10 Tips to Raise an Optimistic Child

10 Tips to Raise an Optimistic Child
ImageSource: connector

The world today needs optimists more than ever.one of the greatest gift you can give to your child is a sense of perspective to see the way of life. It is the parents who need to teach their kids that life is a fluid that things change for better overtimes. Seeing the glass as half full or having the conviction that things will eventually work out in a cornerstone of resilience(R) and will be an absolute asset in achieving any kind of success in your kid’s life.

When life gets tough and difficult you want your children to hang on, pull themselves together and always keep going. Instead of giving up, the parents should make the needs to believe that things can get better and work towards that to their kids. Research tells us that encouraging optimism in our kids comes with numerous benefits(R)  which including better mental and physical well being(R), That gives a greater sense of relief and satisfaction in life, as well as a better ability to cope with the stresses of life.

let’s be honest in raising an optimistic child which will improve their chances of having a healthy and protected social life. In this article, we will focus on the way or tips to raise an optimistic child. Here are some of the valuable tips that develop a sunny outlook on life for your children:

1. Model Optimism:

Model Optimism
ImageSource: mother

Are you keep on saying things like “Everything always goes wrong” or “We never have enough money”? If such then please stop it. If you always try to focus on the negative thoughts for your child activity or behavior then it will be a classic pessimistic trait. Even if these views, behavior, and attitudes are communicated to your child, then they will more likely to develop the same traits again and again as they always watching and listening to you. Try not to complain and gripe to your kids. If you really want to help your kids to become more upbeat then start by having a brighter outlook of yourself and be a model of optimism.

2. Foster an Attitude of Gratitude in your Kids:

Foster an Attitude of Gratitude in your kids
ImageSource: whatsuplife

With the above point, this has also a butterfly effect in developing an optimistic child.One of the basic tips that can help your kids to become more optimistic by foster an attitude of making gratitude a habit in your home. To start with encouraging everyone in family daily to share one good thing that happened or that they were grateful for, to your kids. This will show them a clear picture of naturally looking for the silver lining in every experience yo share with them. With the course of time as your kids grow older, the habit will come naturally to them and they’ll lead a happier, healthier life (R). This will engage their positive optimistic attitude.

3. Allow them to Experience Success and take Reasonable Risks:

Allow them to Experience Success and take Reasonable Risks
ImageSource: medium.com

Giving your kids the real opportunities to achieve success and experience the pride of doing it will go a long way towards helping your kids to develop “can-do” attitudes. A great way to do this is to assign your kids age-appropriate household chores (R) and tasks. This will not only teaches responsibility but also helps foster their confidence and makes them feel capable enough to deal with things. Encourage your kids to try something new and innovating.The parental instinct to shield your kids from harm and hurt will be natural, it can sometimes undermine their confidence. Foster your kids to learn new skills and hobbies, take trips without the guidance of your’s and generally expand their boundaries. The experience they’ll learn will spill over into other areas of their lives and they’ll become self-assured individuals who don’t crumble in the face of a challenge and will line up in the success list by taking reasonable risk.

4. Shelter them from Unnecessary Stress:

Shelter them from Unnecessary Stress
ImageSource: theasianparent.com

The environment these days is awash with all manner of negativity in the surrounding. While the bigger ones know that this is mostly for ratings, the constant barrage of bad news can be debilitating and overwhelming for kids, that probably affecting their outlook of your kids. To prevent this phenomenon, shelter your kids as much as you can from negative media of thoughts and beliefs. A good way to start minimizing this kind of negativity in kids is by having device-free dinners and organizing family outings where you can just bond and enjoy with each other’s company of relationship. Tuning out from the world from time to time teaches your child that self-care is important and that it helps you connect with what really matters. This is the most important tips that will help to raise an optimistic kid.

5. Help them Quiet their Negative Self-Talk:

Help them Quiet their Negative Self-Talk
ImageSource: scarymommy.com

The raising of an optimistic child gets easy with these tips you will follow. Like adults kids also, have an inner-critic whose voice can be quite loud at times. The movement of times you hear your child say, “This is too hard for me” or “I’m too dumb” and so on other statements. Left with unchecked, these negative statements can take hold in your kid’s psyche and they will start believing it. Try to ward this off early by helping your kids to confront their negative self-talk. Start with empathizing them and let them know that you understand what they’re feeling and teach them to externalize those thoughts and beliefs.Make sure you to help your kids to learn how to replace the negative self-talk(R) with positive statements or thoughts.encourage your kids to say something like “ it might be hard now, but I’ll give it another shot tomorrow”.

6. Teach them to Put things into Perspective:

Teach them to Put things into Perspective
ImageSource: webmd.com

Bad things happen with the course of time and that’s how life is. It just the matter of our attitude and how we react to what happens to us make all that the difference. Teaching this to your kids and helping them to adopt the optimistic thinking will elevate your kids from the phase of victims to victors. While performing these tips the parents should be careful not to sugarcoat things or ignore the facts in a misguided attempt at “positive thinking” or being optimistic. These tips will definitively help you to raise an optimistic kid as the kids will become more perfection in dealing with circumstances and things in a more systematical way as it should be.

7. Encourage them to give Back to the Community:

Encourage them to give Back to the Community
ImageSource: churchleaders.com

Raising optimistic kids is hard, but following some tips that guide in dealing it will definitively help you in a way. Put your energy towards making sure you and your family are a part of the world immediately around you. That might mean simply joining and being part of local institutions and clubs that feed our natural human needs for connection. This could include like as simple as an adventure for your kids to collect and recycle the trash in your local park or something more organized like volunteering at a soup kitchen over the holidays etc. Find something in your area that makes you feel hopeful and includes in your family life. Whatever may be the effort, remind your kids that tiny actions will have the power to effect change and make it bigger.

8. Tell them Frequently what you are Grateful for:

Tell them Frequently what you are Grateful for
ImageSource: smartparenting.com

Counter defeatist attitudes by nurturing your kid’s character. Strong character grounds your kids when the world feels chaotic. Take the time to share what you’re grateful for. Encourage them to persevere against obstacles and to have compassion for others. Research shows that expressing gratitude (R) actually makes people feel optimistic. You can remind your kids about the little things that make your day. This will help your kids to acknowledge the positive too.

9. Stand up to Cyberbullies:

Stand up to Cyberbullies
ImageSource: indianexpress.com

Another very important tips in regards to raising an optimistic child is just taught your kids that the buck stops with them. When they see someone getting bullied and it happens all the time in texts some social media and in online games. The kids shouldn’t just stand by. While they should never do anything that would endanger themselves, they can do a lot to assert their support of others. They can call out cyberbullies(R), report them, stand up for the victim, or just private-message the victim and tell them someone cares. It’s not tattling. It’s truly everyone’s responsibility to keep the internet a positive\ and productive place.

10. Champion their Passions:

Champion their Passions
ImageSource: simplemindfulness.com

One important and easiest tips to raise an optimistic child is all about teaching your kids to feel excited and hopeful about the future and life. It May is your daughter is absolutely fascinated by sharks or your son can not get enough of fire engines. Whatever they are curious about just help them to pursue it and succeed at it. Such as you take your daughter to the aquarium and she loves it so much, she decides to adopt a coral reef. Boom the Positiveness in action and reality to your kids.

Optimistic thinking involves taking in a realistic way to look at circumstances and weighing it all. It is moreover choosing to see the silver lining experience. This will help to allows your children to see that they’re not powerless, regardless of the situation they find themselves in. It might take work but raising optimistic kids will have a positive effect on their future.