Give your guests a party to remember with enough fun with the energetic outdoor party games. Outdoor games are always full of enthusiasm. We are going to list the games which need very few household supplies and brilliant fun ideas that will get your guests giggling until the party’s ends.
The advantage of outdoor games or activities is not only we get some good sunshine but also allows us to have enough dirty games outdoors as we aren’t too bothered about dirtying anything. We have got plenty of them for you here to enjoy the party and keep the guests busy the entire party or even longer!
Also, if you have further ideas, you can improvise with a similar object or you can still play that game with some variations. These games could be fun for all ages and you can often add your own rules and regulations to make them work for adults or even younger kids. Just make sure to have the kid’s outdoor games supervised by an elder for safety.
1. The Sack Race:

Hop your way to win in an old-fashioned sack contest! Either you can pull out a potato-sack which is not so easily obtainable anymore; you can always purchase good quality burlap bags online. Another brilliant idea or a hack as you call it, you can as well use the king-size pillow cases if you are ready for some stains on it. To play, let each kid step into their bag by holding the top edges and pulling it up around the waist. The kids have to race to the finish line by hopping inside the bag and holding the sack up.
2. Find your Gummy Bear:

For this amusingly fun game which can turn entirely messy and hilarious, you’ll need canned whipped cream (or Cool Whip), few gummy bears, and a plastic plate or bowl for each participant. Give them one plate piled high with whipped cream and before doing that, hide 3 gummy bears inside. The first person who finds all the gummy bears wins the competition. And yes the best part of the games comes now that you do not use your hands in this game; it is tied at your back! Don’t you think this will make an amazing fun outdoor game for kids?
3. An Outdoor Photo Booth:

Everyone loves being clicked, especially silly pictures with friends. An amazing outdoor party games idea is to create an outdoor photo booth by gathering few frames or any such various shapes and removing the glass within to look like a hollow frame. You can as well DIY it by making a frame with a cardboard or wood and then spray paint the frames in bright colors to brighten it up as you like. You can hang the frames at various places such that it is at the eye level of your guests. If you have kids and elders both coming in then suggest making two of such frames for their appropriate heights. Choices for outdoor frame hanging are many, like a tree branch, the cross bar of a swing or one made of your own to hold it. Take pictures and let your guests know the various props to have fun with. Instruct them to stand behind the frame and snap right away; let them have all the fun! This is an amazing fun activity to do in any event or party. You can hold up competitions for kids too. Make or buy some props like funny hats, sunglasses, goggles, feather boas, etc. It is a lovely outdoor party games for kids.
4. Three-legged Race:

Cooperation with speed will have to go hand in hand. Divide the kids into duos and have them stand side by side. Tie each pair’s inside legs together with a kerchief or a scarf. If you want it firm, duct tapes works fine and keeps it firm if all participants are wearing pants or jeans. To play the three-legged race, the participant pairs must race to the finish line together. Have two adults stretch a ribbon or crepe paper at the finish line, and let the winning couple go through the ribbon as the first finishers.
5. Popcorn Drop:

This easy fun relay race game can work at any party of nay size of guests. We think it is super fun with minimum four players. The preparation for the game includes making two pairs of shoe cups. We will help you how you can DIY this at home – using a pushpin, poke holes in the bottom of the plastic cups you use. Then push a wide elastic band or rubber band through the holes, and fix it inside the cup with a paper clip. To play this fun outdoor game, divide the party gests into 2 teams. They choose their respective first player who has to straps cups on their shoes and fill it with popcorn as shown in the picture from a bag at the starting line. Then they have to hustles to a bucket on the other end of the play area. After they dump out the popcorn in the baskets, they have to race back to the start line and the next player follows the same game. The race gets is over when one of the team’s bags of popcorn gets empty. Now, to find the winner, you measure the popcorn in each team’s bucket to see which team got the most in.
6. Limbo:

Are you flexible enough to go low? Funerals and wakes in the Caribbean Islands used witness the Limbo as a dance. Although it was more of a dance than a play as in today’s world. So, to play this fun game, line up the kids in a single row. There must be two adults standing on either side of the limbo pole to hold it up horizontally right in front of the line also for safety. There are many substitutes to the pole in case you do not have like a pool noodle or a broom etc. Once you start the music, it could be any music for kids to enjoy, the game has to start. The objective of the game is to let the players pass under the stick by bending backward. The rules say that you must not touch the stick or fall while doing it. Increase the severity of the game and make it more interesting by lowering the stick each round to have one winner of the game. You can keep going for next rounds until the stick low enough to be unable to pass underneath without touching it for the players. Check out the picture how they have made simple Limo arrangement on the sticks.
7. Pool Treasure Hunt:

A perfect children outdoor game on a hot summer day. It surely will rank your party as the coolest party games when you play this game. This super fun and wet game gives kids a great excuse to get soaked in water and enjoy.
If you have a shallow swimming pool at home then that’s the best else, you can also fill an inflatable pool with water for the kids. With a weighted ring or other such treasures, put it on the bottom of the pool. Fill the pool with inflatable balls and balloons or toys to make it challenging for the kids to see the bottom of the pool. Now, to play this game, have a few kids at a time around the pool to search the hidden treasure. Give them sun-goggles, or make it more interesting by letting them use only their feet. You can also add a twist by blindfolding the kids playing. Have kids paddle through the pool using only their feet to hunt the underwater treasures will be super crazy. Ask the onlookers to encourage and cheer them up and advise them. Adults must supervise this game for safety.
8. Balloon Stomp:

Blow up few balloons before the party, make sure to have some extra ones. Cut string into 15-inch lengths and tie each balloon to the strings. Yarn or wool works well to tie it. To play the game, tie one balloon to each child’s one ankle. Now, tell the kids run around in a limited arena trying to “stomp” or pop everyone else’s balloon while saving their own from getting burst. The last player with a full balloon wins! This makes an amazing fun outdoor kid’s game.
9. Catch the Tail on the Dragon:

This traditional This is a Chinese full of fun game which is best played in a large group. Be it adults or kids, they enjoy playing together. To play this game, no much arrangement is required. The players must stand in a line, one behind the other and each of them to hold onto the waist of the player in front of them. This forms a long row. Now, the funny bit is to tuck a bandana or a handkerchief onto the pocket of the last person standing in the line. The one standing in the front of the line is the “head of the dragon” who leads the line in chasing the “tail” (the last person in the line with the handkerchief) as they try to grab the kerchief/ bandana without letting anyone of the players from the line in front of them. The middle portion of the dragon in the line puts in effort to swag away such that the head us unable to catch the tail. This results in lots of tangled-up super fun! Once the kerchief is captured from the tail, the next game begins where the tail becomes the head and they play over again.
10. Egg and Spoon Race:

This entertaining game is mostly played at Easter events with kids and elders together. It also makes a great birthday party game for fun too! All you need to do before the event is to put some large spoons aside and eggs for the play. Suggest that you must use hard-boiled eggs, plastic Easter eggs or even wooden-egg for the game. Whichever type of egg you choose, you’ll need 1 egg and 1 spoon for each player. In any way, it is good to have extra pieces ready handy before the game for any surprise participation! To play this fun game, line up the players side-by-side in a row and distribute a spoon and egg to each player. The objective of the game is to reach the finish line while balancing the egg on a spoon as shown in the picture, without dropping the egg. Once you drop it, you are out. It is indeed harder than it sounds when you play! If you have a larger group of players, make it as a relay race passing one from the other by dividing the group into teams such that each team has equal team members and each one must race while balancing the egg on the spoon to a certain point. After that they have to turn around and return to the start. You must do the marking of the turning point before the game starts with any object. Then relay it by passing it to the next team member who follows the same and continues. First team to complete the race without dropping the egg wins the game! Such games are the best fun outdoor games for children and adults too!