15 Fun And Interesting Park Games For Children

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Are you confused about what to play at the park with your kids? Are you pissed up with your kids glued to the computer screen all day? Are your kids are tuning to dull? Don’t be stress out!!.

Games plays an important role in keeping the child’s mental, physical, and emotionally fit. The most important thing is it keep away of your kids from the technology such as phone, I pads, computer etc.

Well this article we will focus on the various games to play at the park with your kids. Here are some of the park games for the children as follows-

Fun Things To Do At The Park:

This form of games will temp to step out from the comfort of your kids out of the home. You should introduce this form of games to your kids. Some are as follows-

1.Captain Of the ship:

Src: squarespace.com

This is amazing game, in which you can ask your kids to don the role of the captain. In this form of game you have to call out the orders and the the kids who makes a mistake either has to leave the game or become a shark to catch the other players.

You can say ‘hit the deck’ (lie down on their stomach), and ‘love boat’ (grab a partner and dance). Other popular commands include ‘to the ship’ (run to the swings) and ‘to the port’ (run to the left). You can also yell ‘starboard’ (run to the right) and ‘shark attack’ (run to the island before the shark tags you).

2.Frozen Tag:

Src: nyhealthinsurer.com

Another games to play at the park for children is frozen tag. This games can be played for at least 5-6 children. In this form of game one person need to be and everyone else need to run from him.

When the kids who is “It” tags you, then you need to freeze in the exact position you are in. The Frozen children can be freed if another player crawls through their legs. The game ends when everyone is frozen.

3.Scavenger Hunt:

Src: centralpark.com

This is an amazing activity to do at the parks for kids. This is a super activity that can keep the kids actively engage and active. In this game make a list of things you want the kids to find at the park. Then divide the kids into two teams and give each team a list to collect the items.

Decide the place to meet after collecting all the items. The first team to arrive at the destination with all the items in the list will be the winner. For more scavenger hunt ideas for kids you can check on

4.Rainbow Tag:

Src: mykidsadventures.com

This is another superb exciting activities to do at the park for kids. This form of game is a combination of hide and seek and capture the flag. In order to play first you have to figure out a comfortable place at the park.

This is a fun and keeps enraging the kids with lots of physical activity.

For this first you have to place matching paint stick near each of the popsicle sticks and when a player finds a color. He/She need to uses the matching paint stick to draw a line in that color on his face. One player has to be designated as the “Pinkie” player roams around who tries to tag the others. If a player is tagged by Pinkie, then he must erase one paint color from his face. The first player to successfully get all of the colors on his face wins the game.

5.Stumps Tugs Of War:

Src: outsideconcept.com

Tugs of war is always a fun games, no matter it is for adults or children. Spin factor in this games that makes different from the regular tug of war is that each player has to keep a level of balance while playing. This game is about your brute strength.

You can play this game by placing crates, stool etc or something like that with enough distance between each player. They have to tug at the rope by standing at that crates. Who ever pull the opponent off of the crates and maintain the balance is the winner of the game.

6.Ping Pong Toss:

Src: thoughtco.com

Another fun and interesting games to play at the park for children is ping pong toss. The kids simply love and enjoy it. In order to play this games you have to fill the plastic cups half with water and have to place in 4-5rows.

You have to label each cups with a score and make sure that the cups which is closer to the kids should be leveled with low score where as the cups with distance should be level with higher score. Get some ping pong balls and start tossing the balls into the cups. Each and every player gets 30 second to toss as many as ping pong balls as the can. The more is with the player is announced as a winner.

7.Ice Block Treasure Hunt:

Src: macaronikid.com

This is one of the best games to play at the park for children especially during summer. You can play with pre preschooler where as for tolder you will need the help of a adult. You can play this true cool game by freeze all the little toys and coloured ice cubes in to a huge ice block of ice.

Once the layer is solid then add more toys and water to make it with another layer. Do it at least for two-three layers of freeze of toys. Once it is done give your kids m some tools to work with to try to get the toys out of the ice. Tools like spray bottles, paintbrushes, spoons, small screwdrivers and some salt will all be helpful as they try to excavate their treasures.

8.Kickin Croquet:

Src: ourdailyideas.com

This is a superb and fun things to do at the park. To play croquet create a course of pool noodles or hula hoops and then the kids have to kick bouncy balls through the wickets. You need to cut up different colored pool noodles and make sure they are long enough to create an arch to kick the balls through of it.

To play this game the kids have to kick their balls through the course. Tally up points for the number of wickets passed or for the kid who gets through the course first.


Src: pittsburghplay.com

This is a kids friendly park games for children. Kids simply love it and it is a game of high physical activity. This fun games to play at the park will keep the children mentally, physically fit and healthy.

 If there is more than one hoop, then divide the players into two teams and play the game. If there is just one hoop, then you can play a fun game of H-O-R-S-E.


Src: firstcrycdn.com

This is one of the most favourite games or activities to do at the parks for children. You can easily set up the badminton net at the park. For this game you just need net, shuttle, and rackets.

The players have to hit the badminton shuttle to the opponent’s side of the net. Each time the shuttle hits the ground, the opposing team will score a point. The team that attains 21 points first is the winner.

11.Capture The Flag:

Src: campuskids.com

This is an best way to keep children engage to the park. The Capture the Flag is a wonderful game to play as the kids enjoy a lot. The main focus of the game is to capture a pre-identified object from the opposite team.

Each team has to hide the object within the boundary of the park. If one team tags and captures the opponents, the other team can free the captive by reaching him safely and getting a free walk back to their base. The more you got the winner is that team.

12. Chain Tag:

Src: liveabout.com

This is a games or activity to do at the park for kids. In this play the kids who is “it” catches other players in the team and then they will need to join hands and chase down the rest of the players.

The player whoever gets caught is a new link in the chain and goes on. The game ends when the chain is complete, and no more players are left to chase.


Every one has come grown up while playing this wonderful park games for the kids. In this game make a numbered grid on the sidewalk and number the squares from one to nine.

You just need to drop the rock into square one and then hop over that and onto square two. Follow the rest of the numbers all the way to nine, still hopping.

Then turn around and come back, but you have to stop before you reach the square with the rock in it. Pick up the rock and jump over square one, to the starting point. The game is over when you throw rock into the wrong square.

14.Make A pass:

Src: amazon.com

The game is perfect when there is more number of children in the park. Divide the children into two teams. Mark two goal lines about 100 feet apart. Each team has to stand behind their goal lines. The game begins with one team throwing Frisbee to the other team.

The team catching the Frisbee has to pass it to its players while moving towards the opposite team’s goal line. The team that gets the Frisbee successfully over the goal line of the other team scores a point. The first team to score 21 points is the winner.

15.Tag Off The Ground:

Src: firstcrycdn.com

This is an amazing games to play at the park with your kids.This game of tag involves everyone climbing onto whatever he or she can, be it the swings, the seesaw or even slides. As long as it is not the ground, they are safe.

The person who is “it” can only tag someone if they are on the ground. So that everyone does not stay off the ground all the time, make sure to have a rule stating that they can only stay off the ground for five seconds at a time. The more one stands up of the ground is the winner of the game.

Games are fun, no mater whether it is played in park or home. What mater is that it keeps away from the technology in today’s world and it keeps your children more physical and mental fit and active. Try all this park games for your children as mention in the above of the article.