10 Myths About Sun Protection


Summer is all about outdoor fun and more. And all our wonderful excursions must be accompanied by proper sun protection for our family. Be sure to cover yourself with sun block and never follow the myths about sun protection. As sun light at anytime of the day can be damaging for skin, the intensity varies with sunlight though.

Some common myths about sun safety:

There are several myths doing rounds, about sun safety and how sunlight is believed in these ideas. Some of these sun safety myths are:

1- If your cosmetics contain sun screen you must not use a sun block again:

If-your-cosmetics-containThis is the most popular of the myths and is totally false. You must wear sun screen under your makeup to protect your skin from harmful ultra violet rays of the sun. If you do not get ample sun protection you are at increasing risk of skin cancer. People of color are less prone that fairer people. And since fair people must apply a higher SPF sunscreen to protect themselves well from UV rays of sun

2- People need ample sun exposure to get Vitamin D in their body:

This is absolutely wrong, you don’t need the strongest daytime sun light for Vitamin D at all. Regular incidental exposure to sunlight is adequate and fair enough to get the daily need of vitamin D for your body. A few minutes in peak summers, when UV index is 3 or more; are adequate for Vitamin D. Increasing sun exposure beyond this would not help in adding more vitamin D rather it will trigger skin cancer

3- A fake tan darkens the skin which protects it from sunlight:

This is absolutely false, fake tanning creams don’t protect the skin from actual sun tan. You still need sun protection and this fake tanning cream is just hardly 1.5-2 hour functioning

4- Only the people who bath in sun get skin cancer:

bath-in-sun-get-skin-cancerThis is wrong, everyone stands equal chances of having skin cancer if going out in sun. People who deliberately seek a sun tan and people who get sun tan when going out in sun are both at equal risk of contracting skin cancer. Even going for walk, outdoors and gardening gives the same risk of sun tan and cancer as does sun bathing in high UV rays

5- You can not get sun burn in a car through the glasses:

This is rather opposite of what actually happens. You can get sun burn even through a glass window. Remember green house effect, it can be even more severe. Glass does reduce UV radiation but if continued long it aggravates the situation.

You-can-not-get-sun-burn6- If you just get sun tan and not burns, you don’t need sun protection:

This is wrong and can cause you more severe impacts if not taken seriously. Even if you get mild tan, the change in color states your skin is hurt and sensitive. The skin changes to dark to protect itself from sun rays. Sun tan just protects SPF 3 levels for sun damage and are prone to DNA damage. You would need sun block even after having a tan

7- Wind burnt also exists:

There is nothing called wind burn, and whatever damage your skin is experiencing is due to sun exposure. UV exposure is even more high in cloudy and windy situations. Temperature is not just the only reliable source for UV rays in sun light. Check sun protection details in your weather app before heading out

8- A quick 5-10 minutes in sun wont affect skin:

This is not true, sun light exposure  of 10 minutes will also cause severe damage to sensitive skin. Even during fall and spring times when sun light is ample a 10-15 minute in sunlight without proper sun protection can cause tan

9- Staying at home will help not to get sun tan:

This is not totally right as window glass obstructs UVB rays but not UVA rays. And UVA rays are the worst causal for skin cancers. Put sunscreen on arms and legs when staying indoors but in an area exposed to sunlight. Reduce the sun exposure inside house by using insulated curtains.

10- If you wear SPF 50 sunblock you can stay longer in sunlight than when you wear SPF 30 sunblock:

This is not true at all. Sunscreen are not armour suits when it comes to protecting against sunlight. Sunscreen just works 2 hours once applied and needs retouching or reapplying every two hours spent in sunlight. SPF 30 blocks 96.7% sun rays and SPF 50 blocks 98% of it. Apply more frequently if swimming or sweating in sun

If-you-wear-SPF-50-sunblockThe above compilation on 10 myths about sun protection is to help you keep yourself and your family from getting a sun burn or sun tan. Be sure to follow the instructions on sun block creams and see your dermatologist for more details

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