How Should You Talk To Your Kids: Everything They Must Know

How Should You Talk To Your Kids: Everything They Must Know

Advocating a child is not an easy thing to do – we all know it and might have faced it too. With all the parenting struggles we face, a lot many times we are bogged down. We miss the crucial conversations that we must have with our children. But if you are wondering “How should you talk to your child?”, tell you what, you are not the only one!

There are so many things that we want our children to learn, be it about not talking to strangers or tobacco is bad for kids and health! Kids are exposed to tobacco and drugs at a very early age and undoubtedly we all know that the risk of exposure is increasing in the younger kids. How do you think should you talk to your kids about it? How would you even get started?

A lot many times while you are up to something important whilst your kid would disturb you every second minute asking for snacks or water and seeking your attention via shrieks! Well, at this moment you are obvious to lose your temper, but if you shout, you fail your little one’s trust and if you ignore, they feel that they aren’t important. What should you do in such a case?
There are things that we have summed up for you here that will help you with the ways to talk such that your kids will listen.

1. Conversation starters:

Simply ask the kid how are you when you see them after school. If you haven’t spoken to your child, this is the right time to make the best of it. Give them complete attention when you are speaking to them instead of being distracted by cell phone or in the kitchen. Ask them what has been happening in school and what did you miss. Know how is your kid doing in general. Once you start and speak to your kid, you are basically giving a floor for your kid to speak what they have and begin the healthy discussion. This is an excellent way to help kids to express their emotions and you can connect to your little one by proactively starting the conversation.

Conversation starters

2. Show gratitude:

Being thankful to the people around is important. Teach your kids to show gratitude for the right things. We often tell our kids to say please and thank you but maybe, explaining them with an example and its importance might do the difference. As a parent, you must follow it as well and be ideal for your kid to learn such manners from you. Communication with your children must always have enough gratitude for them to learn and apply in their lives.

3. Bullying is bad:

Well not necessarily that your kid is a mischievous one to bully others, but as a teaching, it is good to let them know that this is not the right thing to do. Thanks to the media world today which has let bullying to a whole new level and kids have found various ways to bully others. Online harassment has increased like never before and it is the onus of parents to give a proper upbringing to their kids to learn the right thing and not indulge in such practices. How many times have we observed kids trying to bully the younger ones on a playground! And in turn, the one bullied is tormented. This is a very important conversation to have with children to help them grow into a good sensible individual.

4. Smoking Kills:

As your kid grows up, they are bound to see and learn all the “things” that they aren’t supposed to! But you can’t stop it, can you? Be open to your kids whether or not they are involved in any such action. As a preventive measure, counsel your kids about tobacco and its harm. Tell them it is dangerous and kills. In case your kid is into something of this sort and you catch hold of them, do not snap at them in front of their friends. Take it easy and speak to them when they are back home. They might rebel in the beginning but stick to your teachings and help them to stomp out any temptation with all the support you can give. You must know the ways to talk to your kids will listen to you rather than rebelling.

Smoking Kills

5. Drinking and Drugs:

Yes, your kid might be attracted to all these and would want to prove that they are grown-ups by starting to drink and sniff the drugs in your absence. Whether or not you know about their deeds, as a parent it is good to speak to them. Teens especially are tempted to drink and drug. Talk to your kids about it and warn them of the dangerous items around. Ask them not to fall for it even if their friends offer. Teach them how dangerous is drink and drive, and how many accidents happen due to the same reason. Also, talk about addiction and how bad it goes. Ask them to stop before it goes out of limit or control. Teach them to control their temptation and set good examples yourself by avoiding any of it in front of them!

6. Healthy Living:

Talk to your kids about joys of life and why is it important to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Yes, it could be boring and annoying to brush the teeth before going to bed – but do they know why we ask them to? On a longer run, these habits turn into their routine and it doesn’t bother them anymore. Tell them to indulge in the nutritious meal and take care of their body and hygiene. After all, what is life without health?!

Healthy Living

7. Know your kid’s friends too:

It is good to meet your kid’s friends and talk, interact with them. Make sure they are not into some wrong company. Check your kid’s mobile phone regularly to be sure they do not stray from a good and healthy life. Encourage kids to have outings together and ask them to make more friends and interact and learn from all.

8. Teach your kid that fantasy world doesn’t exist:

We aren’t asking you to pop their bubble of hope and dream but it is good to let them know that what every they watch in TV and movies – there is a lot of difference in the real world and the film world. The more they know and realize this, the more they are sensitive to the learning from TV. You must know how to get children to listen to you.

9. Talk about what is inappropriate touch:

Be it a girl or a boy, we know that kids are the most vulnerable ones in society. It is very easy to take advantage of a kid’s innocence. Child sexual abuse has been increasing ever since and we, as a parent must teach them how to protect themselves. Talk to your child about not undressing or allowing anyone to touch them in their private areas. Tell them about their private area and why they are called “private”. Kids should always be told that no matter what, they must always come to you and let you know if any of such incidences happen. They must feel comfortable and trust you – and for this to happen you have to take a step to speak to them.

10. Talk about sex:

If you are wondering how to communicate with your child about sex, we agree this is a very uncomfortable topic to discuss with kids. But also very important. No parent wants to risk their kids having babies early in their lives for a silly mistake of theirs which caused a blunder and that they had no clue about! It is a parent’s onus to discuss and educate them about the various things in life they may be curious about. Sex is one of the most important topics you must discuss with your kids and provide age-appropriate information. Do not load them with extra information at a very young age – they might not understand. Open the door for conversation and also speak to them about puberty.