Parenting is the most demanding job in the world. And it starts as early as from the day you know that you are pregnant! You want to put in every bit of your efforts to keep the baby safe and healthy. A would-be mother’s comfort, health and mental stability are the primary concern and also that it has a significant impact on the baby. There are extremely useful pregnancy gadgets that can make the life of a pregnant woman significantly easier.
Welcoming a new member in your family can be overwhelming but also might soon turn your world upside down. It is never too late to get the right gadgets which helps to know the health and well-being of your unborn baby.
1. Pregnancy Pillow:

During pregnancy, especially after the second trimester, the woman’s body changes rapidly as the tummy is growing quickly. This causes more pressure on the spine and discomfort on the hips and legs. These changes result in uneasiness and reduce sleep quality, whereas a mother-to-be needs to have an appropriate good sleep to keep healthy. The pregnancy pillow helps the pregnant woman to enjoy the comfort and convenience with the help of the U-shaped support that it provides. The unusual shape of this pillow supports the growing belly and knees from both the sides making it comfy for the woman to sleep.
2. Holo Pregnancy Airbed:

This is one of the happiest and most comfortable unique maternity airbeds with a hole made for the tummy to fir it. The women who dream of lying on their belly for some time during pregnancy to ease their back have just found a treasure. This airbed lets them do that! The airbed is very portable and can be used on a floor or a swimming pool or sunbathe. The most exciting bit is that this can be used as a substitute to the real bed when they need, and experts say that it can ease out the pain in the pelvis and relieve the load on the spine by lying on the belly.
3. Giraffe Razor Tool for Shaving:

Imagine having to bend down to your feet while heavily pregnant! That would be a nightmare. For your respite, we have this excellent gadget during pregnancy for shaving legs. The simple routine actions can be made easier with these amazing electronic gadgets during pregnancy. With the big bulging belly, the hair removal process can be complicated with a normal razor. Thus this tool allows the unwanted hair to be removed while you stand on your feet without having to bend.
4. Kick Track:

Understand that feeling from your baby’s kicks inside the womb is the best feeling for an expectant parent. There are many ways to monitor the health of the baby without the doctor. During the 28th week of pregnancy, the doctors recommend the mothers track and count the fetus movement. The calculation can be real problems for the busy moms, but it has been made super simple using this device called kick track which is an electronic test for monitoring fetal movements.
This device is very handy and is equipped with an LCD display to be able to capture the movement and store the active time. In addition to this, the device is of tremendous help before the delivery to see and calculate the contractions and intervals between them. Also, it makes sure the baby’s movements have not decreased to prevent any upcoming health problems.
5. MobiUs Personal Ultrasound Machine:

This device is a compact pregnancy gadget that allows you to carry ultrasound tests and observations without the help of a doctor. You can see the development of the fetus with the help of your own smartphone. Interesting, isn’t it? This device – MobiUS personal ultrasound machine, is connected to a mobile device and, when a special application runs, you can see the ultrasound examination. This device can also record and transmit the data to any other device via the wireless connectivity or using the USB cable.
6. Angel Sounds:

Nothing feels better than listening to the baby’s heartbeats inside your womb. That precious thing that you love to hear every day can be easily done via this amazing electronic gadget during pregnancy. Angel sounds assure your baby is healthy and will be out with you soon. Even though there are ultrasounds done by the doctors each appointment, but when the mothers get anxious and do not feel the movements, this helps them to reassure. This portable device helps them hear the baby’s heartbeat anytime anywhere they like.
7. PreVue Fetal Imaging Device

With the invention of such electronic gadgets, pregnancy just got loads better. The device PreVue fetal imaging device is equipped with a flexible display and attached to the woman’s belly from the top with a soft bandage. This device monitors the baby inside the womb and helps the parent to watch the baby grow, move, nap and react to different sound even before it is born. Isn’t that amazing a feeling to see your baby before they are out of the womb?
8. Kickbee Baby Twitter

Kickbee Baby Twitter helps the parents track the baby’s movements in the mother’s womb, and then you can post this information on Twitter in no time. The baby twitter system consists of the piezometric sensors held together on an elastic band, based on an Arduino mini board that connects to a computer using wireless Bluetooth.
9. Bio Band:

The very handy and all the time you can keep it on a gadget that becomes your best friend during pregnancy. The terrible morning sickness can be helped by wearing this band. The Bio Band helps in relieving nausea through acupressure. A small bead in this band helps to gently press down on the wrist and making it an amazing gadget doing the trick just right. No additive chemicals or medicines that this band uses. And also, this tie around your waist pregnancy gadget does not have any side effects.
10. Lullabelly :

Just like adults enjoy listening to music, infants in the womb are responsive to music too. After a certain time, the baby develops their taste of music and shows their approval by giving a calm and soothing day. Lullabelly is a soft band that wraps comfortably around the belly with a pocket that lets your music device fit it. It has a speaker and an earphone splitter if you need to enjoy the music along with your baby at the same time. This is such an amazing way to bond with the baby inside the womb.
11. Bellabeat Leaf:

The Bellabeat leaf works as a fitness tracker for the pregnant woman. From the moment you know that you are expecting, you want to be conscious about your health. This is an extremely helpful gadget that starts taking care of you right from the diet to the activities and other things to keep a close check on your schedule. Bellabeat Life monitors your health by serving as a tracker for the baby and you. It also tracks the sleep cycle, distance travelled and very importantly the stress levels. The best part is it is a gorgeous looking bracelet or a pendant which is definitely the best beautiful looking gadget to wear.
12. DuoFertility:

The DuoFertility is an electronic gadget that helps immensely during pregnancy. This pregnancy device is a fertility gadget which is helpful for both the expectant and in-expectant parents. With 20,000 more measurements of Basil body temperature than any other available thermometer, the DuoFertility can check when you are ovulating. Thus it helps you to know when is the best time to try to get pregnant and make a baby.