20 Non-Toys Ideas for Kids

20 Non-Toys ideas for Kids

Whether it is a birthday or Christmas or any other event, you need to give your kids a gift. But, what do you give to your kids who have everything? This is the common question you generally get in your mind. Let me help you figure out an answer. What about non-toy gift ideas?

This will help you in giving an ample number of gift ideas you can gifts to your kids throughout the year no matter what occasion or events it is.

In this article, we will focus on some of the best non-toys gift ideas for kids.

Non-Toys Gifts For Toddlers:

1. Magazine Subscription:

Magazine Subscription
ImageSource: fatherly.com

Kids receive a couple of magazines in the mail each month. They are always super excited to see the mail under their name. They sit down and read it cover to cover and they love to see the picture associated with the storyline of the magazine.

This non-toy gift for the kids really make them happy and you as well. The kids get encouraged to read more. You can try a lot of titles like Jack and Jill, High Fives, National Geographic Kids, Ranger Rick, Sports Illustrated Kids, etc.

2. Classes:

ImageSource: paoloparolini.com

Encourage your kids to do what they love or are good at. The fun non-toys gift is giving a class that will help your child enhance his or her skills like dance, cooking, music, painting, athletics and so on.

A class helps your kids learn something they love to. This is one of those nontoys gift ideas that teach the kids a deeper value of life skills. The only one word of caution here is to book the preferred classes before you gift to your kids as it is easy to promise gifts than not following through on the actually booking them.

3. Membership:

ImageSource: childcustodytips.wordpress.com

Membership would be the perfect non-toys gift ideas for toddlers. The kids can experience the venue time and again, all year long. They can go together with family. The membership can be of children museum, science museum, zoo, water park and so on.

It really makes a great day for kids. These are especially good for the large family as typically getting a family rate is significantly cheaper than purchasing a day pass once or twice. This is one of those gifts that bring memories which last a lifetime.

4. Dress Up Clothes:

Dress Up Clothes
ImageSource: indiamart.com

Dress up is fun for a lot of kids. Create a fun collection of costumes that you can use to dress up your kids in an array of character or occasions. You can dress up kids as per the different themes for a various party too.

You can try with a lot of variety of colors and outfits for your kids. This will be one of the best non-toy gifts for kids as they will simply love to experience and explore such things.

5. Books:

ImageSource: iseeme.com

Books are always an excellent option and typically aren’t considered as toys. Books are alternatives to toys. When the kids are young, broad books work wonders and as they grow older, there are a lot of series and chapter books they can read up.

Books encourage a love of reading in kids. Book inspires kids to explore the world and emotion they could otherwise discover. You can gift books like Pokemon, magic tree house, land of stories, house of robots and so on to your kids.

6. Love Gifts:

Love Gifts
ImageSource: pennypinchinmom.com

Personally, I love this gift idea for kids. My mother used to do this for us when we were kids. Every Christmas or any events, she would wrap a gift of love for us. It was something she did for her kids every year.

Many of her gifts included things like game night once a month, favorite dinner of your wish, staying up late and watching movies and so on.

One thing you can try up also by making a special note about how much you love your kids and how proud you are for being the mom of your kids. This will be truly the best non-toys gifts for the toddlers they can ever receive.

7. Subscription Boxes:

Subscription Boxes
ImageSource: venturebeat.com/2

Apart from magazine, subscription boxes are also great non-toys gift ideas for kids. You probably see these boxes all over the places. It actually works wonders for kids.

If you want to fuel your kids for love to discover, then start with creative things like trying something new and different with the boxes that come to your homes like art box, cooking box, and many more. This will also enhance the kid’s creativity and interest in making things in a different perceptive.

8. Sleeping Bags:

Sleeping Bags
ImageSource: gooutdoors.co.uk

Another interesting nontoys gifts ideas for kids is giving them sleeping bags to get them ready for any kind of outdoor trip or camping.

Not only a sleeping bag can be a fun new place to sleep for kids, but it can also be a Cave of Wonders where kids can explore with a flashlight and a place to escape from reading books by yourself or the top of a living room for.

Having their own sleeping bags can make a little one pretty excited about the sleepover, trips or cramping out family nights.

9. Games:

ImageSource: amazon.com

Who does not love to play a game, right? Games are always a fun loving activity for both girls and boys.

A well-designed game always provides an hour of entertainment for the family, as a whole. Games teach a lot of moral values to kids. The outer games also helps the kids stay physically fit as well.

The games like Monopoly, Pay Day have been most popular which help in developing cement math skills for kids. Memory games work great for younger children games like Settlers of Ca tan and Ticket to Ride which are great for older kids.

10. Piggy Bank:

Piggy bank
ImageSource: dailylush.com

This is another best nontoys gifts you can give to your kids. Kids absolutely love putting coins into their piggy banks. The piggy bank act not only as a purpose for holding their money, but it also teaches them about the value of it.

The kids will now look at money as something they like to collect rather than spend it. Moreover, the kids will begin to learn the importance of budgeting and saving skills. You can seed the piggy bank with a cash gift too. You can gift a lot of variety of piggy bank to your kids as per their liking.

11. Arts and Craft:

Arts and Crafting
ImageSource: hillsfamilyfunerals.com.au

This type of nontoys gifts is on top for kids. It’s always fun to see how creative your kids can be, it’s just a matter of what kind of creativity they indulge in.

If your kid’s craft box is running low, then stock it up with little things you need for your kids. Add something fun that the kids haven’t used before. A gift of art and craft supplies often boosts the imagination and kids can’t wait to get to work.

12. Donation:

ImageSource: liverpoolecho.co.uk

One of the best nontoys gifts a kid can receive is the gift of giving to others. Kids understand more than we think they do in reality.

Generally, kids are caring and thoughtful for others. Donating or helping others will help the kids to learn the value of paying their good fortune forward to people. As kids get older over a span of time, it may be nice to give kids a certain amount to donate and then guide them into picking charities that they wish to work with.

If your kids are pet lovers, there are many places that take charity donation and help the animals in need.

13. Audio Books:

Audio Books
ImageSource: soundcloud.com

Audiobooks are great for all ages, it may be kids or adults. Audiobooks work wonders downtime for kids. The kids can hear their favorite stories being read to them. It is always fun to read but also can be enjoyable if someone read for you.

For kids, a good story enlivens the mind and inspires the discovery skills of your kids. You can gift some audiobook to your kids that can curl up over and over again. Some of the audiobooks like classical kids secrets, the children homers, magic tree house and so on can be gifted to your kids.

14. Photo Album:

Photo Album
ImageSource: harveynorman.com

Kids love looking at pictures of family members and themselves. Costco and digital photo sites let you create a photo book consisting of all the special things your kids have encountered.

If you had a family vacation or trip,  just create a personalized photo album of sharing those memories. You can even make one covering your kid’s last year of school or the first year of their life.

One of the favorite sites to order these books is from Shutterfly, the site always offer some of the best deals on books for kids and adults.

15. Watch:

ImageSource: aliexpress.com

Most of the kids these days do not know how to read analog time and find that it to takes too long, so the kids search for a digital watch. Getting a cool watch to kids enable them to tell time on it. Giving a watch to kids help them develop a sense of time.

Knowing when an event will be going to happen or knowing that they have 15 minutes to complete an activity is a lot helpful. It’s their responsibility to finish in time and can be very empowering, encouraging over the course of time.

16. Music:

ImageSource: picturesboss.com

Kids love music. This will be another great nongift idea for kids. Music is regarded as the language of the soul, it can stir the heart, the soul, and the mind of everyone. No matter whether you like to gift your kids a classic rock or classical rhapsodies, what matters is a gift to your kids that can inspire for a time across time.

You can gift musical instruments too to let the kids create their own sounds, melodies, and rhythms and many more. Music always sharpens the mind and spirit of kids.

17. Saving Account or Stocks:

Saving Account or Stocks
ImageSource: usatoday.com

Another productive and important nontoys gifts for kids include saving account or stocks in your kid’s name. Keeping money aside for each birthday or holiday may not be that very exciting for these little kids right now in the present scenario, but when the kids turn 18 and realize the amazing start they have in life, this gift will be a huge blessing and they feel proud moment about their parents.

You can start with giving a small token gift that they can open and enjoy on their special day. Make sure you put the majority of the gift into a savings program for the kids. This gift will also help them to learn the importance of savings in their life.

18. Digital Camera:

Digital Camera
ImageSource: dinga.com

Kids love to take pictures. Try to see the world through your kid’s eyes and give them the gift that can hone their creative skill. Help your kids to develop good photography skills. A point-and-shoot is great to start out of it.

If your photographer is an older teen, you need higher-end equipment so it’s a great time for your kids to learn those skills and update with it. There is a lot of variety of digital cameras in the market you can buy as per your financial capacity.

19. Fishing, Gardening, Camping Supplies:

Fishing, Gardening,Camping Supplies
ImageSource: dinga.com

If your family is an outdoor family, getting your kids fishing, gardening and camping supplies is an amazing non-toy gift idea for them. It’s much more fun experience when you take kids into the outdoors and the adults don’t have to fight for the equipment. If you get your own telescoping rod, that means the kids can take their own transport of fishing spot and need not worry about damaging it.

Just like the fishing stuff, higher-quality supplies are much easier to use and carry. Quality equipment can last their entire lives for the kids. The gardening supplies or any other can turn into a passion in later life of the kids too.

20. Personalized recipe cards and a special dinner cooking date:

Personalized recipe cards and a special dinner cooking date
ImageSource: thedigitaldownloadshop.com

If your kids like to join you in the kitchen, then encourage them by giving them a pack of recipe cards on which the kids can write with the ingredients and direction to make. The recipe card has a column of “From the Kitchen of… and the child’s name” on it.

You can also include a cookbook that’s near and dear to you or a child-specific cookbook if you want. You may add on if you want to have a special dinner in honor of your kids. Make sure you decide a date and a theme before you do so, then plan a menu together with all family members around that theme. The kids and you can cook the meal together and serve. Celebrate the movement with fun and joy.

Hopefully, you have got an idea about the best nontoys gifts ideas for your kids through all these awesome and different ideas that we have shared here. This will add memories to your kid’s life. Somehow, it also adds some motivational and inspirational thoughts and ideas to your kids.