Do your kids complain about abdomen pain or discomfort? Do your kids often complain about stomach pain? Do you find this kind of problem in your child quite often? If yes, then the same is due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
The abdomen pain in kids can be due to lots of reasons, nothing that could affect your baby’s health very badly, but it is always best to know how to deal with IBS in kids.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, long-term condition of the digestive system in children as well as in adults. It causes the nerves in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to overreact.
Well, in this article, you will have a fair share of information about what is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in children and the various natural remedies for IBS in children.
What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) In Children?

IBS is a functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder caused due to the changes in the GI tract functions. This is a long term chronic disorder that affects the large intestine or colon.
The IBS in children leads to heavy abdomen pain and bowel movements. This is a very common, long-term condition of the digestive system in children as well as in adults. In this, the large intestine absorbs the water and nutrients from the partially digested food that enters into the colon from the small intestine in the body.
The undigested and unabsorbed food particles are also known as stool, a bowel movement, or poop. As per the studies, about 5-20% of kids are affected by this condition.
The IBS can affect anyone at any time. The risk of developing IBS is higher in children, if-
- Is a female
- Anyone has a history of IBS in the family
- Any psychological problems such as anxiety attacks or panic disorders
- Experienced a psychological trauma due to sexual abuse, loss of a close relative or friend, accident, etc.
Causes Of IBS In Kids:
Here are some of the causes of Irritability Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in children. Such as-
1. Functional Issues in the GI motor:
This is regarded as one of the major causes behind the IBS in children. This is due to the motility in the colon which is too fast, too slow or erratic. There may be possible many reasons for it but the major change could be due to hyperactivity in the child or eating too much. This also causes a muscle spasm, resulting in abdominal pain in kids.
2. Infection:
The infection often results in persistent bowel symptoms. This may involve changes to nerve function in the bowel or changes in the normal bacterial population in the bowel. As per the studies, it has been found that up to 25 percent of the causes of IBS may be due to infection.
3. Gastroenteritis:
This is due to bacteria, mostly salmonella. This form of bacteria can irritate the stomach, and can sometimes lead to an irritable bowel syndrome. This lasts for a longer period of time.
4. Stress:
The stress and other forms of psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and panic disorder may not cause IBS, (R) but worsen the existing symptoms.
5. Food Intolerance:
The food intolerance is one of the primary causes behind the IBS in kids due to the impaired absorption of the sugar lactose that is found in dairy and many processed foods. Other sugars believed to trigger IBS are fructose and sorbitol.
6. General Diet:
Diets are also one of the causes of IBS in children. The low-fiber diets can exacerbate the constipation of predominant IBS. Spicy or sugary foods can cause problems leading to IBS.
Symptoms Of IBS In Children:
The symptoms can vary from one child to another. Here are some of the symptoms of IBS in children are as follows-
- appetite loss
- backache
- bloating
- constipation alternating with diarrhea
- cramping and spasm-like pain in the lower stomach
- feeling as if they aren’t passing a full bowel movement
- gas
- headaches
- nausea
- passing mucus in the stool
- rectal pain
- anxiety
- depression
- fatigue
- trouble concentrating
- Abdomen pain
- Abdominal bloating
- Change in toilet habits
How To Diagnose IBS In Children?
The health care provider will help to figure out the presence of infection and inflammation through a lot of lab tests and symptoms. Some of the ways to diagnose IBS in children are as follows-
1. Blood Tests:
Well, this is the basic and the first test that the healthcare provider asks to perform. These tests are done to evaluate the presence of anemia in a child, an infection, or an illness that is caused by inflammation or irritation.
2. Urine Analysis and Culture:
Next, comes the urine analysis and culture as these are done to help assess the presence of urinary tract infections in children.
3. Stool Sample:
The stool sample is taken to culture and check for bacteria and parasites that may cause diarrhea and could result in IBS in children.
4. Stool Samples for Occult Blood:
As we all know that the occult blood cannot be seen. So this sample of tests is only detected by a special solution that turns blue when coming into contact with blood. It suggests an inflammatory source in the gastrointestinal tract.
5. Lactose Breath Hydrogen Test:
This test is done to determine whether the child is intolerant to lactose or not. In milk and milk products it is obvious that it contains sugar. This taste is done to see the presence of lactose.
6. Abdominal X-ray:
These tests are suggested by the health care provider to have an idea of how the internal organs look like and their functions as well.
7. Abdominal Ultrasound:
This is a form of a test where it creates images from the rebound of high frequency sound waves in the internal organs. It is in more depth ways of seeing how the internal organs work.
8. Endoscopy:
This is a process that uses a small, flexible tube with a light and a camera lens at the end (endoscope) to examine the inside of part of the digestive tract. In here the tissue samples from inside the digestive tract may also be taken for examination and testing.
Home Remedies For IBS In Children:
Here are some of the natural remedies for the IBS in children that works great. So just have a look on it-
1. Peppermint Oil For IBS In Children:
Peppermint oil is one of the best natural remedies for IBS in children that have promising effects. Peppermint oil is rich in natural anti-spasmodic, and it works great for pain. It also provides soothing effects to the muscles of the intestine.
All You Need:
- Peppermint Capsules
What To Do:
- Consume 180-200 mg peppermint oil capsule daily for about 6 months. Before this you can consult a doctor.
How often:
- 1-2 capsules daily.
2. Aloe-Vera for IBS In Children:
Aloe- Vera is very effective for this condition. This is one of the major remedies to alleviate the symptoms of IBS in children. It is rich in anti-inflammatory and laxative effects. This should only be used for short-term treatment for IBS in children.
All You Need:
- Aloe-vera leaf
- 1 glass of water
- 2-4 ounces of aloe vera juice
What To Do:
- Take the aloe- vera leaf
- Remove the skin of it
- Add to the processor and add some bit of water in it.
- Make a juice of it.
- Strain it out, and
- Drink it.
How often:
- Drink this once in a day.
3. Triphala For IBS In Children:
Triphala is an herbal concoction that is made of three therapeutic plants. It is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This is an extreme and effective treatment option for managing IBS symptoms in children.
All You Need:
- Triphala supplement
- A glass of water
What To Do:
- First Mix the triphala powder well with water and
- Drink this before going to bed.
- Do not eat anything after drinking this mixture.At least at about for a 30-minute.
How Often:
- Take this on a daily basis.
4. Probiotics For IBS In Children:
These are the good bacteria for the body that fights with infection. As per the study published in the World Journal Of Gastroenterology (R) probiotics exhibit a beneficial effect on IBS symptoms and can be used to alleviate it.
All You Need:
- Probiotic supplement
What To Do
- Consume probiotic supplements daily after consulting your doctor.
or - Alternatively, you may also consume probiotic-rich foods like garlic, onion, bananas, and raw asparagus.
How Often:
- Take 1-2 times daily.
5. Slippery Elm For IBS In Children:

This is one of the best herbal treatments for IBS in children. This moreover helps in treating the inflammatory bowel diseases as it is rich in antioxidants in nature.
All You Need:
- 1 tablespoon of slippery elm powder
- 1 cup of boiling water
- Honey (optional)
What To Do:
- Add the slippery elm powder to a glass of boiling water.
- Stir well and
- Allow it to steep for 5-7 minutes.
- Then after allow it to cool.
- Once it is cool down
- Drink it.
- If you wish you add honey to the mixture for taste.
How Often:
- Drink this 1-2 times daily.
6. Artichoke Leaf Extract For IBS In Children:
Artichoke leaf is too great and helps relieve irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and helps in giving quick relief from pain and discomfort. As per the studies, it is found that the artichoke leaf is a better natural remedy than any other form of treatment.
All You Need:
- Artichoke leaf extract supplement
What To Do:
- Consume the artichoke leaf extract supplements.
How Often:
- Take it daily. Before using the artichoke leaf extract just confirm with your doctor’s advice.
7. Prune Juice For IBS In Children:
Prune juice is one of the healthy and natural remedies for IBS in children. This juice is also high in fiber, and fiber rich foods are best for Irritable Bowel syndrome. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant properties.
All You Need:
- 2 glass of prune juice
What To Do:
- Take the prune and add in the food processor
- In it add few drips of water
- Make a smooth juice of it.
How Often:
- Drink one glass in the morning and one at night.
8. Magnesium For IBS In Children:
Magnesium diets are one of the most preferred remedies for IBS in children to have perfect bowel movements. It is always better to include the magnesium rich foods in the children’s diets in order to get relieved from the symptoms of irritability bowel syndrome.
All You Need:
- 240 ml magnesium citrate liquid or
- 2 tablespoons milk of magnesia
- Water or juice
What To Do:
- Get some magnesium citrate and mix it with a glass of water.
- Then drink the mixture. (or)
- You can use the milk of magnesium to get relieve from the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome in children.
9. Wheat Bran For IBS In Children:
Wheat bran is a powerhouse of fiber. It helps to pass the stool smoothly through the colon. It is recommended best for the children when they suffer from any of the symptoms of IBS as it gives relief in proper bowel moments.
All You Need:
- Wheat Bran
What To Do:
- You can simply add the wheat ban in your diets or food such as soups, stews, pancakes, etc.
How Often:
- Include daily in your diets.
10. Baking Soda For IBS In Children:
Baking soda is known as sodium bicarbonate. It is regarded as one of the best and doesn’t impose side effects. It helps to get relieve from gas and makes the bowel moment regular and smooth. This also removes the bloating and feeling of fullness.
All You Need:
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1 glass of water
What To Do:
- Take one tsp of baking soda
- Add to one glass of water
- Mix it well, and
- Drink it.
How Often:
- Take it once in the morning hours.
11. Coconut Oil For IBS In Children
Coconut oil is one of the amazing natural remedies for IBS in children. This is rich in a high amount of medium chain fatty acids. This, as a result, helps in making healthy bowel movements in the body. Coconut oil is too good for chronic constipation.
All You Need:
- Coconut Oil
What To Do:
- Take 1 tbs of coconut oil and drink it
Or - You can add it to the food of yours
How Often:
- Take it once in the morning and once at night for at least 3-4 days.
12. Olive Oil For IBS In Children:
Olive oil is regarded as “liquid gold”. It is one of the best natural remedies for constipation in children as well as in adults. It acts as a laxative by smoothening the stool movement and excretion. It makes easier to pass the stool. (R)
All You Need:
- 2 tablespoon of olive oil
What To Do:
- Take 1 tsp of olive oil
- Drink it in empty stomach (or)
- You can cook the food with olive oils.
How Often:
- Do this daily till you got relief.
13. Herbal Teas For IBS In Children:
Yes, it is true that the children can be given herbal teas who are suffering from constipation. Herbal teas are rich in natural laxatives. This makes the stool to pass easily and leads to smoother stools. Some of the herbal teas are-
- Green tea
- Peppermint tea
- Black tea
- Lemon balm tea
- Sage tea
- Hibiscus tea
- Ginger tea
- Chamomile tea
All You Need:
- Herbal tea leaves or granules
- Water
What To Do:
- Boil I glass of water
- In it add herbal tea leaves or granules to it.
- Let it sit for a couple of minutes.
- Strain the tea and
- Then drink the tea.
How Often:
- Drink it 3-4 cups in a day.
14. Lactulose For IBS In Children:
Lactulose is absolutely safe for babies and children. But, make sure to consult the doctor before. This is another common reason behind the ways to get relief from the symptoms of constipation due to its presence of laxatives.
All You Need:
- Lactulose syrup
What To Do:
- Add at about 15 ml lactulose syrup in one glass of water.
- And drink it.
- Take it in gaps of 10-12 hours.
How Often:
- Take 3-4 times a week.
15. Castor Oil For IBS In Children:
Castor oil has numerous benefits for health. This works great for the symptoms of constipation. Castor oil helps to soften the bowel moments with few hours of gaps. It is an instant relief from the pain and discomfort.
All You Need:
- 1tsp of castor oil
- Lemon juice
- Milk
What To Do:
- Take 1tps of castor oil
- Add in one glass of water
- To it add some lemon juice
- Or you can mixed with milk and have it.
How Often:
- Do this every day till you get relief.
16. Fiber Food For IBS In Children:
The diet of the children should focus more on high fiber intake food. This help to develop the digestive system on the right track. The children should eat 18 to 30 gm of fibers every day in their diet. The food with high fiber intake act as bulling agent in passing smooth stools.
All You Need:
- Fiber rich foods
What To Do:
- Take fiber rich food in your diets.
- You can take whole grains, brown rice, oats, broccoli, apricots, nuts, apples, potatoes, and beans.
How Often:
- Take it daily in your diets.
How To Prevent IBS In Kids?
There are certain ways that you can opt to prevent IBS in children. Some of these are as follows-
1. Regular Routine:
Try to follow a regular pattern of sleep, food, playtime, study time, etc. in a proper time frame. It is very important to take care as the circadian clock also rules your bowel movements.
2. Food items to Include:
Food is all and all and it is very important for the body as it plays an important role in the digestion process. So, as I mentioned above that fiber foods are very much important for the body to keep them in your diets. Make sure you eat whole grains, oats, brown rice, and vegetables and fruits rich in fiber like broccoli, sweet potato, beans, apple, peaches, pears, and berries.
3. Traveling:
When you are traveling, do take care of yourself a lot as it can affect the schedule of routine. Maintain a regular eating schedule with an appropriate time frame. Take light foods too while traveling.
4. Food Items To Avoid:
There are certain foods that are needed to avoid during the time of constipation as it is difficult to digest. Dairy products like milk and cheese are especially needed to avoid. Try to avoid red meat, packaged frozen dinners, fried food, and bananas.
5. Exercise Regular:
A healthy lifestyle is important. Exercise tries to avoid constipation in children. The intense physical activity will make you more fluids so that in general will help you to get rid of the symptoms of IBS in children.
6. Yoga:
There are many yoga positions like pavanmuktasana, uthhanpadasana, sukhasana, and vajrasana that help for a healthy digestive system and help feel better from the gastrointestinal intestine problem like constipation.
7. Drinking Enough Water:
Keeping the baby hydrates is one of the best home remedies to get rid of IBS. Liquids are mucolytics that help in thinning out secretions. This also helps to thin the mucus. As per the Mayo Clinic drinking enough fluid helps to prevent dehydration. For this, you can give as much as fluid intake to your baby. You can give water, soups, juices, etc.
The abdomen pain in kids can be due to lots of reasons, nothing that could affect your baby’s health for the worse, but it is always best to be aware of with dealing the IBS in kids. It is common in kids and can be treated. I hope these home remedies mentioned in the article will help you a lot to get rid of IBS in children.