Brilliant Laundry Hacks You Might Have Never Known


With a full busy schedule each day, the time is given for laundry process might not be as efficient as expected. There are plenty of laundry hacks for busy moms that you must read through to make your life easy.

The laundry process can be very overwhelming. With kids in the house, your laundry bag might be drowning in the dirty clothes each day. Have you ever met your mother who said I love you doing laundry? I am sure you haven’t. Launchers are similar to the dishes which are one chore that is never-ending. It doesn’t matter how quickly you try to get your dirty clothes and then and cleaned up, there will be another pile always waiting to go through the same process of – sorting, washing, drying and folding.


How often do you do your laundry? I am sure you would have to do it at least once or twice a week or more than that. Unless you just try wearing new clothes daily!! It is indeed an endless vicious cycle. But what better, you can make it enjoyable and less boring process?

So what are these laundry hacks? Is that something that is going to help this task to be done easily? Indeed, the laundry hacks and cheat codes which would help you to finish these beloved chores easily. It helps you to save your time and energy more than ever.

DIY Laundry Hacks For Busy Moms:

Keep the socks off your kids simple:

Everybody likes colorful and patterned socks only until you do not have to search for matching pairs in the huge pile of clothes. Simplify this Nightmare by cutting down the hunt for socks pair. Either by alright or all black socks for your kids.

Do laundry only 3 days a week

You must set certain days for laundry task so that it doesn’t look like laundry is going all week long. Plan your days accordingly.

Do your laundry Inside Out:

A very important laundry hack with their when you store your cloth inside the washing machine, turn the clothes inside out. Isn’t that simple because kids are used to peeling off their clothes from the body Inside Out and throw them as it is? All you need to do is to pick them up and put it into the washing machine. Do not scold your children for this. In case your child is not used to removing their clothes Inside Out, simply remind them to do it when they take them off and put it to wash in the laundry bag. By washing the clothes Inside Out, you keep the sheen of the cloth intact.


Use vinegar:

There is a variety of uses for vinegar in the laundry including odor remover, and fabric softener. Instead of buying these products from the store you can use something which is already present as a natural ingredient in your kitchen. Especially the musty smell in the towels can be removed with the help of 2 cups of vinegar added to towel load every other month to give them fresh. It also helps in removing sweat stains from t-shirts.

Use the ball of Aluminum foil:

Save your money by instead of buying dryer sheets, for your laundry, you could use a balled of aluminum foil and put it in the machine with the clothes together.

White talk to remove grease stains:

Instead of buying grease stain removal from Store, try using white Chalk to rub over the grease stain on the clothes. The Chowk absorbs the grease and then you can further wash it as usual.

Stain remover recipe:

Instead of having different stain removing liquid for different types of stain, you could just have one miraculous stain removing recipe. Using one tablespoon of dawn dish soap, one cup of hydrogen peroxide and a half cup of water. Mix these together and apply it on the stain, let it sit for a while before you can rub and watch as usual.

Wash your filthy dirty baseball cap:

Put your hat in a leak-proof large container like Tupperware container Add one teaspoon of detergent. Fill it with warm water until the hat is covered half away. As you shake, it builds up heat pressure from the water temperature. Hence it is important to take a leak proof such that the water does not spill off and leave a mess. Close the lid and shake it rigorously. You will notice the dirt and grime come into the water and make it turn brown. Soon the dirt from the will be out and it will be ready for drying and leave.


Dry the clothes instantly:

This is also a hack to speed up drying time in the dryer:  A simple laundry hacks for busy mums where drying cloth could be a big overhead task to do. Not only that, but dryers are also used energy suckers and you must think about ways to cut down on your drying time overall drastically. A simple laundry hack could be to throw a towel with your clothes. If you need any item to dry instantly, put it in the dryer with the highest setting and dry bath towel with it. The clothes dry sooner in this case when there is a fluffy dry towel along with the other load. You might also want to make sure the lint trap is clean and make a point to clean and after every wash.

Use cold water to wash away blood stains:

Blood stains can be difficult to wash from clothes. Especially for kids, who get hurt very easily while playing outdoor, blood stain is a very common stain and the clothes which are very difficult to remove. The trick is to pretreat the cloth with stain remover or regular laundry detergent can be used right away. However, you must always wash it in cold water. There should not be any need for fancy products are expensive scrubbing for this stain.

How to keep whites white:

I have seen a lot of people struggle with white clothing. People dither to buy white clothes especially because it is very difficult to maintain and watch them to keep them sparkling all the time. But you do not have to worry anymore. What does laundry hacks for busy moms, you can keep your whites as bright as possible by deleting them, Sun drying them, or you could also boil them with freshly sliced lime together?


Stretch your fabric softener by ten folds:

You can use brightly colored sponge and a big bottle of fabric softener to make the reusable dryer tabs. It is a very efficient way to use the fabric softener such that you save a lot of it for your future laundry. You can cut a sponge into strips and soak them in the fabrics softener. Wring them out and drop one into the wash each time. The store then enough then next to your dryer such that you can use them. You will not require a lot of softener in this case; only a fraction of the software is required for your clothes to smell fresh.

Use a dryer eraser and marker:

Do you tend to forget what are the items put in the dryer? You can use a dry erase marker and write reminders for yourself on the lid of the machine to read. Add a magnet to the marker and keep it on the machine for such use.

Sorting basket:

During the summer especially, as the clothes can get dirty very easily with sweat, you must use sorting baskets. Sort the whites, towels, grey and colors, etc. as per your need. The saves a lot of time at the time of laundry if the clothes of sorted beforehand.


Put clothespin:

It is a great idea to put a clothespin on items that need special treatment or requires to be handled gently for a wash. Even though there is a pain that you have to treat, the best is to print directly on the soiled area so that you do not miss it while washing.

Used Tennis balls in the dryer:

Weird right? But when you run out of dryer sheets, would you be more frustrated? Henceforth do not be, because you could use Tennis balls in the dryer that keeps your clothes fluffy and static free. We also spoke about another idea of aluminum foil balls that could be used too.

Put socks in a mesh bag:

Not every time that you could buy just black or white Sox such that you would not have to pair. In case you love to buy color socks with patterns, to avoid getting the socks pair lost, and easy laundry hack would be produced a mesh bag and put the socks in them when you toss it into the machine. These ways they always stay together.

Avoid creases from drying rack:

When you use a drying rack, you would be frustrated after your cloth dried when you remove it, especially with a wrinkle right at the place where you had hung it. You can simply avoid it with the easy hack. All you need to do is buy a cheap Pool noodle from the Dollar Store and split it in a way such that you can put that over the rack so that you close to not dry with a crease.


Used the space between your washer and dryer:

A brilliant hack where the storage cart can sit in the unused space between the washer and dryer. Nowadays, most of the washing machine or automatic and do not have a separate cabinet for the dryer. But the ones which do have the separated one, the stage can be utilized properly.

Have your kids involved:

The kids do not develop a perspective about laundry until and unless you speak about it to them. Make sure you do not pass on a negative impression about this either. Let your kids also get involved during the laundry time with you such that then learn to do it independently after a few times. Teacher your kid how to do laundry and you will be set for life.

Do not waste time ironing:

Who has time enough to waste in ironing the clothes? And more than anything you surely do not even want to wear crumbled ones to your workplace or to run the errands. The best way to have the clothes after divorce wanted to put them straight from the dryer onto hunger and let it dry. So you will forget about the iron.


Add a shelf below your washer:

While you try to collect your dirty clothes in a laundry bag and then bring it to wash, there is a way easier method that you could you use. Organize your laundry room with basket systems that the family can use to separate their clothes for a wash. Adding the shelf right below the washer and dryer for the basket of clothes is a brilliant idea for the ones to be waiting to get washed.

Paint and stencils:

There is no point in buying a new washing machine just because the older one has gone out of Style. Simply use some stencils and colors to liven up your laundry room. Using crib spring sittings, you could simply free up space in your laundry room and make an overhead drying rack with ease.

Check pockets:

Always have a habit to check the pockets before you put anything to wash. A lot many times we forget and keep money or tissue paper in the pocket which could save us from a big disaster post washing.


A great drying tip:

Give each piece of clothing that you put for washing a good shape before you hand them or put them in the dryer. This helps in reducing the number of wrinkles and make sure that the cloth is not folded back on itself and dries completely.

Brighten it up with pepper:

Sounds suspicious, doesn’t it? But when you try it you would believe it. Add a teaspoon of black pepper in your load of bright colors which keeps them bright by preventing color bleeding from the fabric. And do not worry; your laundry should not smell like a Spice rack. It gets rinsed it out completely leaving fresh bright clothes.

Air dry your clothes:

Your clothes would last longer when they tend to dry in the air naturally. Especially search items which tend to shrink, like a t-shirt, jeans or sweater, sweaters must be taking good care of while washing. The one that takes longer to dry I get smaller when you toss them in the dryer.

Save the lint:

Add a bag of a container into your laundry room to collect all the lint. Are you thinking why would you even want to collect those? Well, this lint makes a great terrific firestarter.

Have a pen to collect the items:

Without fail for each laundry you must collect the coins, Legos, cars that get washed up. Have a container above the washing machine to collect all such old bits. Call someone cannot find something that they are looking for, they can always come back to check the bin.

Ice cubes for wrinkles:

Odd but true. Do not pull out your iron and board every time just for one wrinkle shirt. Toss it in the dryer instead and add a dryer sheet along with ice cubes for just a few minutes. The result of this would be a smooth and great smelling shirt.

Wash tennis shoes or sneakers without banging:

A simple have to wash tennis shoes then washing machine would be to tie the laces together and shut the dryer door with them in it. There would be no more banging of shoes.


Cardboard easy cloth folder for kids:



A simple cardboard folding helper makes it easy for the kids as well to fold the clothes by themselves. A very simple method to make this following the steps above in the image.

Baby shampoo and towel to unshrink clothes:

Soak the shrunken piece of cloth in lukewarm water and at some baby shampoo. It helps in relaxing the fibers of the cloth and gently stretches.

Wash your clothes at the right temperature:

Many of the detergents that you buy from the stores outside expect you to watch them at a certain temperature. It may sound obvious but not all the detergent work in cold water. Double check before you set your machine to wash these clothes.

Want to save your sweaters from stretching?

Simply dry your sweaters in shape by putting them flat instead of using the hanger. This helps in keeping your sweaters in shape.

Clean your washing machine regularly:

It is important that you are washing machine cleans the clothes, but that cannot be possible unless and until the washing machine itself is clean. There are various top load and front load washers for the washing machine that you must use regularly and keep your washing machine healthy.