Get Mystical With Your Kids Learning The Magic Tricks Right Way


While the magicians usually do not offer their tricks and secrets, this is a good place for you to find some magic tricks for kids. Kids would love such amazing ideas and would be proud to show off their talent to the family and friends.

How many of your kids love to impress and surprise their friends with easy magic tricks? It is always fun to learn the illusion card tricks, some coin tricks, and another simple object that could be used for various cool magic tricks. We have got some simple special selection for your kids to learn and perform simple magic tricks. Magic tricks for children put magical power into their hands. And when kids transform themselves into magicians, their excitement grows into a different level.

Surely, your kid can also amaze others by showing their tricks that making a whole fabulous kid magic party. But for that, you have to find yourself some help and ability to fast and then form with magic tricks that they can easily do on their own without any bloopers. The easy magic tricks for kids are very simple enough that they can learn it quite quickly. Whether you prefer any math magic for kids or fun magic tricks for kids like cards, this is the best place to start from. On this page will see all kinds of awesome free magical tricks for kids to learn.

Magic Tricks for Kids Step By Step:

1. Amazing Disappearing Pencil Trick:

Pakistan some simple sleight of hands is the key to this magic trick. Show them how to perform how to amazingly disappear the pencil and improve the coordination and fine Motor skills every time they do it.

You will need:

  • 1 Pencil
  • 1  table top

How to Perform:

Ask your child to place the pencil on the table right in front of them lengthwise. Let the audience see the ordinary pencil by taking up in the hand. You might even have them to handle it briefly to prove that it is not a pencil trick. Not put 1 palm on either side of the pencil then towards the pencil in such a way that the fingers concealed behind the fingers and moving it to work you in a subtle movement and have a drop off the table on the lap. The above should be performed without having the audience notice it. Keep the hands formed as if the pencil is still between them and make a show like that of breaking of Squash and the pencil between your hands but bringing your palms together for real. Reveal that the pencil has been disappearing dramatically like a magician’s flourish facing the empty palm in front of the audience.

2. Bend the Spoon:


When I was a child myself, used to wonder how this could be done. Later found on this smart way of doing it and flaunted my magician skills. The spoon bend is a classical trick that every kid loves to know. You could grab any spoon and bend it down; meanwhile, the spectators are stunned trying to register what just happened. You then lift up the spoon and show that it is still unbent as you found it.

You will need:

  • Spoon

How to Perform:

The major key to perform this magical trick for kids is to know how to hold the spoon why they “bend it.” Grabbing the spoon and holding it with both the hands closely around the handle of the spoon is the first step to learn this fun magical trick for kids. By placing the bottom bowl of the spoon one side up onto the table, you begin to press it down. This allows the side handles to slide along the inside of your hand until it reaches the bottom of your palm. It makes it look like this phone is pending from the spectator’s point of view even though you’re not bending it at all. The other hand that appears to be gripping the spoon is actually hiding the spoon handle sliding in the first hand. It will take a little practice for getting it right and to look like a professional doing it. Once this phone has been bent, simply lift it up off the table with both hands and flip it back so that everyone can see this phone is this straight. A perfect trip to show everyone while on the dinner table. Especially when the kids are happy with their grandparents around in town to visit them, have the kid to give it a try in front of them. It will give them a feeling of such a hard trick that the child is trying without knowing that it is one of the best magic tricks for kids with is very simple to do.

3. Magic Card Trick Introduction:


This is a simple card trick that your kids can easily learn. You can use any Deck of cards for this and does not need to be any pre-requirement for arrangements or work beforehand. Have your audience to pick one card from the three cards and then put all the three cards back into the pile at one time. You then pull out and reveal the car that was chosen by the spectator.

You will need:

  • Deck of cards

How to perform:

Start by having the spectators looking at the deck so that they see that it’s an original one. After this has one from the audience to shuffle the deck for you. When they hand over the Deck back to you, hold it upright such that the card front is facing the audience. Pull up the second, third and fourth cards from the back of the deck and display it to them. Do not have the cards pulled all the way out but just enough for the people to take a look at the cards. The one card on the top must be kept hidden behind the other three cards. It is a secret and your audience must not know that card is there!

Now ask one of the spectators to choose one of the cards by pointing at the first, second and the third fanned card. Then have them to remember the card and show it to the others too if they like for them to be involved. Once they select the cards, gather the cards together at the top of the deck. The secret card must still be there and the one chosen should be kept on top of the three cards. Based on the card that was selected by the spectator, you will have to select those many cards from the top of the deck and place it in the middle of the deck.

This step was the most important one where the cards are facing down and the audience does not see it. Do this at a time saying the number of the cards you are placing in the middle of the deck. Do not show the card to the audience yet, they must not get to see which card will be actually left on top, but it will be theirs. Say your magical spell and tap on the top of the deck to have their card magically raised to the top.

Flip the card over and show it holding for them to see. This is one of the easy magic tricks for kids to do with cards.

4. Sawing a Lady in Half:

Before you get concerned that your child will be using a saw this is a much meeker version of the trick that they will perform. You will not need a saw, stage, or a volunteer for these fun tricks for kids. This is a comparable trick with a paper and cutting it in half. Your child will need to use a pair of scissors for this trick.

The magician takes a paper doll and puts it inside of a paper tube. The audiences will be able to see her head and feet sticking out of both ends of the tube. The magician then cuts the paper tube into half. When the doll is pulled out you can see that she is still in one piece!

You will need:

  • Paper
  • Marker
  • Envelope
  • Scissors

How to perform:

To do this trick you will need a bit of preparation to be done. First, close the envelope and cut off the ends. You want the tube to measure four inches in length. You also will need to cut a strip that is about 1.5 inches wide from the piece of paper. Cut it through the width of an 8.5 inch to 11-inch piece of paper so that it will be 8.5 inches long.

Now level the tube and cut two slits into the bottom such that you want to make the slits wide sufficient for the paper doll to fit in. This is the secret in creating easy magic tricks for kids to do. Now you are ready to showcase your magic trick to everyone!

Take the paper tube and slide the doll into it. Once the doll enters the tube pass her through the first slit and out the back of the tube. As the doll is put further into the tube you will need to push her again inside of the tube with the help of the next slit in the tube. From behind the tube, the paper dolls the middle portion of the body will be outside of the tube.

Now, you start to cut the envelope tube into half. Make sure that the bottom of the scissor blades is between the paper doll and the envelope. You only want to cut the envelope and remember, not the doll! Make sure you hold the doll and envelope with the face up so that no one can see the back. Once the envelope is cut in half grip the two pieces together and glide the paper doll back out of the envelope. Show everyone the two pieces you’ve cut and such that the paper doll is still in one piece.

You can also allow the audience to examine the paper doll if you wish to. Just make sure that your price and with a knack, crumble up and toss the envelope as quickly as possible. You don’t want the spectators asking to see it. Remember that it has the slits you cut in the back and will give your trick away. To repeat easy magic tricks for kids like this similar one, you will need to grab new supplies and re-create the steps. This trick could only be performed once unless you are ready with a few envelopes in advance. You can always demonstration them one of your other great magic tricks!

5. Disappearing Coin Trick:

The perfect trick which is very simple and easy magic tricks for kids to improve their fine motor skills and talent makes them real confident magicians. The disappearing of coin trick is a great one for the classic magical trick to start with.

You will need:

  • 1 x coin
  • a table top

How to Perform:

Place a coin in front of you on the table. Tell your audience that you will make the coin disappear. This is the time when you need enough practice and excellent use of your hands. Use your hand and keeping your palm down, to sweep the coin towards you on the table, quickly sweat it off the table and into your lap. But you must keep your fingers together as though you are still holding the coin. Bring your hand up to your mouth and close on the virtual coin and open the hand to show that you made the coin disappear. It takes a lot of practice but it would make the kids of fact in a few days. Keep it a surprise until kid would become a pro and you have nailed down the illusion. To make it better as magic, you must always use the free hand to distract your audience especially when you are trying to sweep the coin off the table initially.

Magic is one of the most amazing things for kids to see and practice. Giving power into their own hands requires few tips and tricks that they must follow to get better every time. When the kids transform themselves into magicians, then excitement could go to another level and get it to greater heights.

How can you Have The Kids Develop Their Dreams of Being the Magician?


As a parent, you will have to show your child the right path to practice and to keep them motivated to achieve the fabulous tricks of Magic. Remember, you can make it as a theme for the next birthday party or any other occasion.

We will help you with those tips that are simple enough for your kids to follow and learn quickly.

  • The first law of magic: When it comes to teaching your kids magic, your time needs to be very serious about being a magician and remember that tricks and tips that you teach. Firstly they must understand the first law of Magic which was that a magician would never reveal their secrets. If your kid needs to surprise their friends by showing the skill of Magic tricks that they do, they need to keep the mystique and impressiveness to the maximum. It is a good idea to inspire them to the various tricks of Magic but they need to keep their mouth tightly close in order to do justice to magic. Knowing kids, it is going to be very difficult to make them keep a secret, especially if they get too excited about learning it.
  • The second law of Magic: The second law of Magic says you need a lot of practice, practice, and practice. Repetition is the law of memory, however, repeating an action help your child to get the right moves. Just like any other kid has to learn to tie a shoelace, riding a bicycle, or putting the backpack over and over again until they get it perfectly right, similarly, they have practiced the magical tricks over and over again to get the hang of the motions perfectly. It always took a lot of repetition to get the trick right and to make it look the best and like a professional. Keep encouraging them every time they showcase their talents of magic. The rule applies the same here as well, practice makes a magical master.
  • Get the audience to involve: A lot of kids usually love to do the magic tricks when they are alone in the room, however, when they intend to do it in front of others, they might get nervous and a fumble. The secret to being a good magician as always having an audience participating in the magic trick and you must teach this to your child to interact with the audience. When the interest the audience that is exactly when they are mastering the skills of the magical world as they might be distracting the audience with one of their hand while something else might be going around the other. The audience would not be able to see the sleight of hand that is going on when their eyes get distracted.
  • Learning skill: A lot of beginner magicians really rely on the gadget and devices and leave very little for them to help with the tricks. Remember that these are a gimmick that often breaks. If you ask it is really interested in becoming a great magician, you must help them to learn the skills by themselves first before they could rely on the external appliances for magic.
  • Magic need patients:  You must make your child understand that it requires time to learn and expertize the skills of magic. Magic skills would not blossom over the night. Getting the brain working with hands and coordinating the body overall to pull the audience will take time. You must help your child to understand that good magic and tricks will require longer time if they want to perform it perfectly. Also if you want to automatically begin to invest more time in learning, they acquire better skills.
  • Keep it simple: The first and foremost thing to understand would be not overdone with any magical trick such that the magicians have a grip of the audience’s attention. The simple tricks are the one that could be easily learned and practice well to make it look complicated and be successful. Teach your child what exactly needs to be done and make sure that they understand every bits and piece of what exactly needs to be done for the magical act.

Such great magic tricks are fun for kids. Do let us know what you think about it and share your views and ideas too.