11 Crucial Tips and Precautions For Safe Driving During Pregnancy

11 Crucial Tips and Precautions For Safe Driving During Pregnancy

As you are an expectant mother, you are asked to avoid certain activities at home and outdoors. And some of the chores, activities are not specifically classified as a thing to avoid but women wouldn’t risk doing it at first. One of such things is car driving as it is not easy to get into the car, drive with the bump nor the health condition cooperates like it does for a normal woman. What if there is an emergency or real need of a pregnant mom driving the car? You must have a second thought to drive a car being pregnant, in fact many second thoughts and tips can make it a safe drive for you.

Your comfort, your safety are must be your first priority as you are a pregnant woman. If at all, you have to drive the car left with no other way then collect the courage to reach the destination but also be mindful in every way.

If there is no option other than driving the car during your pregnancy then remember the following tips. Rushing to drive a car for an emergency or an important need, you may miss a few things which shouldn’t be that way at any cost. Consider your health and take precautions from our side.

How to drive safely when you are pregnant?

You need not view driving as one of the chores to avoid during pregnancy and you must gather some courage, confidence to do it. If you are confident driving while pregnant yet you need to be careful. Handling yourself, the bump and being mindful and taking precautions is a must. Some of the safety tips and things to get ready if you are taking the driving seat while carrying your baby.

Things you need if you are driving during pregnancy

1. Carry a cell phone

Carry a cell phoneIf you are driving a car by yourself then be in touch with your lifelines to reach out to them for any emergency or help. Your health may not support as you expected, breakdown problems or anything unexpected may take place. But having someone to help right away is the most safest thing.

2. Wear a tummy shield

Wear a tummy shieldA pregnant woman must have a tummy shield to protect her belly while driving a car. The sudden brakes, accidental ditches with another vehicle is a risky thing. So, get a tummy shield to safeguard your baby in the womb as a small hit or push can lead to critical risk.

3. Check the airbags and seat belt

Check the airbags and seat belt

You have to wear the seat belt even if your car is equipped with airbags. And see if there is a possibility of driving a car with three point restraints or a shoulder to lap seat belt instead of just a lap belt. This can give better protection while driving a car. And remember to rest against the side air bag storage compartment if at all the bag deploys.

4. Have a plan for emergencies

Have a plan for emergencies

Road ways are unpredictable with accidents, traffic jams, roadblocks and many other obstacles while you try to reach the destination. This must keep the drivers and passengers alert to avoid any risk and it is better to have an emergency plan. Don’t you think it is even more important to have an emergency plan for a pregnant woman driving the car?

Be familiar and spontaneous while you have an emergency in between the way. It could be a medical emergency or something related to your safety but be prepared and planned for the right solutions.

5. See that your car is in a good condition

See that your car is in a good conditionIf you are the driver then make sure that the car is in a good condition. Sudden breakdowns are risky as you have to seek help in between and it may take longer than you imagined. Also check the amount of fuel and if it is enough to reach the destination, check the car condition to ensure a safe and smooth driving.

Safety Tips And Precautions If You Are An Expectant Mother

1. Check your health condition

Check your health conditionDo you experience fatigue and nausea often since you are carrying? It’s a normal reaction due the hormone fluctuation during pregnancy. So you must consider your health if you want to drive a car.

You may feel alright while starting off but hormones may become high low which results in sudden nausea, tiredness, headache, and lightheadedness. Any of these symptoms must not be ignored if you are going to drive. It becomes difficult for you to drive a car safely in mid way. So, I stress again to focus on your health beyond anything.

2. Adjust your seat to protect your belly

Adjust your seat to protect your bellyMake sure that your seat is well adjusted matinding a distance of 10 inches between the stirring and your belly. Pregnant women generally think it is risky to wear a seat belt but not wearing it is more dangerous. All you have to do is push your seat back as much as possible to have a safe space for your bump. Least space between you and the stirring can increase the risk of pointing your tummy.

3. Take enough break while you are driving

Take enough break while you are drivingIf you are going an extra mile and not a short distance then make sure you take breaks often. As you are carrying, there is a chance of feeling exhausted after some driving hence taking a break is better.

You can take a short break of 5 minutes to stretch your legs and arms, relax and refresh yourself to move further without any tiredness or weakness. You may also want to have some water or snacks if it is a long way to reach.

4. Stop the car in a safe place only

Stop the car in a safe place onlyIf you are parking a car or want to stop the car for a break then choose a safe place. Don’t park your car in a rushed stop as it can make it difficult to take it back home. Stopping the car in any random spot can lead to risk like other vehicles rushing towards yours. So, choose a spot where there is less crowd and mess.

5. Check the road traffic before starting off

Check the road traffic before starting offThough being patient and energetic sitting still for too long can cause swelling in legs. This may even happen when you are travelling or driving so You must check the route if it is jammed and avoid the particular routine. Look for an alternative route for a smooth and easy driving as it makes your task less risky while you are pregnant.

6. Warm up your car in winters

Warm up your car in wintersAnother crucial thing that you must keep in mind is to set your seat belt comfortably. Wearing the belt is not the only thing but adjusting it to your tummy is equally important. So, make sure you are not wearing the latest outfit even during winter days. Instead, warm up your car to feel cozy and comfortable. This helps you avoid wearing layers like sweaters and jackets. This can make it easy for you to adjust the seat belt or not disturb your driving too. This is a safety tip that may not come to your mind while you are in hurry so we made it a ooit for you to remember.

7. Keep the driving speed in limits

Keep the driving speed in limitsAvoid rash driving no matter what. You have a need to reach the destination within the timeline but don’t raise the speed out of the safe limits. Remember that over speed can lead to accidents and it is a danger for you and the baby as well. And take care to prevent sudden brakes and try to brake smoothly to prevent jerks and causing you to move forward with force.

8. Do not drive if you are in labor

Do not drive if you are in laborIf your due date is near then we recommend against driving a car. It is better to be a passenger rather than a driver if you are an expectant mother. Because You never know when you will have to get into labor and it is a bigger no if you are in labor already. Seek help from someone or delay it but don’t take the risk of driving the car. We suggest you consider an alternative solution for your safety.

9. Try being a passenger as far as possible

Try being a passenger as far as possibleAt the most you must try to be a passenger until your delivery and avoid driving. Think twice and all for alternatives if someone else can take the driver seat unless there is no other way than you driving. You have seen what all it takes to have safe, smooth driving while you are pregnant. So, you would be knowing if that can be your priority or not based on the situation, your condition at the movement.

10. Avoid any distractions

Avoid any distractionsUsing a phone or lost in thoughts are some of the distractions possibly while you are driving. Of course, it is unsafe for anyone not only for pregnant women but we keep it as a reminder. It is because of hormonal changes which leads to sudden sleepiness, depression, endless thoughts. Thus, it is a primary thing to avoid any kind of distractions to have flawless driving.

11. See that you are driving a short distance away from home

See that you are driving a short distance away from homeWe still suggest you not to drive the car unless you are confident about your health and have preparedness. And if you have no other choice then at least see that you are always driving a distance away from your home and you can seek help and get quick attention from your people in case of an emergency incident or a car breakdown. This is one of the crucial tips every mom must check before driving the car.

Driving a car while you are pregnant is not a risky thing to avoid but it needs all your alertness and safety measures. Preventative driving with preparedness is easier. So you must be familiar and have awareness in case of emergency, mindfulness about your safe driving. This makes driving while pregnant normal. So, we made a checklist and pinned down a few important points for you to have happy, safe driving if you are a mom-to-be.

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