Myths and Facts About Vaccines


Immunization is a very important step, we must all ensure to protect and prevent our children from fatal diseases. Most of these vaccines help in making a child resistant to the infectious disease which can even claim their life. A live or dead infection of a similar kind is administered under controlled situations to increase the body’s immunity for such kind of infection in the future. Vaccination helps in averting 2-3 million deaths every year. Vaccines are the most cost-effective health investment you can make for ensuring a healthy life. Vaccinations are simple and don’t require any much of lifestyle changes.

Myths about Vaccinations:

Many religions and cultures diss the idea of vaccination due to their beliefs in myths. Though there are a lot of controversies doing rounds, vaccinations have been scientifically proven health facilitators. We must not believe in such myths, as they not only put your child at risk but also add up to their spread further.

Myth number 1- Most of the diseases for which vaccination is given are not serious:

The reality is all the vaccines are given for very serious health issues. Most of them are fatal and others can cripple a child for life. Also, the majority of these diseases have no cure and take a life if a child is infected. Measles, whooping cough, tetanus are all fatal and despite medical advancements, nothing can stop or cure them completely if once infected. So vaccination is the only option we are left with, to protect our child.

Most-of-diseases-for-whichMyth number 2- If all others are vaccinated my child does not need it anyway:

These diseases may have declined, but this is solely due to a rise in vaccinations. But if we do not vaccinate our children a mild infection from that severe disease-causing micro-organisms can also take away toll on us. Mostly for people who are traveling and changing places, one area may have not infection but other areas have it and can cause havoc

Myth Number 3- Vaccinations can be fatal and have several damaging effects:

Vaccinations are very safe, and most of the side effects we see are minor and temporary. Like swollen injection site, fever and more of such. The chances of diseases we can contract without vaccinations are far more than the chances of getting severe side effects from vaccines. There are extremely rare situations where vaccines have become fatal, and if there are, then also there may be some pre-existing conditions.

Myth Number 4- Vaccine preventing diseases are all prevented completely in my country, now I don’t need it

This is the most superficial of all myths, as diseases are still prevalent in many other countries, and these can be contracted even at slightest of contact. The world is interconnected. We all have seen how a zika virus traveled and how Ebola made way from Sierra Leone to even US and Canada.

Vaccine-preventing-diseasesMyth number 5- Vaccines contain harmful toxins:

This is not true at all. Vaccines are just made up of antigens. Aluminum and formaldehyde are used in traces but to kills infections and not to the level of  being toxic

Myth number 6- Adults don’t need vaccines:

This is not true, as adults are at the same level of any infection as a child is. Many diseases just begin spreading and their vaccines are developed only after they cause havoc in some areas. So even adults are at risk even after getting all of their infant vaccines on time.

Myth number 7- Delaying vaccines may cause fewer reactions:

It is absolutely hearsay. Babies respond well to vaccines at a young age and there is no fact which states vaccines can have less side reaction if delayed. Rather the quicker you give vaccines the safer your child is against the infection

Myth number 8- Breastfeeding babies are protected from infections:

This is not true for the severe infections like measles, tetanus, rubella, chicken pox and more. Breastfeeding provides resistance from viral and mild infections of the respiratory tract, ear and more. But certainly, don’t shield against these threatening diseases.

Myth number 9- Giving vaccines one at a time is better:

Not at all, giving combination vaccines is proved to be easier for the child and beneficial for us too. Studies show combination vaccines are effective, safe and less painful for kids too

Giving-vaccines-one-at-aRead about vaccine myths and vaccination facts before taking any decision which revolves around the health and life of your child. Always remember our one mistake or superstition can cause fatal repercussions too for the child. So be wise and use your intellect rather than any cultural stigma.

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