Top 15 Healthy Nutrition Tips For Weight Loss


Eating healthy and nutritious food is important. The best tips and diet, help to lose weight fast, and maintain a healthy living. Below are a few healthy nutrition tips for weight loss.

Healthy Nutrition Tips For Weight Loss

1.Slow down

One of the healthy nutrition tips for weight loss, is to eat slower. The body takes 20 minutes, to attain fullness, while eating. According to research, by eating slowly, you can save 70 calories of energy, over about in half an hour of time, than eating in under 10 minutes. Eating a meal slowly, will translate into losing about two pounds a month. A better option, to slow down your eating, is to keep your fork down, between bites, or use chopsticks.

2.Use a smaller plate

Choose a 7-inch plate, which is about the size of a salad plate, or a child-size plate, to put your main meal on it. Instead of a soup bowl, choose a one-cup dessert or cereal bowl, and a six-ounce wine glass, rather than choosing a goblet. Ask for an extra salad plate, and transfer the proper-size portions of your food onto it, when you are eating out.

3.Eat Breakfast

Never skip your breakfast. According to the study, individuals, who eat breakfast regularly, tend to be leaner, and are more successful at losing weight. Make sure you have your breakfast, that is rich in protein and fiber. You can choose whole-wheat toast with peanut butter or an omelet stuffed with vegetables, as an option for a healthy breakfast.

4.Plan for the occasional treat

Overeating can be caused, due to excess consumption of calories. Limiting, any foods you like, may only increase your temptation. Instead, opt for a small treat. You can have two pieces of dark chocolate or a half cup of low fat ice cream (R).Keep your consumption at under 150 calories.

5.Step away from the screen

Always enjoy your meal, without any distractions. Turn off the TV and the computer, and making an effort to be attentive of, what you are eating, can help reduce the tendency to overeat, which in return will make you more satisfied. According to a study, individuals, who ate lunch without any distractions felt fuller, after 30 minutes of eating, and ate less snacks; in comparison to those who played games during their mid day meal.

6.Eat water-filled foods

Having foods, that are high in water content, such as soups, salads, cucumbers and watermelon, helps you to maintain fewer calorie level. Having a broth-based soup or salad, before starting your meal, may help you eat less of your main course.

7.Snack on pistachios

According to the study, individuals who eat nuts, tend to be leaner than those, who do not consume. Nuts are the main foods for weight loss. The unshelled pistachios, which are high in calories, lowers your eating capacity intake, and prevents you from having more food. Another study, showed that people who ate unshelled pistachios, consumed 41% lower calories, than those who ate with shells. Whenever you intake, keep in mind that one serving of pistachios (49 nuts) contains 157 calories.

8.Increase your fiber intake

You can encourage weight loss, by increasing your daily fiber intake. This will also help you from gaining weight. You can add fiber rich foods, such as, fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains (R), which are low in calories.

9.Eat regular meals

One of the healthy nutrition tips for weight loss is, eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods, high in fat and sugar.

10.Get more active

Being active, helps you to lose weight quickly. In addition to numerous health benefits, exercise can help burn off the excess calories, which you cannot cut out through only diet.

11.Divide your plate

You can reduce your calorie intake, by dividing your plate. Fill half of your plate with low calorie, fiber rich vegetables. Divide the other half of the plate into two equal portions. Fill, lean protein, such as chicken, tofu, fish, or lean beef, on one side of the plate, and the other quarter with a filling, fiber-rich whole grain, such as brown rice or quinoa (R).

12.Get eight hours of sleep

Cutting down sleep, can possibly alter your hunger hormones, and make you feel hungry. It is advisable to get minimum eight hours of sleep, as when you do not get sufficient sleep, the pre frontal cortex—part of the brain, that is responsible for self-control, is affected by sleep loss.

13.Read food labels

It is important to read food labels, to make you choose healthier options. You can use the information given on the food labels, to work out how a particular food fits into your daily calorie intake, and particularly on the weight loss plan.

14. Do not stock junk food

The best and fast weight loss tip, is, try to not stock junk food – such as chocolates, sweet fizzy drinks, crisps and biscuits at home. Instead, prefer having, healthy snacks, such as fruit, fruit juices, oat cakes, unsalted rice cakes, and unsalted or unsweetened popcorn.

15.Cut down on alcohol

Drinking too much of alcohol, can easily contribute to weight gain. According to the study, a standard wine glass, contains as many calories as a piece of chocolate.

By Supraja