Omega-3 For Kids: Benefits, Dosage, And Food Source


In recent years, omega 3 has become a star in the family of nutrition. But what are they? And why is omega 3 for kids healthy? Who all need it?

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that help the brain to stay healthy. They are a very vital part of the process of building the new cells as they help in developing the central nervous and cardiovascular systems helping the body to absorb nutrients. One of the most essential one for the eye function is omega 3 fatty acids.

In addition to that, there are some researches that show that omega 3 benefits the managing of psychological and behavioural conditions due to their functioning in the neurotransmitter function. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) symptoms could have some benefits with the help of Omega3 supplements. It includes antisocial traits and impaired emotion processing. The poorer reading ability is also known to be linked with lower levels of a certain type of omega-3 fat in kids. Omega 3 dosages for kids was associated with improved memory function. However, more studies are being done to know the full implication of omega-3 fats on the body.

What are Omega-3s?

Omega-3s are the fatty acids which we need for the bodies to function properly and as expected. A lot of diseases like heart diseases or arthritis seemed to have been related to the inflammatory process which omega-3 prevents with its anti-inflammatory properties.

How Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids work?

Having spoken about its need and advantages, asking how they work is a very sensible one. EPA and DHA are the two crucial contents of omega-3 found in primarily the fish. So, the bottom line is that omega-3 fatty acids especially the DHA and EPA work since they black the inflammation pathways in the cells of the body. They block not just one but multiple pathways.

How Much Omega 3 Can You Give a Child?

The Omega 3 dosage for child, according to the Institute of Medicine, kids aging 1 to 3 need 70 milligrams of total omega-3s on a daily basis, children from the age 4 to 8 need about 900 milligrams. Further, girls ranging from 9 to 13 years of age require 1,000 milligrams and boys of the same age group might need 1,200 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acid every day. Omega-3s benefits all age groups. DHA is the key content in Omega-3 that helps the brain growth in infants. After 3 the brain development slows and hence usually, kid’s omega-3 content needs to balance for both EPA and DHA after the age of 3.

How does Omega-3s help Children and Teens?

Know about the Small Researches that talk about Omega-3 Benefits for kids:

  • ADHD. Kids with ADHD might have lower levels of omega-3s in their bodies than standard, and some studies have observed at fish oil supplements as a treatment. They found that for kids under 12, the supplements might improve behavior, boost attention, and reduce hyperactivity.
  • Depression. In adults, fish oil is often used as a cure for depression; it has also been studied the same in kids too.
  • Diabetes. One small study viewed at kids who were at high risk of having Type 2 diabetes. The researchers found that kids were less likely to develop the condition of those who ate a high omega-3 diet.
  • Asthma. Omega-3s could benefit asthma by reducing the inflammation in the airways. One small study of 29 children suffering from asthma found that those consuming fish oil for 10 months had fewer symptoms as compared to those who didn’t. However, other studies say they do not have enough consistent evidence of omega-3s as an asthma treatment.

These were among the small research or studies of omega-3 fatty acids for children but also have some controversies. Researches are still ongoing to know the full use of Omega-3s. For the younger adults, Omega-3s is considered to be a great help in curing cardiovascular health, cancer and depression or other psychiatric conditions. The countries having a healthier diet (like fish and more vegetables) are considered to have lower incidences of depression patients.

Is omega-3 Good for kids?

Omega-3 is good and Necessary for kids as it helps in:

  • Birth weight
  • Reducing pre-term births
  • Brain function improvement
  • Development of eye
  • Reading abilities
  • Improve IQ and behaviour

Thus omega-3s is important for a mother too before pregnancy and especially during her last trimester and the breastfeeding months.

List of Omega 3 rich food Supplements for kids:

  • Beef
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Flaxseeds
  • Fresh tuna
  • Trout
  • Halibut
  • Herring
  • Oysters
  • Mackerel
  • Walnuts
  • Shrimp
  • Chia seeds
  • Soybeans

Or the foods which are fortified with omega-3 fats:

  • Milk
  • Juice
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt

Although there are various best omega-3 supplements for kids, however having the options to seek omega-3 from the natural resource as above is the best way to go about it. Benefits of omega-3 vitamins contain a rich source of multivitamin supplements those are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.