Positive And Negative Effects Of Electronic Gadgets To Students


Using electronics gadgets, today, is so much a part of our daily life. Besides, its useful purposes, every gadget, has its own positive, and also negative effects on over exposure to the devices and gadgets. Below are a list of positive and negative effects of electronic gadgets to students.

The Positive Effects of Technology


  1. Gadgets, may have a positive impact, especially, for younger children, below preschool age. The gadgets, may help them to stimulate their senses and imagination. Additionally, it may help to promote listening ability, learning of sounds and also speaking ability.
  2. These electronic devices, and games, encourage cognitive learning and development of analytical skills.
  3. It also, helps in developing innovative thinking, strategic thinking, investigative skills, and increases the creativity potential of kids.
  4. The effects of electronic gadgets to students, helps them to improve manual dexterity, and make them aware of the computers.
  5. Apart from being an educational and learning medium, electronic gadgets in some people’s opinion are a good source to relieve stress and provide fun and entertainment to them.
  6. By mastering certain games, the confidence level in children, raises up. Over a period of time, these effects of gadgets for children, develop a good eye and hand coordination, besides mental coordination.
  7. Most of the games, are designed to encourage kids, to move to the next levels, and earn a highest score, to survive in the game. Playing such games, may have a positive effect on them, by encouraging kids to quickly adapt mathematical and engineering skills. Additionally, it also gives good motivation of having attitudes, of always, moving ahead in life, for achieving their goals.
  8. The effects of electronic gadgets to students studying habits, can have an impact on them. With the help of technology, subjects are taught in a more fun and exciting way.
  9. Technology is a great tool for learning in an efficient manner. It makes it easier for the teachers, as well as the students.
  10. The effects of electronic gadgets to students, can make them learn, how to write essays, in a more developed manner.
  11. Students, with the use of technology, can research their subject matter and write simultaneously, and some can even work from home, with the use of laptops.
  12. Another common electronic gadget among students, is the cell phone. Among preteens, social networking is very common, and having a cell phone allows you to keep in contact with your friends while at home. If there are any queries, or questions, with their homework, that can quickly text or call a friend.
  13. Cellphones, give them the freedom to communicate quickly, and gives students, the ability to research anything anywhere.
  14. The impact of electronic media on children, has made phenomenal medical breakthroughs, GPS and satellite technology, better modes of transport, and electronic gadgets to help with household chores.
  15. Effects of electronic gadgets to students, has made made an emphasis on learning Globalization, that is learning from different areas around the world.
  16. With the electronic gadgets, you can even learn from your own home, through web seminars.
  17. The gadgets, provide students with a nearly endless supply of information and resources. They can look into educational apps, videos, portable technologies,search engines, and interactive activities. Such learning methodologies include – Online lesson plans, Educational apps, Interactive games, Online video and graphics, and accessing books and articles via tablets and e-readers.

The Negative Effects Of Technology


  1. Children, as young as two years old, tend to play with electronic devices and gadgets anywhere.
  2. The electronic gadgets that make children, to be stable at one place, includes: video games, PSP games, television, mobile phones, computers, tablet computers, smart phone application, and many as such. These days, parents, have found an easy way, by giving them a gadget to play with, to make their children, stay in one place.
  3. Many commercials highlighting, electronic products and gadgets, have been a target to young children.
  4. On an average, children spend more than seven hours per day on an electronic device.
  5. It is important for children to spend some outdoor activity time, with family and friends. Spending, most of their time on electronic devices, may restrain some outdoor activities.
  6. Children who play violent games, for a long period of time, tend to be more aggressive. Such kids, are more prone to confront their teachers, peers, and relatives.
  7. They may have a difficulty in concentrating on their studies, when most of their time is spent on these devices, and have a poor academic performance
  8. The negative impacts of technology on children, can cause many health issues. Due to the increasing use of gadgets, children suffer from various health problems, like back pain, weak eyesight. Additionally, due to less physical activity, they even tend to become fat or obese.
  9. The effects of electronic gadgets, can even a have a bad impact on social relationships. This is one of the most common gadget addiction problems, in every household. Children, do not have the time to sit with their parents and to spend some good quality time with them. They prefer to connect with their friends and relatives, in the virtual world, through text messaging, chatting, rather than meeting them.
  10. Due to increasing technology, children are going far apart from their moral values. Rather than using the internet in a more productive manner, most of the children, use it as a source of adult content.
  11. Technology, also has its negative impact on a child’s writing skills. Generally, in the text messaging or chatting, Standard English is not used. No one cares about the spelling, punctuation and grammar, while writing text messages, which results in poor writing skills of children.

Gadget Addiction Problems


  1. The adverse effects of computers and television, increases stress, and because of less physical activity, humans are more prone to physical and internal organ disorders.
  2. Using the keyboard and mouse for a long time will create pain in neck, shoulders and in the wrist. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, is likely to occur, if mouse is not handled in the correct position or if it is used for a long time.
  3. Obesity, diabetes, indigestion, gas trouble, diabetes and even heart attack are linked to less physical activity, and one of the main causes for gadget addicts.
  4. The effects of music players, like headphones, MP3 players, iPods and mobile phones, can cause hearing disabilities (R) among many, and due to mobile phone radiations, there may even be damage to brain cells.

By Supraja