What Is Physical Development In Children And Its Importance


Do you wonder how fast your little one is growing up? It is a very fascinating thing to see the early childhood physical development. But what does physical development in children mean? It is actually the child’s ability to perform tasks of more complex nature as they get older. Although different children develop at varied rates, there is a predictable sequence at which a child develops.

We have heard the parents say that it was only yesterday when they sang lullabies to put their little one to sleep and now they have all grown up. There are many firsts that happen and the parents love to enjoy each of it.

Child development involves the language, motor and social skills. And physical development in children means the development of their motor skills which uses their body as well. A child’s gross motor (physical skill) and balance skill or the fine motor and coordination skill is physical development in children. Your little one is gradually growing by learning the art of coordination of their body parts, enhancing their brain developmental activities by their mental strength and steadily focusing on becoming a distinct individual.


What is the Definition of Physical Development in a Child?

Why do you think physical development is important for children? Fine motor skills are very important to engage in smaller and more precise actions and movements that involve using hands and fingers normally. Parents usually have a close check on the child’s physical development also considering this is the most important aspect to rule out any growth disorders.

The growth that occurs in the first two years is the fastest one compared to the rest that happens in later years. Amid the age of 1 month to 1 year, a child should be able to stably hold their head up on their own and sit without support. They would be able to crawl or creep and walk with support or without, grasp objects on their own and pick up a few smaller objects with thumb and forefingers.

What are the Stages of Physical Development of a Child?



During the first weeks of the infant’s life, the movements are mostly reflexive or involuntary in nature. Some of the infant’s actions exhibit their reflexes due to a sudden noise or a sound or position change, grasp reflex in which the little one instinctively grasps objects and puts in her hand or feet.



A toddler is the age of the kid between 1 and 3 years old. The physical development in early childhood ages of 2-6 is very important. Between the 1 to 3 years, the child’s physical development should include being able to walk without support, jump at the place, walk up the stairs and hold a cup of water or scribble with pen/ crayon and draw a circle etc. At this age, the kid should also be able to ride a tricycle and play with blocks building towers. Childhood physical development is very critical for the rest of their lives.



The physical development 3 to 7 years of the child includes attaining the physical skills of standing on one foot for about 10 sec or longer, skipping, jumping, hopping, climbing, swinging, catch and throw the ball, use a fork and spoon, drawing a person with a body. Although the preschooler kid would not be able to take care of their toilet needs much.


School-aged child

Physical development of children, between the ages 6 to 12 years is considered a school going grown-up child. The movements of a child at this age are more graceful and coordinated. The child’s physical development examples are like being able to have better hand-eye coordination and engage in physical activities like pasting, cutting, basketball, swimming, soccer, hiking, video games etc.

Brain Development in Children:


A child’s brain undergoes a remarkably wonderful period of development from birth to three – producing millions of neural connections every second. The child brain developmental stages are influenced by many factors like child’s relationships and experience of the child and interaction with the environment. There are insightful facts and important tips that parents must know about brain development in children.

Neural migration- which is the process of organizing the brain by moving the neurons to a specific area in the brain based on the functions these cells perform. The process is a lifetime continuous one.

What Are some Physical Development Activities for childhood


Through the stages of physical development in children, it is very vital that they are involved in physical development activities for faster growth. Kids learn how to control and develop their physical movement patterns and develop further with the help of few activities and play.

Child physical development has so much to do with the physical activities as that what nurtures the preschoolers’ coordination and motor skills. The large muscle skills which is necessarily needed for running, throwing develop faster as compared to the developing of fine motor skills at this age. The preschooler may improve their interactions and play time once the kid is with others.


  • Coordination Games: Some coordination games that you can indulge your little one to have more balance. The preschooler’s center of gravity located in the upper body and the lower body is comparatively not developed proportionally as similar to the upper body. The imbalance during the preschool means they are more susceptible to fall and usually the child experiences the difficulties in balancing.
  • Freeze dancing acts as an excellent activity to improve their body balance. While the kids are dancing to the music playing, the music goes off and they freeze in the position they were the last while music was just on before going off. Do not make it an elimination game to play, but let them keep playing each time and remain in the game.
  • Hopping races allow the little ones to be able to participate and challenge their fellow friends to succeed. Balancing on their one foot while trying to finish a race or a certain task. This leads to improving the self-confidence for the kids and to support each other better.


  • Fine motor skills: While there are plenty of activities that require fine motor skills, like writing, playing and tying shoes or handling small objects, kids love challenging their friends in various activities. Choosing physical activities for play hours is a smart choice at this age. It helps in developing appropriate knowledge and skills as compared to sitting down and engaging in a quiet play activity. The kids sharpen their motor skill along with strengthening them and help them learn to control smaller physical movements via the activities.
  • Nature walk could be one of the physical activities that preschoolers could indulge in and through the woods they get active in improving their fine motor skills. Pause and ask kids to collect pebbles and sticks. Have them to throw the pebbles into the river flowing or games which utilize their different muscles of the body.
  • Large muscle development games: The preschooler’s large muscle development could happen with skills that are mostly more advanced than their other developed skills. Like running around the play area or playing tag, skipping to promote muscular development. Such activities at school or home, help the kids to master movement patterns and physical skill in relation to self, their peer and environment.
  • “Duck, duck, Goose” could be one of the best physical developmental activities for 3-5-year-olds. Or “London Bridge is falling down”
  • Throw Ball or any game which involves movement and running or throwing and kicking could help them to develop their muscular development. The kids being too young to understand the rules, helps them explore more and improve their physical development skills easily.

Physical development in children could be an important milestone that most of the kids develop without any extra additive effort or knowing that they are up to some serious growth or benefit. Please let us know your thoughts and methods here. Write to us through the comments section below and please share ahead.