Does your baby get sick in car quite often? What causes car sickness in children? How can you prevent it? Hope this might question must be going on your mind. Well, don’t freq out!! be stress free and relax.
Car sickness is moreover a type of motion sickness. It normally occurs when the brain receive conflicting information from the inner ears, eyes, and nerves in the joint and muscles.
In this article at the end, you will get a fair share of information about the causes and symptoms of motion sickness in children and the ways to prevent car sickness in babies.
What is Motion Sickness?
Car sickness is more over a type of motion sickness (R). It normally occurs when the brain receive a conflicting information from the inner ears, eyes,and nerves in the joint and muscles. This is very common in children especially between 3 to 12 years.
The strong sense of smell in car or roads leads to motion sickness in children. The motion sickness makes the body uncomfortable and then nauseous.
Symptoms Of Motion Sickness In Babies:
Some of the sign and symptoms of motion sickness in babies are as follows-
- Children starts yawing a lot
- Experience restlessness
- Cold sweat
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Increase in saliva
- Feeling of stomach upset
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Drooling
Causes Of Motion Sickness In Children:
Well, it is difficult to prudent the exact cause of motion sickness in children than adults. Motion sickness occurs when the motion is very intense and mostly for the first time.
Some of the cause for baby motion sickness are as follows-
- rough water or turbulent air
- Stress and excitement
- Stuff air
- Reading book
- Playing video games
- Eating unhealthy foods while traveling.
How To Deal With Motion Sickness In Babies:
This a common issue with children while traveling than with adults. There are certain ways can help you to deal with motion sickness. Some of the ways are as follows-
1. Snacking:
This may sounds common and simple but really it works amazing. In most of the case, the child gets motion sickness due to too much or empty stomach. The best thing you can do to treat the travel sickness in babies is to feed them some healthy snacks.
Try to avoid the children from unhealthy foods and snacks such as cold drinks, chips etc. The more light they will feel the more they will be away from stomach upset and motion sickness.
2. Sleep:
In order to treat car sickness in babies this ways works great. Whenever you are traveling make sure your baby or children sleep most of the time while traveling.
This will help to keep them refreshed and energetic when they reached the destination and stay away from car (motion) sickness in babies.
3. Rehydration;
It is very much important to rehydrate children while they are traveling. If the child vomits while traveling then make sure after that you keep them hydrated by giving up water, juices, energy drinks, etc.
This will helps the body to be hydrates as a lot of body fluids and water content in the body get ejected. And in case of excessive vomiting, oral rehydration solutions must be given to the children.
4. Fresh Air:
Children feel nauseous during the travel is due to suffocated or laxck of air. The travel sickness in babies can be avoided by ensuring that there is plenty of air circulation within the car so that they can feel fresh and is able to breathe properly. You can open the window glass of your car while traveling so that there will be the proper passage of fresh air.
5. Avoid Strong Smells:
The strong sense of smells matter a lot in causing motion sickness in babies In order to deal with motion sickness, you can eliminate anything with a strong smell from the surroundings while traveling.
This includes perfumes, strong smelling food items and some types of car fresheners etc.A child may also get sick owing to the smell of stale leather emanating from the seats of the car.
6. Focus Long:
This is also a part of motion sickness because the brain is unable to comprehend and make sense of all the movement happening while traveling.
This means that you should encourage your child to look as further into the horizon as possible while traveling, instead of focusing on something within the moving environment. That is the reasons where playing video game, reading books are not advice while traveling.
7. Breaks:
Breaks during the journey works wonders and great. Make sure you take enough number of breaks so that the child does not feel suffocated during the journey.
Another way to deal with motion sickness is to give the children and to stretch his legs and arms. This goes a long way in keeping him fresh, and thus prevents motion sickness.
Home Remedies For Motion Sickness In Babies:
There are certain home remedies that you can try off in order to wave off the motion sickness in babies. Some of the ways are as follows-
1. Ginger:
Ginger is proved to be effective to treats motion sickness. It works well by slowing the muscular wall movements in the tummy and keeps the children away from vomiting and stomach upset.
It is available in the form of an oral pill, or a fresh ginger stem can also be advice. It is used as a folk remedy to fight nausea.
2. Mint:
Eating something with mint flavour like gums, or simply the mint leaves helps a lot to cure motion sickness in babies. The mint calm the body while travelling. The aroma simple soothe or works great in controlling the motion sickness.
3. Aromatherapy:
Essential oils of lavender and mint are effective anti-nausea agents and that really works great for curing motion sickness in babies.
4. Acupressure:

Acupressure bands are effective in treating motion sickness.The acupuncturists will apply pressure on the particular points on your inner wrist region to relieve the sickness. There are certain points for certain relief of pain.
How Long Does Motion Sickness In Toddler Last?
As I mention above also motion sickness is more common in children than adults. This is very common in children, especially between 3 to 12 years.
The strong sense of smell in car or roads leads to motion sickness in children. The motion sickness makes the body uncomfortable and then nauseous.
Motion sickness is a temporary phase for the children it goes off after a particular age climbs up. For some children, it continues that all depend on the resistance power and sensation.
Normally it last till the end of the journey and the effects stays few hours after the travelling is over or ended.
How To Prevent Motion Sickness In Babies?
- It’s best to have a light snack before the the travels start as we know an empty stomach can leads to vomiting or stomach upsets.
- Keep the car in a comfortable temperature and maintain a proper air ventilation.
- Bright sun and glare can make the nausea worse in some case so try covering the windows in cars while traveling.
- Keep your child mind occupied by Playing some kind of travel games that involve looking outside.
- Get along with you the Spray bottles or individual battery powered fans are fun as they cool kids off while traveling.
- Interact with your children regularly while you are traveling
- Take breaks quite while traveling this will allow the child to breath fresh air and stretch his hands, arms etc.
- Most kids feel better if they can look out the window. So allow them to seat in the middle seat so that it will get them to breathe properly and look in to the window.
- It’s better to be where the ride is less bumpy. If you’re on an airplane, sit over the wing. Front cars are best on a train and the front seat is best in a car. Keep the child on deck on a boat, avoiding the stern or bow.
- Open windows for fresh air while traveling than in ac that will be more suffocating.
- Being dehydrated or hungry can lead to a feeling of nausea and headaches. Drink plenty of water and healthy snacks as I mentioned above.
- Make frequent stops. Some children can only drive for an hour or two before starting to feel sick – take a break before they hit that point.
motion sickness is more common in children than adults.This is very common in children especially between 3 to 12 years. Motion sickness is a temporary phase for the children it goes off after a particular age climbs up. For some children, it continues that all depend on the resistance power and sensation. I hope this above information will help you to get rid of motion sickness while traveling.