How to Stop Kids From Wetting the Bed

How to stop kids from wetting the bed

Bed-wetting is a psychological as well as physiological issue. Most children between the age of 5 and 10 still suffer from bed-wetting and it’s not because they are ill or ignorant all the time. More than anything else the children are under severe mental stress about hiding it from their friends. Their sleepover and other night events with friends get a lot more critical and they are constantly worried about keeping this a secret.

Nocturnal enuresis or nighttime incontinence is the medical term for bed-wetting, is the involuntary urination in bed after age 5. Around 20% of kids suffer from bed-wetting and there are some severe psychological impacts too. Some kids are not even awake after pissing in bed as their brain reflexes are not yet developed to control the bladder.

How Prominent is Bed-Wetting:

Bed-wetting is prevalent among kids until even the past 17 years. Around 2% of the teens 18 and above face bed-wetting, 4% between age 14-18, 8% age 10-14 and 25% between age 2-4 suffer from bed-wetting. And it is one of the most frustrating disorders or delays of milestones in childhood.

Gender Factor:

Boys in their early age are known to suffer more from bed-wetting than girls. Since boys are delayed on potty training too, facts and data show around 2/3rd of the cases of enuresis are boys until age 18 or more. It is believed that girl mature faster than boy in their early ages but this cycle changes at post adult stage when women suffer more from incontinence than boys.

How prominent is bed-wetting

Causes of Bed-Wetting in Kids:

While there are no scientific reasons for bed-wetting but some causes which may cause enuresis in kids are:

  1. Genetics: More than 75% of the cases of bed-wetting in kids were related to being one or both the parents were bed-wetters in childhood. It runs in the family if a parent or both the parents wet the bed in their childhood, the kids are at higher chances of suffering the same
  2. Small bladder: Some kids have a very small bladder size since this small bladder is not developed fully yet, it can not hold urine at night
  1. Brain functions not matured yet: Since the nerves that control the bladder are slow in maturing for some kids, their reflexes are not strong or not present at all to wake the child up during the night
  2. Hormonal imbalance: Some kids suffer a hormonal imbalance in early ages like their ADH or antidiuretic hormone is not produced in normal quantities which results in bed-wetting
  3. Stress: Some time changes in life at school or at home, which are big enough for the child to be psychologically affected. Like having a sibling, change of school, family members went away, parents separated and other causes which are related to more urine production at night and thus bed-wetting too
  4. Unusually deep sleep: Around 97% of parents say the kids who bed-wet are deep sleepers and even if they try to drag them to the toilet they are mostly asleep
  5. Dribbling all through the day: Kids with bed-wetting issues at night are mostly suffering from drops of urine discharges all through the day.
  6. UTI: Urinary tract infections are very common in kids, especially who are potty training and not able to yet learn it well. These infections make it difficult to hold urine at night by the kids, in addition to bed-wetting, they can also have pink or red urine, pain in the area and more
  7. Sleep imbalance: Many children suffer from sleep apnea or other sleep disorders which trigger bed-wetting and other issues. In sleep apnea, kids breathing is disrupted by some obstruction which causes them to be drowsy and bed-wet
  8. Chronic constipation: Same muscles control urine and bowel movements and if there is some constipation, these muscles get dysfunctional and cause bed-wetting.
  9. Diabetes: For children who suddenly start bed-wetting at age 6 or 7 this can be the first sign of diabetes, in addition to thirst, a large amount of urine, fatigue and weight loss
  10. Problems of urinary tract or nervous system: Improper or poorly developed urinary tracts and issues with the nervous system can also cause bed-wetting.

Problems of urinary tract or nervous system

How to Stop Bed-Wetting in Kids:

Bed-wetting is not intentional, this is the first point every parent facing this issue must learn. Don’t blame your kids as they may not even be prepared for this milestone yet. Its more about the causes and remedies than about habits here. So be patient and fix it with methods which are not causing any psychological harm to the child. Some ways to stop bed-wetting in kids are:

  1. Free your mind from misconceptions: Bed-wetting is not because of laziness or spite, which is by far the biggest misconception. Do not put the entire blame on your child, rather be supportive in finding the causes why the issue prevails
  2. Get your child diagnosed for medical conditions: Constipation, diabetes, UTI and other nervous or hormonal issues may be the cause for enuresis. Seek proper medical intervention and find the root cause
  3. Stop punishing your kid: Punishing your kid will scare them further and thus exaggerating the problem even more. Support them and be their friend in this phase. Don’t let them feel any inferior and tell them they are not the only ones. Other kids also suffer and you both together can overcome it
  4. Encourage more and more open interaction: Talk to your kids in an easy and fun environment and learn why they believe bed-wetting happened. Let them share their story and be a guide for them
  5. Shift drinking before bed: Don’t let your kids drink too many liquids before bedtime. Increase the fluid intake at least 3-4 hours before bed and keep the next few hours dry so that they don’t have oo many fluids in their body when asleep
  6. Set up a urination schedule: Put up a urination schedule for your child. And let them also participate along with you to keep up with it
  7. Reward them: Keep rewarding them when they comply with the schedule this will help them stay relaxed and prepared for the resolution
  8. Avoid them from getting too much thirsty: Send water along with them wherever they go to keep them hydrated all day rather than quenching their thirst later in the day when they come home.
  9. Avoid bladder stimulants: Caffeine, juice, and sweeteners as they cause bladder irritation. Cocoa, chocolate milk and ice cream contain caffeine, citrus juices and sugary fluids also cause bladder irritability
  10. Check if constipation is the cause: Since the urinary bladder is just around the rectum, constipation may put a lot of pressure on their urinary bladder and cause bed-wetting. This needs to be cured first

Bed-wetting treatments

Bed-Wetting Treatments:

There are several treatments for bed-wetting in kids, check with your pediatrician for your child.

  1. Try bed-wetting alarms: Bed-wetting alarms are specifically designed to buzz when the first drop of urine falls on them. There are battery operated buzzers, wireless buzzers and bell, and pad type. They are connected to the body and sound when coming in contact with the first drop of urine.
  2. Medications: An antidiuretic hormone medication is prescribed for enuresis. There may be some side effects with them too
  3. Alternative medications: Homeopathy, acupuncture, acupressure, hypnosis and others are used for their hassle-free treatments. They have had successful outcomes and have had no side effects in kids
  4. Behavioral treatment: Behavioral mechanism is the most popular and successful method for teaching the child control over incontinence. The learnings are so practical and enriching that the child comes out more self-confident.

Home Remedies for Bed-Wetting:

While the above treatments and medications may have side effects and show relapse as soon as these are stopped, there are some home remedies which is wonderful and without any side effects.

  1. Massage for bed-wetting issues: Using warm olive oil for lower abdomen massage just before bedtime is a good cure for treating bed-wetting at home. Repeat every day
  2. Cranberry juice: Cranberry juice is great for urinary tract enrichment. It is good for kids with bed-wetting problems. Give a cup of cranberry juice an hour before bedtime and don’t let them eat anything post this
  3. Walnut and raisins: Walnut are great for reducing frequency of bed-wetting. They are dry and they enrich bladder control too. Just give 4 walnuts and 4 raising before going to bed. Repeat every night
  4. Cinnamon:  Cinnamon is a rich herb with keeps our body warm. Sprinkle cinnamon powder on toast or let kids chew on cinnamon stick everyday.
  5. Honey: Honey is a natural humectants and has rich health and skin benefits too. Give one teaspoon of raw honey before bed
  6. Apple cider vinegar: ACV is good for balancing the body’s pH level. It helps in body detox and also treats constipation too
  7. Banana: Banana is rich in vitamins and mineral, give your kid one banana in the evening to cure bed-wetting
  8. Fennel seeds: Give a small spoon full of fennel seeds powder mixed in warm milk

When do Kids Stop Wetting the Bed:

While there is not age for bed-wetting to stop in kids. But over 60-70% of kids stop bed-wetting by age 6. Kids may abruptly stop bed-wetting or may have occasional accidents too. If you are worried about when should my kid stop wetting the bed, start using home remedies or treatments and be their friend in this difficult time. Just remember no kid passes out of high school in diapers, and eventually, your child will also get full bowel control at night too.

The above compilation on How to stop kids from wetting the bed is to help parents to get over with some of the misconceptions around enuresis.

The kids are not being ignorant or naughty but its more than just the blame game. Find the root cause and start discussing with your pediatrician for more causes and remedies.

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