Life is usually very demanding and sometimes, somewhere between work and family, you just do not find time for yourself. We have had a lot of people asking “tips on workout for stay at home moms”. Here’s a good news for you: we have some great tricks that will make it better for you and help you to be a fit mom. A sigh of relief? Yeah, we can totally understand it.
As a mother, you are a born multi-taskers – do everything from normal household daily work to prepare school lunch box, packing it for your kids, making perfect ponytails, find their missing shoes and shuttling your child to school etc. all before 9 a.m! (And there are still million things to do before and after that). Finding time for yourself in between the crazy house and family routine gets too challenging for a woman.
So, exactly! When are we supposed to fit in an exercise routine in here? No wonder why so many women usually struggle with their weight. No doubt, to go to gym again fetching time from the schedule has its own tantrums – change into your workout clothes, drive to gym, slog and sweat like a pig, torture yourself with the monstrous devices, drive back home again to realize the kids are back and you have another set of task pending to be done before retiring for the day. No wonder, women decide that staying fat isn’t too bad.
Great Tips on Workouts for Stay at Home Moms
1. Prioritize:
Isn’t this the best word in the dictionary which makes your job easier? Indeed, lets practice first things first. A workout should be in the top bits of your list such that you try to target completing it in your first half such that you are not lazy by the end of the day. Do not consider workout as an extra item in your routine especially when you have something important. Strictly make it your priority and never replace it for any other task (be it anything). This is your time, and only for your betterment.
2. Do not negotiate with your routine or schedule:
Block your calendar for your workout such that there isn’t something or someone to disturb you. Workouts for moms do not have to be any particular time of the day. I prefer an afternoon time or an early morning time when there isn’t anyone else to disturb you. Let your partner know this and replace you for the other tasks you need for the kid. For example, if you have yoga sessions booked on the Thursdays, ask your partner to get the kids from school every Thursday.
3. Have a plan to sweat:
A 20-30 minutes daily workout really makes a difference. Do not think about the end result before you start. Keep doing the right things and you will see the difference yourself. Let me help you out with some basic “stay at home” easy and effective workout session
Start with a warm-up:
I. Jog in place for 2 minutes
II. 20 jumps in a place
III. Stretch your legs and arms
IV. Rotate hands clock-wise and anti-clockwise
V. Rotate your neck for a minute clockwise and anti-clockwise
VI. Bend your wrist, ankle and rotate in a circular motion.
- Squats: This is a very effective exercise to strengthen the core and abdomen muscle. Doing it properly by following instructions is vital to not impact the joints. You can do 2-3 sets of 20 each.
I. Distance your feet hip-width apart.
II. Bring your arms forward, parallel to the floor, hinge at the waist and sit back like you reach to sit on a chair but enough to just touch the seat and get up back straight lifting your chest and pushing your heels. Note that your knee should not move forward but only backward from the toes position while you are trying to sit.
- Push-ups: Another excellent home exercise for mom which has multipurpose to strengthen the arms, chest, back, and abs.
I. Kneel down, balance on your hands and knees first to start with.
II. Distance your hands wider than shoulder-distance. Knees behind your hips, curl your toes after your straighten your body.
III. Lift yourself up getting your hands straight Your body is now balancing on your palms and toes only.
IV. By bending your elbows and lower your chest and hip simultaneously to come down but not touch the surface. Come down until your elbow is 90-degree angle.
V. Push back again lifting your hand and chest with hips to the starting position.
- Triceps Dips: A brilliant workout for moms is to focus on the triceps (R).
I. Sit on the floor placing your hands on the floor behind your hips below your shoulders.
II. Bend your knee and place your feet under the knee and lift your body up. This is your start position.
III. Bend your elbow and lower your upper body along just before your hips touch the floor.
IV. Push your heels back to starting position by extending your arms.
Cool down by stretching your body again.
Variate your daily exercise with different sets of these exercises.
4. Do not worry about your workout outfit:
Wearing a printed bottoms or plain black? A t- shirt or a tank top? Don’t waste your time to change your clothes into your workout outfit. You can sleep in your workout clothes a night before if you want to start your exercise routine early next morning. Make it easier in all ways possible for yourself to avoid putting extra efforts.

5. Include your kids:
I personally find it very good to see mom’s working out with their kids. If your children are a little grown up, a workout can be considered as great bonding time as well. Run together with them. If you want to take them along to the park, let them play with kids while you complete your run/ walk target for the day.
6. Music class for them, exercise for you:
While kids go to music class or a dance class, why don’t you utilize the time for your fitness as well? While they are learning to paint, use the time to get some good jogging session or to a nearby gym or yoga session.
Fitting fitness into a busy schedule for a mom is hard but imagine the reward of being fit and healthy. When mommy’s happy and health, family has a better shot in following the traits too. Read more about the weight loss tips for women What are your tips and tricks to workout? Please write to us, we love to hear from you!