Top 10 Low Maintenance Pets for Kids


Pets and kids make a perfect pair and the kind of positive stimulation we see in kids when we own a pet is simply incredible. All we think is all pets are expensive and high maintenance. But we tend to forget that there are ample other small pets over and above popular pets like cats and dogs.

These inexpensive pets are not just easy to bring at home but simple to maintain day after day. Low maintenance pets for children are lying all over the country at shelters struggling to find them homes.

Owning an inexpensive pet not just teaches the kids to be more adaptive of these animals at home but also prepares them for more popular pets if they wish in the future. The best pets for small children are those which do not require extra nurturing and care. Cheap pets don’t require walking them, grooming them and nor they need petting or pampering at all. These inexpensive pets just need some food, water, and shelter which any kid can handle well.

Low Maintenance Pets for Kids

Some low maintenance pets for kids which are not just easy to maintain but also provide an ever stimulating and successful pet experience for younger children who may not know the detailed needs of popular pets yet.

1. Fishes for Kids:

Fishes and aquarium at home is supposedly the most pleasing experience for any home. Fish as pets are not just thrilling but also helpful in bringing and cheer and smile on kids every time they fish swimming. Pick the most durable and easy fishes to begin with, and keep a check on how to feed and keep them safe. Goldfishes are the easiest and wonderful option for first-timers. Being so bright and sparkling they are an incredible pick for kids any age. Lifespan for a goldfish is over 5 years which makes it all the more easy option for petting

2. Rats:

Rats are a quick hit among kids any age. For their sheer cuteness and Tom and Jerry appeal. Rats are affectionate and intelligent animals which are super quick too. They just need basic rat food or rabbit food and some small toys to play with. A shelter to stay on in and not anywhere outside. They love to live in pairs and can be too cute for a home

3. Small Lizards:

Small lizards are creepy but a fun pet for a family. Trust when we say small lizards make the most astonishing pet for any kid. Geckos and nice and friendly and if you ever feared these lizards its time to own one and see how beautiful pet they can be. They don’t need to be bathed, fed too often and stay as pleasing as ever. The only worry is they love to explore every nook and corner in the house thus keeping them safe can be a challenge.

4. Tortoise and Turtles:

Tortoise and turtles are slow animals and they are truly mesmerizing to watch. They are easily fed with vegetables at home or in the garden and don’t need any maintenance in terms of grooming or bathing. They are less active and more intriguing for kids. They can teach a lot about nature and life sciences. Also, they have a very long life span

5. Small Birds Which are Colorful:

Petting a bird can be a whole lot of chatting for kids all the time. Specially the parrots and parakeets who repeat words and sentences. They just need a nice cage, grains and few medicines. Birds can be fun but they need someone around. S when they get lonely they get sick and die. Buy two or more and let the bird out of the cage often to enjoy their freedom. Set the bird free at the basement with doors and windows closed to let the kids enjoy with them

6. Chipmunks:

Chipmunks are the cutest of the lot and just seeing them do their daily activities is so much fun. All these low cost pets chipmunks ever need are nuts, almonds, walnuts, peanuts and more. Be careful about scratches when it comes to kids feeding chipmunks. Keep them in the cage for some time and set them free at other times. Once they get used to your family they won’t run away. They are extremely loyal just like dogs are but totally an inexpensive pet

7. Guinea Pig:

A little larger than the above pets, a guinea pig is the cutest pet for kids. So soft and so restless, a guinea pig can be seen constantly on the run for more things to bite and chew. They are quiet and don’t require a lot of attention just a few grains, carrots and some old hay and here they go. Guinea pigs can get obese so be careful that kids don’t overfeed them. They are least active thus fats keep accumulating under the skin and making them plump and chubby

8. Hamster:

Hamster are another cute pet offering for your little kids. They can be more costly than a guinea pig but low cost as compared to other popular pets like dogs and cats. They do best when they have a companion with them. They do need to visit the vet more often thus slightly higher in cost.

9. Chickens:

Chic can be super noisy and yet more pleasing than some other low cost pets for kids. Keeping a chicken is legal at your home, and you can save on eggs if they give ample each day. Chickens are very very cheap and their food is also inexpensive. Too easy to maintain and less pricey an option too

10. Hermit Crabs:

Hermit crabs are neat and clean. They don’t need much maintenance also, Just a regular feeding and they are easy to maintain. They generally don’t become pets at all so this may get frustrating for kids. They can be a simple 3-5 month keeper for your kids and if they like move on with other low maintenance and inexpensive pets.

The above compilation on Top 10 low maintenance pets for kids are to help you check these easier and fun options when looking out for a pet for younger kids. Owning a popular pet like dog or cat can be too demanding in terms of time, money and other resources. And to begin with its easy if you have these low cost pets and then when the kids grow big and more responsible you can up them with more of these

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