Are you struggling with conflicting parenting style? Are you actually using a proven dysfunctional parenting style? Do you have a permissive style of parenting? Are this ample number of question arise in your mind. Well don’t be stress out!!
Permissive parenting is all about raising a child where the child makes more important decision and live freely and easy going. Permissive parenting parents are highly responsive towards the children’s need and nature their talents and personality.
In this article you will come up to know about what is permissive parenting is all about? Its characteristics and the effects of permissive parenting.
What Is Permissive Parenting?

Permissive parenting is a form of parenting in which the child makes important decisions and lives freely. Permissive parenting is also known as indulgent parenting. In most of the case of permissive parenting the parents adopts an friendly kind of parenting style and don’t accept their children to behave in a particular and matured way.
Permissive parents are highly responsive towards their children’s needs and nurture their talents and personality. They are least demanding because they have low expectations on discipline and self-regulation from their children. This form of parenting style is identified by Diana Baumrind.
Permissive parenting style is polar opposite to so called “helicopter parents’. They are more incredibly lax and rarely makes or enforce any types of rules or structure. Their simply motto is “kids will be kids”. This form of parenting make little or no attempt to control or disciple their kids.
Characteristics of Permissive Parenting:
There are certain permissive parenting characteristic that makes you to figure out their nature and activity. Some are as follows-
- They have few rules or standard of behaviour.
- When they set of rules for their children, they are more often very inconsistent.
- The parents are more nurturing and loving towards their kids.
- They are more seems to be friends rather than being a strict parents
- They just provide a little in the way of a schedule or structure way of behaviour.
- The permissive parents are more emphasize their children freedom than responsibility.
- This form of parents rarely enforce any types of consequences.
- They entice the child with rewards to get things done.
- They don’t control the child
- They try to avoid conflict and confrontations with the child.
Examples Of Permissive Parenting:

Here are some of the examples of permissive parenting, that will give you a clear picture of what it is all about-
Example #1: You have been saving up to buy an expensive smartphone for yourself. But your child demands a PlayStation. He would not listen to you or understand that you are longing to buy a phone. So, you prioritize his want over yours and buy whatever he wants.
Example #2: You tell your teenager to study as the exams are round the corner. But she has two late night parties to attend in the next two days. You do not object to it but allow her to go and have fun, while the studies take a backseat.
Example #3: “Can you keep your toys after you are done playing at their proper place? But You don’t have to if you are tired.”
Example #4: You are at the grocery store, your son asks you for ice cream, despite already having two during the day. You don’t want to upset your child, so you say, “Fine, you’ve been good today, so I’ll buy you one.”
Example #5: You don’t specify timings for play, study, or sleep. Even when you know your child has to wake up early the next day for school, you don’t remind her to sleep early.
Effects of Permissive Parenting:
Many of the researchers have found that the overly relaxed approach to parenting exhibited by permissive parents can lead to a good chunk of negative outcomes than positive outcomes There effects can be unpleasant. Some of the permissive parenting effects are as follows-
1. Display Low Achievement:
The children under this form of parenting are very low in their academic achievements. They are no goals towards which they can work. This form of behaviour is due to as the parents expects very little from their children. They have nothing to strive towards.
2. Make Poor Decision:
One of the major effects of permissive parenting is that they are week in their knees when it comes to take decision in respects to their career. These children struggles to learn good problem solving and decision making skills as due to the parents don’t set or enforce any types of rules or guidelines.
3. Display More Aggressive Behaviour:
Research has shown that the children are more aggressive than others children who are not under the guidance of permissive parenting. They can’t bear the “no” for an answer. Any form of negative response can turn them aggressive.
4. Emotional Inadequate:
The children with permissive parenting may struggle when they faced some stressful or emotionally difficult situation. This is because they can’t cop with the situation when they don’t get what they want. The parents under the permissive parenting barely allow their children to express other emotions beside happiness.
5. More Prone To Delinquency And Substance Use:
One of the major permissive parenting effects as per many studies have proven or suggests that the children raised by permissive parenting are more likely to engage in misconduct and alcohol or substance abuse.
6. Unable To Manage Their Time Or Habits:
As there is no boundary or structure of rules and regulation for the children by the parents the children are unable to manage their times or habits has per research indicates. This might leads to watching too much television, playing too many computer games, and eating too much. These children never learn to limit their screen time or eating habits, which can lead to unhealthy habits and obesity (R).
7. Bullying Nature:
As there no rules and regulation for the children they don’t have a fear of punishment. This form of bullying nature of behaviour make them to break the rules at school and other places. You may find them repulsive and even not scared of the consequences of his bad actions.
8. Behavioral problems:
The children who are brought up with this form of parenting style usually develop behavioral problems as per many studies has proved. They may grow up with an irresponsible and very casual attitude towards life. They may also find it extremely difficult to deal with their faults.
Pros & Cons of Permissive Parenting:
There are lots of pros as well as cons of permissive parenting, So lets us focus on it in details.
Pros Of Permissive Parenting:
- The kids has lot of freedom to explore and experience with respect to various joys of life.
- In permissive parenting the child isther usually in control and gives the child lot of confidence.
- The child rarely misbehave as there are no rules to obey or follow.
- The parents in permissive parenting shows a lot of love and affection toward their child. They up bring a child in more easy way environment.
- All the emotional need of the children are full fill by the parents.
- In the permissive parenting the child feels loved by their parents.
- In the form of permissive parenting there is a minimal number of conflict between a child and parents.
- Permissive parents allow freedom and place no limitation on their children.
Cons Of Permissive Parenting:
- There will a huge conflict between need and wants in case of a child at later course of time.
- These children doesn’t learn for the value of time, there will be lack of time management between the children.
- In permissive parenting children cannot regulate their emotions, especially when their needs are not met.
- Permissive parenting results in indiscipline for the simple reason that the children are not taught discipline at home.
- Too much freedom in permissive parenting leads to an over indulged child.
- As the parents does not provide accountabilitye children under this form of parenting becomes underachiever.
- Children under the permissive parenting are more prone to disrespect authority as the parents thinks as a friend to them.
- In permissive parenting the parent doesn’t properly nurtured the child.
- In this form of parenting children doesn’t learn to set boundaries.
Permissive parenting is one of the major style parenting but also it has lots of good and bad effects on a children. Hope this above information of permissive parenting will guide you to know its positive and negative effects on children. Always follows a parenting style that will teach the children that prepares children to be responsible as they know that they should give something to get something.