learn so much more about community issues, they begin understanding how others have challenges and how their stories matter. This experience helps in making you a much aware individual who sees a bigger picture in life now.

9- This experience helps in bringing a lot of warmth and a sense of faith to you:

When you begin foster parenting a child, you stat thinking of them as your children and all your action and decisions are centered around providing the right experience to your child. This helps in bringing peace, harmony and warmth to you too.

10- Many times people who are well-off but don’t have a family or don’t have much time end up being loners:

Their lives are more in need of an emotional venting out. Foster parenting is the just the right option for all their urges to shower love and affection to someone finally finds a way. It gives a sense of giving back in ways which are heartening and fulfilling.

The above compilation on Top 10 reasons you should become a foster parent is to help you work towards service of god and mankind. Foster parenting is a rather temporary form of adopting a child and helping them turn into a beautiful individual.

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