Is it difficult for your kids to focus on the task?“Can’t you just stop fidgeting and finish your homework? This questions you must be asking your kids few a dozen times in a day!! I can understand how must be difficult sisution for your to carry out this part in your kids.
Generally in kids, it is difficult to focus for more than a few moments at a time span on any single task. It is quite natural, due to their curiosity, exuberance and energy level. But moreover concentration is essential for studying, doing homework and for the completion of any task by the kids.
In this article you will get all the ways or tips to improve child concentration. (R)So just go trough the article in details.
Why It Is Important To Improve Your Child Concentration?
Concentration is the raw ingredient that gets stuff done by the kids as well as the adults. Being able to concentrate is far from straightforward than anything. It is an elusive quality that is hard to conjure at will even for adults who are more self-aware and have access to fresh coffee.
Concentration is even harder for children, but it is important and there are some things we as parents can do to help them in dealing with the task to do in a better manner. It is important for your child to focus, not only to improve academically but also to ensure personal growth and development.
Tips To Improve Child Concentration:
Adults can improve their level of concentration with special exercise, (R) but it is difficult for kids as you have to implement different strategies.
These ways will teach the child certain habits and rules that would make it easier to focus and be less restless, while doing homework or carrying out tasks in order to improve concentration in child.
1. Break Down The Bigger Task:

A big task requires a lot of level of concentration and discipline, so it would work great if you divide the bigger task into smaller tasks. This could be applied to homework, housework and learning new skills for the kids.
Doing small work which leads to the completion of a major work, will give the feeling of progress and movement for the kids in order to make it easier to focus.
A big task will require time, dedication and focus. Sometimes it might seem to intimate and overwhelming for the kids. It can be awakened reluctance to tackle. A small task seems easier to carry through and there is less resistance for the kids.
2. Minimize Distractions:

Unless the kids are engaged in something that really they like, children might find it difficult to screen out distractions. So you have to give your child the right ambience to concentrate without any distraction.
If the child is doing some kind of activity, then do not sit near them and talk to somebody or watch the television while they are studying or doing any kind of activity.
Being a parent do set an example for your child and have a ‘quiet time’ when you read a book or do an activity while your child is studying. That is the way which will encourage them to do their work better.
3. Reduce Screen Time:

It is not a good idea to watch TV while doing homework, since this distracts the attention. Text messages and emails also interrupt the concentration. It is recommended not to read text messages or use cell phones, while studying and doing homework.
4. Routine Is Key:

Setting a routine and ensuring that the kids should stick to it. It helps your child focus better and improves the concentration in kids. This leads to the overall development and enhances the child’s performance, by making studying a regular part of their routine.
This will also help them to become well rounded, focussed individuals, in the long run of their life. Exercising for children is important during the exam period.
The child needs to do to make time to take a walk, or take a run or a jog. Not only it is going to make their body physically stronger but also reduce the chances of them falling sick. An active human body will help in strengthening your child’s immune system also. it will improve the child concentration exercise.
5. Set A Goal:

This is another way to improves concentration in a child by setting the time for completing a goal, such as ten minutes, twenty minutes, etc. This will force the kid to focus, in order to finish the goal within the time limits.
Divide their study time into various categories by preparing a timetable for all their activities such as play time, study time, hobby time, etc.Reward them with token gifts when they finish all the tasks in a week or a month with the targeted goal.this will encourage them.
However, you should be very careful with this, since in some kids might find setting time limits too pressurizing, and this could cause them anxiety and disturb their focus.
6. Pay Attention To The Diet:

You are always concerned about what your children are eating being a parent. But not everyone knows that nutrition has a lot to do with your child’s concentration levels.
If you want your child to focus better and improves the level of concentration, then make sure that the kids eat better and have a proper nutrition value. Micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, iron, copper and Vitamins A, C, D, E are known to be important for cognitive functions of kids. Health food drinks such as Horlicks contains these micronutrients. Giving two cups of Horlicks with regular diet to your child would help to fill this nutritional gap and make your child sharper
7. Go The Non-Academic Way:

To truly focus on concentration, your child needs to learn to how to pay attention to non-academic activities, as well. These elements is too much important to increase child concentration.
Try using the help of puzzles and riddles in their free time. Puzzles helps to the goal result oriented and in building problem solving skills of the kids. This will turn in building a result oriented approach to studies.
But only do this in the spare time or as a family activity, as doing puzzles right after studies can be mentally exhausting.
8. Leave Room For Entertainment:

There is a saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Studying without breaks can leave your child feeling bored and tired and that may results in poor concentration. Make sure that the child has enough playtime that will increase energy levels.
Certain sports such as football will keep the child to build focus and inculcate the virtue of sportsmanship in them. Thus, the only way to get your child to focus more and perform better, is doing some form of physical activity.
This will work as a reward and a way to refresh them from studies. Sports is a way to release stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety, in turn, can act as deterrents to concentration, and hence performance in academics. Periodic release of stress can help bring about a positive outlook in general which will help in boosting confidence and focus.
9. Give Daily Responsibility:

Simple daily tasks that require order can help to improve concentration in kids. Depending on your child’s age, hand out and responsibilities like setting the table, making a sandwich with you, sorting the cupboard and the like on help a lot as a tip to increase concentration in a child.
If you have a collection of books, then ask your kid to sort them in alphabetical order. Change the tasks on a regular basis so that your child does not lose interest and will understand the daily responsibility.
10. Play Games That Requires Focus:

You can train and strengthen a child’s ability to focus or improve the level of concentration by playing games that require thinking. There are a lot of such games, which you can find in stores selling games for children.
Playing such games require focusing, planning and the use of memory combine fun with concentration level.
Activities To Improve Concentration In Kids:
1. Puzzles – Picture and words
A puzzle is a fantastic tool that works great for improving concentration in kids.
Picture Puzzle
You will need:
- A picture puzzle board game
How to Play:
- Give the child a pieces of picture puzzles
- Ask them to sort out the pieces to complete the picture
- They have to find what’s missing and then place it in the appropriate place
Word Puzzle
You will need:
- A word puzzle board game
How to play:
- Give your child to form as many words they can from the letters in the puzzle board game.
- Give them hints for each word, if they want.
- Puzzles keep a child engaged for a long time as they get involved in putting the pieces together or finding the words.
2. Statue:
This game helps the child to learn how to stick to the same place and not get bored with it.
You will Need:
- A music system, or
- play music on your phone
How to Play:
- Play the music
- Ask your kid to dance or play a character with the music.
- Stop the music and say “Statue”
- The child has to hold the exact position they are in at that movement.
- Freeze them for after 20-30 seconds and say “Release”
- Once you say “release” they can move and change their posture
3. Missing Numbers:
- It enhances the concentration and numerical ability of kids.
How to play:
- Start counting numbers in a sequence and miss out one purposefully
- Ask your child to shout out and tell you what you missed
- Let’s say, “8, 9, 10, 12”. In this case, your child should shout “11”
- Increase the level of difficulty slowly
4. Beat the Clock:
Children are generally competitive by nature and love winning. This game increases its bandwidth to perform well and concentrate.
You will need:
- A stopwatch
- Things like toys, shoes, books, school bag, etc. It depends on the activity you choose.
How to Play:
- Give any easy activity like putting their toys back into the box, keeping shoes in the right place, arranging books in the school bag
- Set up a timer — be realistic with that
- Ask them to finish the task before the time runs out
- This will make them work with improved attention.
5. Just a Minute:
Never undervalue the importance of small activities or games. Lots can be done in a minute, and that’s what you want to teach your child.
You will need:
- A watch
How to play:
- Scatter around 20 balls in the room
- Let your child pick up as many balls as they can in a minute.
- Start the timer and stop it after a minute
- Let your kid count how many they have collected
“How many words can you write in a minute?” “How many things can you put back in their place?” are different ways of playing the game. You can come up with new ideas for playing one-minute.
6. Dot Puzzles and Mazes:
Dot puzzles and mazes are so much fun that your child can do them for hours.
You will Need:
- A dot puzzle board. Alternatively, print a free dot puzzle from the internet
How to play:
- Give your child a dot picture and ask them to join the dots
- Let them use their imagination to connect the dots
- The game ends when they finish the dots and make the picture complete
7. Three cups
This game makes the child focus on the cups as you manipulate them.
You will need:
- Three cups
- One coin
How to play:
- Place the three cups upside-down
- Place a coin under one cup while your child watches
- Rapidly switch the cups and ask your child to tell under which cup the coin is.
Hope you have got to have plenty of information on the various strategies to improve the child concentration. Try out these activities to improves the concentration in kids.